View Full Version : Pm 40?

07-27-2012, 05:53 PM
I put a new PM 40 on layaway today at my LGS can you guys here tell me what I can expect? For those here who own one what's your experiance been with this little gun?

07-27-2012, 07:02 PM

Well, it will fit in your pocket. You will need to hang on when you pull the trigger. If you do your part, it will send .40 S&W rounds down range very accurately. Mine are both well behaved with my carry ammo. But, are a little fussy about what they eat, probably because of the short action.

I believe you are going to be very pleased. http://home.mindspring.com/%7Ejustsomeguy/thumbsup.gif

07-27-2012, 07:09 PM
I cannot claim to be a real enthusiast about handguns in general, but I have fired maybe ten kinds and own 5. I have put about 400 rounds through my PM40 thus far. I think it kicks a bit more than the micro light .380s that weigh about half as much (Such as the LCP or kel-tec), but otherwise it seems a really solid pistol. I got a used one and mine probably had already been gone through, because it just about cannot be hand-racked too slowly. it will go fully into battery from completely stopped anywhere in the cycle. I had one or two failures to fire that turned out to be bad ammo, but otherwise with good ammo has been 100%. I have broken one magazine follower. The tolerance from the feed ramp to the magazine follower is T.I.G.H.T!!! So a few hunderedths out of tolerance on the feed ramp can eventually beat the front of the mag follower into submission and cause a failure. If you notice, the followers on the Kahr pistols are a little different, in that the front of the follower is recessed maybe 1/8 inch to allow for the feed ramp.

Having said that, it is my daily carry pistol anytime it is practical for me to have on an IWB holster. I resort to my LCP if I absolutely HAVE to have the convience of a pocket holstered gun.

Sweet trigger for such a long pull, and it fits my medium sized hand pretty well. Unless you shoot a lot, I think it would be difficult (read at least slightly uncomfortable) to shoot more than 100 rounds per session at first.

07-27-2012, 07:19 PM
Oh, and you will see lots of posts in the technical section about preparation. If you are an experienced shooter of 1911's, as your handle suggests, just do what you would with a new 1911 before your go to the range. Then just shoot the thing. Racking is boring and doesn't gain you enough to be worth the trouble with a PM40.

Also, it will be a b!tch to get the slide stop out until it has been fired enough to loosen up that little spring. Took a few hundred rounds for both of mine, but now you can pop the slide stop out easily, just like a 1911.

If you plan on long sessions, you might find a shooting glove useful, as does my wife. I like the rubber sleeves you see on mine. They make it more comfortable but still work well for pocket carry in a DeSantis Nemesis.

The first time out, take along a bandaide for the side of your trigger finger where the trigger guard tends to whack it, especially when you get tired and relax your grip. The padding will prevent a blister during early sessions before a callus forms.

Plan on taking along enough ammo to share with interested bystanders and friends. It's a lot of fun to shoot. The big grin it inspires makes that obvious and others will want to try it, especially if they are 9mm enthusiasts and are wondering what shooting a "fotay" is like. http://home.mindspring.com/%7Ejustsomeguy/icon_lol.gif

07-27-2012, 08:26 PM
Bottom line...you will love it! Yes, it kicks just a little but, hey, it's a small 40! Don't worry about a couple of FTFs or FTEs during the early rounds; it will sync just fine. Oh, be ready for a really tight slide, and use the slide release lever to chamber the first round. For size and power, it really can't be beat. Enjoy, and be careful.

07-27-2012, 09:00 PM
Love the ported 40...


Joe L
07-27-2012, 10:27 PM
It is my favorite carry gun, more accurate than my CM9 but it does kick a wee bit! I love it. I bought one used a year ago, and can shoot it accurately enough to have tried it out to 25 yards with good results. Try that with any other 3" gun.

07-28-2012, 03:12 PM
Thanks for the replies guys and I'm sorry for the mishap but its a cm 40 I always confuse the two models.

07-28-2012, 03:19 PM
Thanks for the replies guys and I'm sorry for the mishap but its a cm 40 I always confuse the two models.
No worries. Other than a little slide smoothing and an arguably easier to clean barrel, they are the same gun.

My comments stand unchanged. :)