07-26-2012, 10:05 PM
Hello Everyone!
I am new to the forum and am proud to be the new owner of a Kahr CM9. I picked it up from cheaper than dirt for $377 plus a $10 transfer fee. I made it through the 200 round break in period with only one magazine nose dive and no other issues. I purchased this gun to replace my LCP and to supplement my Glock 26. I use Speer Gold Dot +P in the 26 and find the recoil very manageable. The Kahr certainly more recoil than the Glock 26 with standard pressure 9mm due to its smaller size and weight. I have yet to fire any +P with the CM9 but I am a little apprehensive of the additional recoil. I know that I could always carry standard pressure self defense loads but would like to have my carry ammunition standardized. Do other members use +P ammunition in their CM/PM9's? If so what are your take on the recoil and your ability to make quick, accurate follow up shots? Thanks for your input and I look forward to being a part of the forum.
I am new to the forum and am proud to be the new owner of a Kahr CM9. I picked it up from cheaper than dirt for $377 plus a $10 transfer fee. I made it through the 200 round break in period with only one magazine nose dive and no other issues. I purchased this gun to replace my LCP and to supplement my Glock 26. I use Speer Gold Dot +P in the 26 and find the recoil very manageable. The Kahr certainly more recoil than the Glock 26 with standard pressure 9mm due to its smaller size and weight. I have yet to fire any +P with the CM9 but I am a little apprehensive of the additional recoil. I know that I could always carry standard pressure self defense loads but would like to have my carry ammunition standardized. Do other members use +P ammunition in their CM/PM9's? If so what are your take on the recoil and your ability to make quick, accurate follow up shots? Thanks for your input and I look forward to being a part of the forum.