View Full Version : Presidential true colors?

07-26-2012, 07:54 AM
Story on Yahoo news ("powered by Google")...

In his broadest remarks on gun control yet in the aftermath of the mass shooting at a Colorado movie theater, President Barack Obama called late Wednesday for tougher background checks designed to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and the mentally ill.
"A lot of gun owners would agree that AK-47s belong in the hands of soldiers, not in the hands of criminals -- that they belong on the battlefield of war, not on the streets of our cities," the president, who has called for reimposing the Assault Weapons Ban, said in a speech to the National Urban League.
"I believe the majority of gun owners would agree that we should do everything possible to prevent criminals and fugitives from purchasing weapons; that we should check someone's criminal record before they can check out a gun seller; that a mentally unbalanced individual should not be able to get his hands on a gun so easily," he said. "These steps shouldn't be controversial. They should be common sense."

I'll just ask just whos "majority" belives that the current background check system needs more work?
Brady? Bloomberg? We need work on ID-ing the crazys and then the current system would work as designed...

But Obama also offered a nod to the difficult politics of gun control, portraying himself as a believer in the individual right to bear arms, and acknowledging that calls to action after an incident like the one in Aurora often fade.
"When there is an extraordinarily heartbreaking tragedy like the one we saw, there's always an outcry immediately after for action. And there's talk of new reforms, and there's talk of new legislation," Obama said in his speech. "And too often, those efforts are defeated by politics and by lobbying and eventually by the pull of our collective attention elsewhere."
"And I, like most Americans, believe that the Second Amendment guarantees an individual the right to bear arms. And we recognize the traditions of gun ownership that passed on from generation to generation -— that hunting and shooting are part of a cherished national heritage," he said.

Can I guess that our "cherished national heritage" means we can have our muzzleloaded flintlock guns... Just like George Washington had?

The president also singled out youth violence, and warned that government can only do so much. "It's up to us, as parents and as neighbors and as teachers and as mentors, to make sure our young people don't have that void inside them," he said.

So Mr. President, will you pour your efforts into providing the medical and law enfforcement resources to help american familes with these angry, nutty youth, or will you spend all your efforts on gun control??

It's unclear how much political capital Obama will risk in an election-year gun-control fight. On the way to Aurora on Sunday, White House press secretary Jay Carney was asked whether there would be no renewed push for the assault weapons ban. "I wouldn't argue with your assessment about that," Carney replied. And White House officials have repeatedly emphasized that they are focused on enforcing "existing law."

But as soon as the election is over...??
I guess it is what I expect from Obama noting his background and understanding where his support base is at. Still it's sad to me to see that someone in leadership finally grasps that it's the crazy issue we as a country need to work and yet he's laying the groundwork for another useless attack on the 2A, right across the bodies of those young people.
Makes me sad...

Sorry for such a long post. Have a good one.

OG STORY: http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/ticket/obama-urges-tighter-background-checks-gun-buyers-aurora-033815400.html

07-26-2012, 08:11 AM
I believe all guns should be registered. Guns kill too many people!! The Founding Fathers were also dead wrong on the following points as well. Stupid bunch of old, rich, right-wing white guys made a mess of the Constitution. Let's fix it.

Obesity is at a crisis level. All spoons and forks must be registered as deadly weapons.

All religious institutions need to be licensed by the BATF&R (r=religion).

People need to pay a tax and have a background check before attending church.

Newpapers need regulation. No person shall buy or own a newspaper without first qualifying as a proficient reader.

Ban libraries. Thoughts and plans for evil are found here.

I could go on and on, but you get the drift. :smash:

Chief Joseph
07-26-2012, 12:31 PM
But wait, I keep hearing the dems wanting to take our guns are myths? Keep telling yourselves that, voting for dems is a vote AGAINST the 2nd Amendment.

07-26-2012, 03:40 PM
Many of the people in this country are mindless lemmings, who are un-informed,easily misled since they are too lazy to seek the truth and get informed. Most cannot find their ass with both hands and search warrant!
We have managed to raise an entire generation of entitled, selfish slackers. It is high time to wake up and smell the coffee!

07-26-2012, 03:56 PM
What exactly are the conservatives bringing to the table on this matter. Oh! That's right, nothing.

This is the first election where the opposing party has no ideas and brings nothing to the table. Their whole platform is anybody but the black guy...

07-26-2012, 04:44 PM
What exactly are the conservatives bringing to the table on this matter. Oh! That's right, nothing.

This is the first election where the opposing party has no ideas and brings nothing to the table. Their whole platform is anybody but the black guy...


DC gun ban gone.
Castle doctrine in place in many states now.
Open carry legal in many states now.
Shall issue implemented in many states.
Pushing national reciprocity.
Allowed the sun so set on the assault weapon farce laws.

Really, want to have that debate?

07-26-2012, 05:46 PM

DC gun ban gone.
Castle doctrine in place in many states now.
Open carry legal in many states now.
Shall issue implemented in many states.
Pushing national reciprocity.
Allowed the sun so set on the assault weapon farce laws.

Really, want to have that debate?

+++ and we still have more to do NY NJ MA IL MD DC CA

Longitude Zero
07-26-2012, 06:21 PM

DC gun ban gone.
Castle doctrine in place in many states now.
Open carry legal in many states now.
Shall issue implemented in many states.
Pushing national reciprocity.
Allowed the sun so set on the assault weapon farce laws.

Really, want to have that debate?

Thank you for educating an igno... er uninformed individual.

07-26-2012, 06:31 PM
What exactly are the conservatives bringing to the table on this matter. Oh! That's right, nothing.

This is the first election where the opposing party has no ideas and brings nothing to the table. Their whole platform is anybody but the black guy...
Can you stop the BS black guy stuff. Come on only an idiot believes that stuff. Of everyone I know liberal and conservative – conservatives look at black people as individuals and liberals look at them as a group that cannot survive without their guidance. Black people have the same brain as the rest of us so give your racist BS a rest and argue like a human. Please!

07-26-2012, 06:39 PM

Longitude Zero
07-26-2012, 07:06 PM
Can you stop the BS black guy stuff. Come on only an idiot believes that stuff. Of everyone I know liberal and conservative – conservatives look at black people as individuals and liberals look at them as a group that cannot survive without their guidance. Black people have the same brain as the rest of us so give your racist BS a rest and argue like a human. Please!

What you said.

07-27-2012, 03:20 PM
In carrying on the thought that the current DC leadership just don't get it, we see this.


The White House signaled Thursday that President Barack Obama would not be seeking new gun control laws in the aftermath of the mass shooting at a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado. But press secretary Jay Carney said Obama would try to find ways to work around the "stalemate" in Congress to keep firearms out of the wrong hands.
During a brief photo-op with his Cabinet, Obama himself sidestepped a reporter's question about how he would proceed without seeking new legislation.
"I'm sure we'll have more opportunity to talk about this," the president said.
Obama had called late Wednesday for tighter background checks (http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/ticket/obama-urges-tighter-background-checks-gun-buyers-aurora-033815400.html) to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and the mentally ill. He called for "common sense" and repeated his support for the lapsed Assault Weapons Ban.

There is nothing wrong with the current FBI background checks. These checks find the criminals so well, that most won't try. The system that need work and attention is the one that identifies the mental cases and the part that reports CRAZY people into the FBI's system. I don't need "better identification" when I buy a firearm, the system already knows me well...

But he also acknowledged the difficult politics of the issue — especially in an election year — and asserted that he was a believer in individual gun rights.
Carney returned to the political problem on Thursday. "I think there is an issue about the stalemate in Congress," the spokesman said at his daily briefing. "And there are things that we can do short of legislation and short of gun laws, as the President said, that can reduce violence in our society and, as he mentioned last night, in our urban centers."
"I know he will continue to press the Department of Justice to try to enhance the enforcement of existing laws, try to further develop our background check system so that it prevents criminals and those who should not have weapons from getting them under existing law," Carney said. "And he'll continue to make sure that his administration is partnering with local law enforcement officials and government officials."

Political double-speak? I guess this is how you sound "presidental" these days...
America has a background check system that works well but can not recieve data that will make it work correctly. Seems people have a right to privicy of their medical conditions even their mental issues. Can't fix that one with new gun laws and assalt weapons bans...Sir.

Asked about reporting that suggests that the Colorado shooter violated no laws, and how even tighter background checks would prevent a similar tragedy in the future, Carney replied: "I don't think the President ever suggested that the background check can stop every crime from occurring in America, even one as heinous as this."

Well Duuuh! That said, what is his major proposal to "fix it all", tossed out to the great unwashed masses???

"But we do need to take a broader look at what we can do to reduce violence in America," he said. "And it requires a multi-faceted approach that looks at this problem from a variety of angles, and that's not just legislative and it's not just about gun laws."

Ahhhhh... The old "mulit-faceted" answer. Translation; its not my fault its everybodys fault. I do not blame anyone Washington for this tragedy, nor will I accept blame for from anyone up there on "the hill". This statement is one crazy bunch of political double-speak in its own right.

Hang on for the ride folks, more spitballs comming.