View Full Version : Blued vs stainless PM40

07-27-2012, 03:26 PM
Why is blued $50 more than stainless I thought stainless was usually more?

07-27-2012, 04:49 PM
Why is blued $50 more than stainless I thought stainless was usually more?

That finish is not blued. It is called DLC (Diamond Like Coating).

07-27-2012, 06:30 PM
That finish is not blued. It is called DLC (Diamond Like Coating).
And, under the coating is a regular stainless steel slide that probably went through all the usual finishing steps before being sent out for coating, so the price difference probably reflects the extra cost to Kahr.

It is a pretty nice finish, but stainless is more forgiving if you carry it a lot. And if you decide to smooth a sharp edge or your slide stop rubs on the edge of the slide, it won't really show on the plain stainless slide.

I have one of each and carry the plain stainless more often because it shows no wear at all. :D

07-28-2012, 03:41 PM
So the stainless one is better for carry cuz less shows up?

07-28-2012, 04:39 PM
So the stainless one is better for carry cuz less shows up?

Less scratches and scuff marks. And the ones that happen don't show up as a light place on a black finish. But from what I have heard, that black DLC finish is very durable. Looks cool, too! :cool:

08-04-2012, 10:20 AM
Had a set of black golf irons awhile back. Year 1 they looked pretty cool, 2nd year they looked kinda crappy, 3rd year looked like I drug them to the course tied to my bumper.

Any blackened metal product shows it age faster whether it's golf irons, a car or a gun. Even a holster made out of mink will rub it raw eventually.

08-04-2012, 01:52 PM
I like the stainless better.... but I am cheap!

08-04-2012, 02:55 PM
also with stainless you can buff out scratches with a high speed cloth spinning wheel and some jewelry compound.

08-04-2012, 05:31 PM
I have found that some Flitz & cotton squares works without changing the finish or worrying about slipping up with a dremel or wheel.

08-04-2012, 06:18 PM
so the price difference probably reflects the extra cost to Kahr. :D

The price difference reflects what the sales department research suggested that the market would bear for DLC. The cost to Kahr is is irrelevant. Which is to say... even if the "cost" was less, the sales price may be more if the market will support a higher priced item, based on the markets perception of perceived values/features. The market, by the way, is us.

08-04-2012, 07:32 PM
so the price difference probably reflects the extra cost to Kahr.

The price difference reflects what the sales department research suggested that the market would bear for DLC. The cost to Kahr is is irrelevant. Which is to say... even if the "cost" was less, the sales price may be more if the market will support a higher priced item, based on the markets perception of perceived values/features. The market, by the way, is us.

Interesting! I wonder how Kahr determined a higher value for black.

Ignoring the night sights on the DLC PM40 pictured above, which looks more expensive to you?

Not arguing! But, personally I like stainless better. And it seems like a lot of other manufacturers charge a premium for stainless. Oh, well. Guess that's why I am so not "making the big bucks" in marketing. http://home.mindspring.com/%7Ejustsomeguy/icon_lol.gif

I probably should add that the DLC gun was purchased after the stainless gun and only because I got a really great deal trading in a CW40 that was not being carried as part of the bargain.

Yeah, I am cheap! Life is good. :D

08-04-2012, 08:10 PM
Interesting! I wonder how Kahr determined a higher value for black.

Focus group, marketing research, customer feedback, dealer input... and stick yer finger in the air and see which way the wind blows.

There was a time when stainless finish was considered the premium finish (not Kahr, but guns in general), then with concealed carry becoming all the rage, the value shifted to black finishes having the higher perceived value <--- all my experiential conjecture.

Its not just Kahr, but every manufacturer of goods does this.

Goods are valued at what they think the market will support (in dollars), for the perceived value (in dollars) that the features bring. The game is to find the right mix of features (niche) and market stature (in dollars, also a niche). Once you find the niche of features and dollar tier, then you go back to engineering and say "we need a Royal Schlabetnick Deluxe with XYandZ features". They work the features and quality over and over... and get it to a point that it can be (hopefully) be made profitably and retain the core features that make it fit a whatever the pricepoint happened to be. Its all very inside out from conventional "it cost me this, so I'll sell it for that" retail mentality.

11-02-2012, 06:52 PM
I wonder if Kahr sells more black or stainless?

11-06-2012, 10:20 AM
Black is usually harder to find, some people wait for one, some people just by a stainless instead. I had to order and wait for both of my blackened Kahrs.

11-07-2012, 05:54 AM
I have the PM in black diamond cote, carried every day and shoot it alot. It wears like iron. Nothing worn...nothing shiny about it. Color selected for concealment. On the other hand, I did realize that it would seem that the stainless, shiny version "should" wear better and any shiny parts would be hidden anyway. So basically, who cares. Pick the one you like the looks of and be happy with it. Both are nice in any caliber. Buy one of each in every caliber....like having multiple women - one with long hair, light hair, short hair and dark hair..... OOPS! Sorry honey!

11-07-2012, 03:47 PM
Yea for concealed carry the stainless I was thinking would be best because it would not show as much wear as the blackened.