View Full Version : The Dark Knight Movie Massacre & Why I Carry a Gun Everywhere I Go

07-25-2012, 09:05 AM
This is an article by Doug Giles at CLASHDAILY.com.

Sounds like he thinks a bit like Jocko. :behindsofa:

I think as time goes on and the threat of violence increases, even in laid back little towns like mine, I will be carrying all the time, too.


I would venture to guess that the folks filing in to see the latest Batman installment in Aurora, Colorado last Thursday evening didn’t figure on over 70 of them getting shot before the credits rolled. The last count I received before filing this column was 12 dead and 59 wounded.

As the news starting pouring in about what happened in the theater this week when Satan’s spawn James Holmes donned Kevlar and a small battery of weapons and opened fire on an unsuspecting crowd, I kept thinking, “One fast-thinking and trained person who was armed/licensed with a concealed weapon could have stopped that SOB right in his tracks before the body count skyrocketed.”

Yep, the armed citizen could have either killed him, sent him running for cover, or at least diverted his fire away from the masses and toward their person. Some readers, no doubt, are saying, “Well that would be stupid. What if that citizen got shot trying to protect others?” To that I reply: Well, Dinky, if they would have been shot and killed at least they would have died a hero. Have you ever heard of the term “hero”?

The Aurora Dark Knight Massacre is exactly why I carry at least one gun everywhere I go—because crap always happens when you least expect it. That’s why, as responsible citizens and gun owners, we must always be ready and must always expect it because when it happens, it happens fast; if you’re not ready, you and others are screwed.

For instance, it’s a beautiful and quiet day on Miami Beach this morning. I’m drinking my coffee at an outdoor cafe, minding my own business while I work on this column and on my website. I don’t see any bath salt zombies on the prowl. There are no Trench Coat Mafia wannabes lurking around. There is no real foreseeable reason to carry a weapon. But I am. The reason? Well, I’m not omniscient. I’m just a dumb clunk living in a jacked-up world where med school students go bat crap crazy and shoot up normally peaceful places for inexplicable reasons. Therefore, I’m locked, cocked and ready to rock should some demented dill weed decide to strafe the local patrons sipping a cup of Joe.

For those who say, “Doug’s insane with all this concealed weapons crap. We should leave such affairs to the police,” allow me to point out that the theater was crawling with cops for the Batman opening to control the crowds. By the time the police got to the particular theater, it was all over. Blood was already running down the aisles and the gunman had already left the building. You, my friend, are your first responder … your first line of defense.

Look, stuff happens when and where you don’t think it’ll happen. My recommendation to you, the good citizen, is to get equipped with a gun—a fire-breathing dragon of a weapon. Get proficient with it. Make it like a cell phone: an additional appendage to your body. And then pray that you’ll never have to use it.

However, should you be in line at the grocery store, or at Chili’s eating a burger, or at a park playing football with your homies, and some James Holmes wannabe shows up carting an arsenal and quoting Kafka as he shoots kids … you’ll be ready. Simply find cover if you can, draw your weapon, take a fine bead, and double tap the center mass of the murderous jackass. Should he or she have a bulletproof vest on then pull your sight picture up to the perp’s noggin and shoot him or her in the head; it’ll explode like a watermelon. You’ll feel bad for a nanosecond. But then the cops and families will show up and thank you for putting Jack the Ripper down. The end.

07-25-2012, 09:14 AM
Another good RKBA article on the same site.

07-25-2012, 12:10 PM
Has it been determined yet that there were no armed citizens in the theater?

I've been told there were 2 armed people in the crowd at the Tuscon AZ shooting who didn't draw their weapons because a: they could have been mistaken for perps themselves and been shot, b: there were so many people milling around they had no way of knowing they wouldn't shoot an innocent, c: there was so much commotion they didn't know who to shoot at, d: it was over in a few seconds.

07-25-2012, 03:09 PM
Has it been determined yet that there were no armed citizens in the theater?

I've been told there were 2 armed people in the crowd at the Tuscon AZ shooting who didn't draw their weapons because a: they could have been mistaken for perps themselves and been shot, b: there were so many people milling around they had no way of knowing they wouldn't shoot an innocent, c: there was so much commotion they didn't know who to shoot at, d: it was over in a few seconds.

Yeah, we armchair Q'backs can only guess. There were some heros there. I heard of three men who died shielding their g'friends/mates from being shot. Others acted quickly and prudently to aid injured friends, staunch blood flow, hide them.

The one most conclusive thing we must take out of this is that no amount of additional gun laws and restrictions on law abiding citizens could have prevented this. The man was clean, didn't raise any alarms. God help the families who lost loved ones, and those who are recovering from injury. But we have to remember history and the mass killings of unarmed citizens by totalitarian regimes that have happened over and over again sometime after the citizenry have been disarmed. Make no mistake. That is where our unwitting leftist gun-hater types would lead us.

07-25-2012, 05:06 PM
Has it been determined yet that there were no armed citizens in the theater?

I've been told there were 2 armed people in the crowd at the Tuscon AZ shooting who didn't draw their weapons because a: they could have been mistaken for perps themselves and been shot, b: there were so many people milling around they had no way of knowing they wouldn't shoot an innocent, c: there was so much commotion they didn't know who to shoot at, d: it was over in a few seconds.

I'd hazard a guess that it takes more than just a few seconds to shoot seventy people. I'd also hazard a guess that it wasn't to difficult to pick up on the muzzle flash in a darkened theater. Who told you that there were two armed people in the crowd? From the reports I've heard there was only one armed person in the theater, the perp.

07-25-2012, 06:04 PM
Has it been determined yet that there were no armed citizens in the theater?

I've been told there were 2 armed people in the crowd at the Tuscon AZ shooting who didn't draw their weapons because a: they could have been mistaken for perps themselves and been shot, b: there were so many people milling around they had no way of knowing they wouldn't shoot an innocent, c: there was so much commotion they didn't know who to shoot at, d: it was over in a few seconds.

All of these are likely reasons, IMO.

I'd hazard a guess that it takes more than just a few seconds to shoot seventy people. I'd also hazard a guess that it wasn't to difficult to pick up on the muzzle flash in a darkened theater. Who told you that there were two armed people in the crowd? From the reports I've heard there was only one armed person in the theater, the perp.

And another reason: When the bullets start flying, who among us will really prove to be brave enough to actually engage in a real gunfight? Especially "every day citizens" who have no actual experience in a gunfight? Perhaps an off-duty LEO or maybe trained military might, but I doubt anyone else. I hope never to be tested.

It all seems so easy and obvious in theory and in the movies, but I'll bet big money it's a LOT different when you are there in reality, especially when it comes as a bolt out of the blue.

07-25-2012, 10:35 PM
I'd hazard a guess that it takes more than just a few seconds to shoot seventy people. I'd also hazard a guess that it wasn't to difficult to pick up on the muzzle flash in a darkened theater. Who told you that there were two armed people in the crowd? From the reports I've heard there was only one armed person in the theater, the perp.
Muggsy, he was referring to Rep Gi.ffo.rds incident in AZ with there being two armed "civies"...

07-25-2012, 10:58 PM
The perp in aurora had full body armor including groin and neck as well as a helmet. I keep wondering...in a dark, crowded, panicked and smoke filled theater at almost 1am, what good would my 7 rounds of 9mm in my PM9 would have done. Unless I happened to be point blank in one of the first few rows next to him, very little I'm embarrassed to say.

07-26-2012, 06:39 AM
The perp in aurora had full body armor including groin and neck as well as a helmet. I keep wondering...in a dark, crowded, panicked and smoke filled theater at almost 1am, what good would my 7 rounds of 9mm in my PM9 would have done. Unless I happened to be point blank in one of the first few rows next to him, very little I'm embarrassed to say.

The reality is it's still 100 to 1.
Much like the 911 airline attacks, even though freezing, panicking
and hiding are natural reactions, bum rushing the SOB in mass is
the real solution.

Even in body armor,
this video game playing pencil necked geek could be snapped like a broomstick
if someone with any training could get their hands on him.

People are going to die no matter what.
There will be blood.
But that SOB should have never gotten out of the theater in one piece.

Swarm um, kill um, make a statement.

As for your PM9,
you empty it in strategic uncovered locations once the SOB is down.
It will work just fine.

07-26-2012, 06:46 AM
For all his body armor, that rubber gas mask wouldn't have stopped a .380...

But one of those little rounds would have stopped that joker.

Just saying.

07-26-2012, 08:21 AM
I'm thinking that the movie theater company are vulnerable to some huge lawsuits because of the complete lack of security at that exit door; no alarm, no usher to monitor it.

07-26-2012, 08:38 AM
I'm thinking that the movie theater company are vulnerable to some huge lawsuits because of the complete lack of security at that exit door; no alarm, no usher to monitor it.

I've read lawsuits are being considered against the theater company.

07-26-2012, 09:08 AM
I read that lawsuits were already started against
Theater, Movie maker, and now for the life of me, I can't remember the third.
Funny how not against the shooter. Well, not really. No money to be found there I guess.

07-26-2012, 09:22 AM
The thing to remember in these types of incidents is:
Lawyers will scatter-shot name responsible parties to search out the deepest pockets. Culpability has little to do with it. Some will fight for dismissal, some will go to civil trial and some will settle because it's cheaper than defending a suit.

07-26-2012, 09:45 AM
The perp in aurora had full body armor including groin and neck as well as a helmet. I keep wondering...in a dark, crowded, panicked and smoke filled theater at almost 1am, what good would my 7 rounds of 9mm in my PM9 would have done. Unless I happened to be point blank in one of the first few rows next to him, very little I'm embarrassed to say.

You would have had an excellent chance of knocking off his rhythm and disrupting his massacre!

07-26-2012, 09:51 AM
I'd hazard a guess that it takes more than just a few seconds to shoot seventy people. I'd also hazard a guess that it wasn't to difficult to pick up on the muzzle flash in a darkened theater. Who told you that there were two armed people in the crowd? From the reports I've heard there was only one armed person in the theater, the perp.

Muggsy, I was referring to the shooting of the Congresswoman in Tuscon. I was told that by a CPL instructor who had seen the reports.

07-26-2012, 09:44 PM
There was at least one CHL person at the Tuscon event. He had gone into a store to buy a pack of smokes just as the shooting started. By the time he ran out of the shop, the crowd had knocked down and subdued the madman. He reported that he almost drew on a bystander that grabbed up the nut-jobs gun.
He explains he is haunted by the little girl that died and wishes he had skipped the smokes...
Its not always about being armed and aware. There is always a matter of luck (good or bad) in one of these events.

08-10-2012, 06:14 PM
All that I can say is that if I'm ever fired upon I will return fire, win, lose or draw. I carry everywhere I go and I don't intend to go without making one hell of a lot of noise.

les strat
08-10-2012, 10:48 PM
A shot to the leg or chest with body armor from a 9mm, .45, etc, feels like you've been hit with a baseball bat. It would slow anyone down.

I do feel that I would drawn and fired had he been in close proximity to me. Other side of the theater, no way. I'm running.

08-11-2012, 07:29 AM
Boy, that movie has brought out all the loons!!! Guess they got tired of playing their games on the computer! May they all get what they deserve!

08-13-2012, 12:45 PM
That is why I pay no attention to most of the No Gun signs posted, unless it's a federal or state prohibited building. Here it's no big deal, if they see the gun they can ask you to leave, if you don't they can call the cops and you can get charged with a misdeamnor.

08-23-2012, 08:34 PM
All that I can say is that if I'm ever fired upon I will return fire, win, lose or draw. I carry everywhere I go and I don't intend to go without make one hell of a lot of noise.

You and I think a like :33:

08-24-2012, 09:29 AM
That is why I pay no attention to most of the No Gun signs posted, unless it's a federal or state prohibited building. Here it's no big deal, if they see the gun they can ask you to leave, if you don't they can call the cops and you can get charged with a misdeamnor.

And because they shouldn't be able to see your gun, it shouldn't be a problem at all. :)