View Full Version : Just picked up a CW9

07-27-2012, 07:46 PM
Hello all,

With the recent whack job in Colorado I figured it was about time I actually started to carry. I've been licensed to carry in my state for a few years now, but never really have. I had a Kel Tec PF9 that I picked up to use as a carry gun. After about 6 times shooting it, I realized this wasn't a good carry gun for me. I wasn't accurate with it, I hated the trigger, the muzzle flip was unreal, reliability issues... You get the idea. So after doing some reading I found that the CW9 seemed to be a good option at a good price. So today I traded in the PF9 and picked up a CW9.

So far I've put 100 rounds through it. I'm much more accurate with this gun. I still need to put a lot more rounds down range to get a better feel for the trigger, though. I find that I'm shooting a bit high and to the left.

I can confidently say that this will be my carry gun, unless Springfield Armory brings out something like their new XDS in 9mm.

07-27-2012, 09:29 PM
Welcome aboard!

CW9 is a great choice for a CCW.

It took a few range trips for me to really get the hang of the trigger but after I got it I love it and can shoot lights out on a good day.

I also feel safer carrying a gun with a long trigger pull as far a Neg discharges go.
No hair trigger "OOPS" on this gun.

Mine's about a year old and close to 1000 rounds and has been super reliable so far.

I hear you on the CCW thing. I put it off for a long time because I really didn't want to carry a gun but I finally got to a point where I had enough.
Better to have it and not need it than the other way around.

07-28-2012, 06:40 AM
You picked up a great pistol. I am sure the more you shoot it the more you will like it. Welcome to the forum and from New Mexico.

Frayed Knot
07-28-2012, 07:08 AM
Excellent choice. I liked my CW9 so much it made me want a CM9, so I bought one. I liked the CM9 so much it made me want a CW45, so I bought one.

I still think the CW9 is my favorite shooter and favorite carry weapon. It shoots so nice and is a breeze to conceal.

07-28-2012, 08:44 AM
Congrats man...

07-28-2012, 03:55 PM
Congrats. Great choice....I love my CW9!

07-28-2012, 04:05 PM
Excellent gun. Enjoy your range time, it'll get better w/ every 100 rounds you put through it. I really prefer the grip size on the CW/P vs the M models. I thinky you'll totally love carrying it. My goto carry is my P9. Get a good IWB holster and you are off and running.

07-28-2012, 09:01 PM
I sold my PF-9 the week after I brought my CW9 home. There were just some engineering issues (ejector screw and firing pin) about the PF-9 that made me uneasy. I also appreciate that the grip frame on the CW9 allows me to get all four fingers on the grip in a package that is the same size as the PF-9.

You made the right choice.

07-29-2012, 12:17 AM
I sold my PF-9 the week after I brought my CW9 home. There were just some engineering issues (ejector screw and firing pin) about the PF-9 that made me uneasy. I also appreciate that the grip frame on the CW9 allows me to get all four fingers on the grip in a package that is the same size as the PF-9.

You made the right choice.

I had the same issues. I was able to get them fixed as far as I could tell with some loctite on the screw that holds in the extractor. This however, did not fix the issue of me not being able to hit the broad side of a barn with it. On one occasion I had the firing pin fly out of the back of the gun... I don't think the bad guy will give me time while I reassemble my gun.

As far as a holster goes, I'm debating between either a crossbreed supertuck, or the whitehat maxtuck. I like the max tuck because you don't have to buy a whole new holster for a different gun, but they don't make a cw9 holster with the laser guard attachment. The supertuck is the exact reverse. I would have to buy a whole new holster, but they make one for the laser...

Short Bus
07-29-2012, 05:39 AM
Have you looked at FoxX holsters?


Have you tried the laser yet? I had one on my LC9 and didn't care for it. If you must have the laser, check out Theis holsters, but you'll have to wait to get one.


07-29-2012, 12:55 PM
Have you looked at FoxX holsters?


Have you tried the laser yet? I had one on my LC9 and didn't care for it. If you must have the laser, check out Theis holsters, but you'll have to wait to get one.


Thanks for the links! Both of these companies look like just as good of quality as whitehat or crossbreed but cheaper. I'm not totally sold on the laser just yet. I would rather have a laser grip instead of the laser guard, but it doesn't seem that Crimson Trace makes that for this gun.

Short Bus
07-29-2012, 03:18 PM
Honestly I think Theis is a little better. The leather is a little rough on the inside (skin side) of the foxX. I think the roughness will go away as it breaks in though. The Theis I had was Horse hide, IDK if that had anything to do with the difference. You WILL wait for a Theis, the foxX I ordered Wednesday evening and got Saturday. The horse hide is nice, but it was also a little squeaky and a little stiffer than cow hide. I know this post is a little all over the place, but I want to give you all the info you need for an informed decision. If you have your CCL and gun now I would get the foxX, if you have time or another carry weapon, the Theis is a great choice.

07-29-2012, 04:13 PM
I don't understand getting those big, wide, double clip holsters for such a small, light gun as these polymer Kahrs for concealed carry. The PJ IWB holster (http://pjholster.com/?page_id=37) weighs less than an ounce, yet it is sturdy, stable, has good retention and is so comfortable that it and the gun become imperceptible after just a few minutes. And it stays that comfortable all day every day. No 8" of leather scraping your body as you bend over, sit down or stand up. So small. So easy to conceal. Case closed, IMO. (I prefer the over the belt clip as pictured.)

07-29-2012, 05:29 PM
Look at the laser-lyte for THAT Gun! optics planet....

Short Bus
07-29-2012, 06:13 PM
I don't understand getting those big, wide, double clip holsters for such a small, light gun as these polymer Kahrs for concealed carry. The PJ IWB holster (http://pjholster.com/?page_id=37) weighs less than an ounce, yet it is sturdy, stable, has good retention and is so comfortable that it and the gun become imperceptible after just a few minutes. And it stays that comfortable all day every day. No 8" of leather scraping your body as you bend over, sit down or stand up. So small. So easy to conceal. Case closed, IMO. (I prefer the over the belt clip as pictured.)
I have had good luck with that type of holster, but the roughness kinda bothered me on a long walk I just got back from, so I'm asking foxX to let me trade for a "FoxX Trap". You'll find that holster on their link I posted before.


07-29-2012, 09:52 PM
I have had good luck with that type of holster, but the roughness kinda bothered me on a long walk I just got back from, so I'm asking foxX to let me trade for a "FoxX Trap". You'll find that holster on their link I posted before.


Still way big, stiff and clunky compared to the PJ. JMHO. YMMV.

07-29-2012, 10:30 PM
I don't understand getting those big, wide, double clip holsters for such a small, light gun as these polymer Kahrs for concealed carry. The PJ IWB holster (http://pjholster.com/?page_id=37) weighs less than an ounce, yet it is sturdy, stable, has good retention and is so comfortable that it and the gun become imperceptible after just a few minutes.+1!

07-30-2012, 11:11 AM
I don't understand getting those big, wide, double clip holsters for such a small, light gun as these polymer Kahrs for concealed carry. The PJ IWB holster (http://pjholster.com/?page_id=37) weighs less than an ounce, yet it is sturdy, stable, has good retention and is so comfortable that it and the gun become imperceptible after just a few minutes. And it stays that comfortable all day every day. No 8" of leather scraping your body as you bend over, sit down or stand up. So small. So easy to conceal. Case closed, IMO. (I prefer the over the belt clip as pictured.)

I would probably agree with if you if I was thinner. Unfortunately I've let myself go pretty bad the past few years and have some love handles right now. Two job changes, and a child being born, and a ton of overtime randomly isn't exactly too friendly to the eating and workout schedule that most bodybuilders follow. Once I get back to eating correctly, and working out again I could probably go down to one of the smaller IWB holsters.

07-30-2012, 11:48 AM
I am a relatively big guy: 6'2 250lbs. A lot of that is middle aged spread through the middle. I wear a PJ IWB with a CM9 every day. Days when I am just in the office I wear a casual shirt untucked. Days when I have to look human, I wear a shirt tucked in. In neither case can the gun be spotted.
It is very comfortable and nearly un-noticable.
A good belt helps a lot, but honestly this thing is so thin you don't even feel it after 10 minutes wearing it.

07-30-2012, 12:39 PM
I don't understand getting those big, wide, double clip holsters for such a small, light gun as these polymer Kahrs for concealed carry. The PJ IWB holster (http://pjholster.com/?page_id=37) weighs less than an ounce, yet it is sturdy, stable, has good retention and is so comfortable that it and the gun become imperceptible after just a few minutes. And it stays that comfortable all day every day. No 8" of leather scraping your body as you bend over, sit down or stand up. So small. So easy to conceal. Case closed, IMO. (I prefer the over the belt clip as pictured.)
If you prefer leather over kydex for IWB carry, the double clip holsters can be very comfortable and (IMO) stay in place better than most single clip, leather holsters.
In leather, the double clip style also makes for a thinner profile holster.
Choices are a good thing:)

07-30-2012, 12:55 PM
Good point, Greg.

07-30-2012, 01:01 PM
I would probably agree with if you if I was thinner. Unfortunately I've let myself go pretty bad the past few years and have some love handles right now. Two job changes, and a child being born, and a ton of overtime randomly isn't exactly too friendly to the eating and workout schedule that most bodybuilders follow. Once I get back to eating correctly, and working out again I could probably go down to one of the smaller IWB holsters.

I am a relatively big guy: 6'2 250lbs. A lot of that is middle aged spread through the middle. I wear a PJ IWB with a CM9 every day. Days when I am just in the office I wear a casual shirt untucked. Days when I have to look human, I wear a shirt tucked in. In neither case can the gun be spotted.
It is very comfortable and nearly un-noticable.
A good belt helps a lot, but honestly this thing is so thin you don't even feel it after 10 minutes wearing it.

Me, too. I am 5'9" 188 lbs with a nice middle aged spread. That little PJ in the sweet spot behind my hip hides real well and is PERFECTLY comfortable! I have to reach back there and feel the gun to assure myself it is still there! No kidding!