View Full Version : Rant against God, the Almighty

07-28-2012, 01:53 PM
Dear God,

WTF is up with the design for humans? If you're so Almighty, why couldn't you correct a few very simple items, clear oversight, or perhaps some sort of tease to make Human-II more appealing? Hmmm?

First, humans can only see in one direction, and to make matters worse, the head can only rotate about 3/4 way around. You did better with some fish, birds and reptiles!

Next there is the problem of sickness and disease. This has plagued every design of yours from monocelled protolife, through trilobites, fish, reptiles, amphbians, birds, mammals, you name it. Hello.... God... knock knock... are you listening? Its not like you've had no time to get it right!!!

The next thing is reproduction. The humans... heck... every design of yours as well... you get what you get, and that's it. Listen God, even Polaroid figured out how to get instant results, which if you didn't like, were instantly tried again until the result was good. The humans have to wait 9 whole months - hardly instant photography in light of seven days to create everything! Then, once the result is made known, sure they can try again, but they're stuck with the bad result as well.

God, I'm giving you an F in quality control and production oversight. Something needs to be corrected, and fast! Yah yah... I know, you don't do time like the rest of us, but we're stuck with the problems in the meantime.

I got an idea. Why don't you phone up Justin Moon. He seems to have a pretty good handle on perfection, on boiling down the essence of an item until none of the bad parts remain. Maybe you two can trade notes? Just sayin!

Also, you forgot my birthday again. Whats with that?

07-28-2012, 02:18 PM
Good idea. I'm sure God likes his family's ideas of church plus Justin engineered tools to kill God's creations.

Longitude Zero
07-28-2012, 02:50 PM
Firearms are engineered ONLY to make a projectile go downrange, nothing else. The purpose to which they are put are not GOD's problem. It is a human problem.

The hunting and slaying of animals was condoned even required by GOD's biblicaly reported commands. So the use of a modern firearm would also be biblically correct and allowed.

As to the Moonies I have no comment there.

07-28-2012, 02:52 PM
The rant is a parody of recent Kahr bashing.... ahem... enjoy the moment!~

07-28-2012, 04:07 PM
The rant is a parody of recent Kahr bashing.... ahem... enjoy the moment!~

Was going to ask if you were OK. Seemed a bit out of character. Figured it had to be tied to something somewhere :)

Glad you are alright. :D

07-28-2012, 04:18 PM
Just remember, as Deitrich was to the blatantly obvious, I am to the profoundly absurd. Do that and all will be very clear.

07-28-2012, 04:57 PM
Southsound. I read this forum to hear about members guns hopefully to help me with mine and it has A LOT! Sometimes things get deviated off track but its all opinions and you know what is said about opinions.

07-28-2012, 05:20 PM
Southsound. I read this forum to hear about members guns hopefully to help me with mine and it has A LOT! Sometimes things get deviated off track but its all opinions and you know what is said about opinions.
Thanks. The post just kind of hit me wrong today but I deleted my reply as to not start something. Right now I'm struggling with trying to modify my CM9 mag followers to cure an occasional FTF nose dive. I guess I'll get back to working on that. ;)

07-28-2012, 06:04 PM
I'm an emotional guy.
Get wound up.
Need to blow off some steam at times.
And every-bodies got hot buttons.

So far everybody here has been kind to me and let me vent now and then.
Even some cryptic posts and late night, early AM, rants have been taken
in stride.

This is a nice place to hang out.
Plus some super knowledgeable folks if you happen to be having gun issues - LOL!

07-28-2012, 09:28 PM
Thanks. The post just kind of hit me wrong today but I deleted my reply as to not start something. Right now I'm struggling with trying to modify my CM9 mag followers to cure an occasional FTF nose dive. I guess I'll get back to working on that. ;)

FWIW, check your mag spring and make sure it's in the correct way. Many folks have opened 'em up to find that somehow someway, Kahr dude or dude-ette put 'em in backwards.

Also, polish your feed ramp a little, or grease a little until you get a few hundred rounds thru it. The break in period will most likely correct it (if it's not the mag spring). My PM nose dived quite a bit. P9 did it maybe twice in the 1st 100rds. Never for either after the break-in.

Good luck! Happy Shooting!