View Full Version : Bloomberg's latest firearm foolishness

07-25-2012, 05:17 AM
NY Mayor Bloomberg thinks perhaps the police should go on strike until the poplulation willingly gives up it's guns to restore law and order. I know this sounds like a joke but you can read the details here:

In his twisted thinking he suggests the if the police go on strike that anarchy will ensue and people will gladly give up their 2nd admendment rights to restore law and order. Maybe in NY, DC, Chicago, and other cities that routinely deny the average citizen the right to defend themselves, but anyplace with CC laws, I think will make out just fine, if not better. No more having to call the cops to investigate an SD shooting, that would be a CC permit holders dream. No more worry about criminal and civil suits since the cops would be on strike and not available to investigate SD incidents. Go for it you imbecile. How did the people of New York become so willing to elect people like him, and Rev. Al, and Chucky Schumer? Must be something in the water that erodes common sense.

Longitude Zero
07-25-2012, 07:09 AM
Mayor Doomturd needs to assume room temperature post haste.

07-25-2012, 07:11 AM

07-25-2012, 09:46 AM
As much as I hate to admitt this, I was born in northern New Jersey but liked most of my life, growing up in the suburbs of New York out on Long Island. I went to college down in Tampa, Florida befor entering the service. I am however proud to say that I haven't even visited for almost twenty years. I simply cannot tolerate those liberal a-holes, not even long enough for a visit. I consider myself a Southerner and proud of it! Mayor Bloomburg is an jackass of the first order. Most around here call him nanny bloomburg.

He is a self rightcious, elitest of the first order and needs to go away. I can't see how my parents, brother and sister put up with this crap is beyond me.

As far as I'm concerned he can go and kiss my rebel ass! If he wants the guns I say "Come and Take them"

Chief Joseph
07-25-2012, 10:02 AM
Maybe the public should go on strike until all police are disarmed.

les strat
07-25-2012, 11:23 AM
He can run his mouth all day long, but criminals are still going to have guns. They don't go on strike. He's an idiot that lives in a bubble.

07-25-2012, 02:51 PM
I for one think he should try it...

Then run for re-election!

By-By Mikey, he would look good riding out of NY-NY in tar & feathers.

07-26-2012, 07:47 AM
Typical comment from a liberal who feels rather than thinks. Aside from the fact that it is against the law for safety forces to go on strike in N.Y., Bloomberg was calling for anarchy. He's probably in close contact with of the Occupy movement. Besides, if the police went on strike think of all the donut shops that would go into bankruptcy. Bad for the economy. Bad for Obama.

07-26-2012, 09:53 AM
Hows This? There has been a Huge rash of shootings/Killings in NYC recently and they have one of the strictest gun laws in the land......So much for gun control legislation- Criminals don't give a SH*T! He's too stupid to get that!

07-26-2012, 09:54 AM
Oh he's getting Blasted on the radio talk shows everyday! Along with his proposed drink ban (No larger than 8 oz servings)
New Yorkers push back!