View Full Version : It's only a matter of time, and nothing can be done about it...

07-29-2012, 10:40 AM
Writing is on the wall folks. Not because of Aurora, just because. I've been saying this for years. When the last of our current breed of conservatives dies or retires, particularly on the Supreme Court, gun control will come, anything beyond MAYBE sporting, long, shotguns and hunting rifles will no longer be legal, and you'll be turning in your guns, going to jail, or going out in a blaze of glory. No way around it, the tide will NEVER turn back our way. The world has banned them everywhere else, and nothing will ultimately be able to stop it here. They will use the extremely poor defense of tradition and sport shooting (as our idiot president stated recently) as the way to keep the long guns and shotguns, but beyond that, say goodbye to the 2A. We WILL BE forced into the new world order where guns only exists in the hands of opressive to tyrannical government, and criminals.

When Scalia says it. It gets real scary, real quick...


Sorry to be negative nelly, but can't see a way out of this. Enjoy them while you can and prep your pointy sticks to defend your family from the day to day home intruder. Beyond that, just lay down and let 'em cart you off.

07-29-2012, 10:47 AM
I hope you're wrong... There's millions of American guns out there and most predate federal registration.

07-29-2012, 11:00 AM
The blaze of glory is the only option on that menu for me.

07-29-2012, 11:07 AM
Nah... They'll just peck around the edges.
Hi-cap mag restriction is about the only thing more they might ever get.

Longitude Zero
07-29-2012, 11:23 AM
Nah... They'll just peck around the edges.
Hi-cap mag restriction is about the only thing more they might ever get.

Agreed. We will still have to fight each battle. However what many fail to understand is that there are conservatives coming up behind and beside us. The chicken littles are the ones erroneously pontificating that conservatism is dying. It is not dying contrary to the mistaken belief of a few.

Generally I agree with Scalia but he has been wrong in the past and will again be wrong in the future. He has his flaws and shortsightedness also.

07-29-2012, 11:24 AM
I was doing some reading about the number of weapons in the US. It was an average of about 9 guns for every 10 people. Now of course there are people with no guns, and some with many.

So, how many of those guns have been bought since the FFL background check's started, and how easy would it be to find all of those weapons now?

I would bet that they would start and regulate new guns, magazines, and "scary gun" ammo. Gotta stock up on ammo and magazines. The wife told me today that I need to place a big ammo order before the election before it gets scarce and EXPENSIVE like after the last election. I may just have to do it.

07-29-2012, 11:25 AM
Yes, they will peck around the edges, but once they start...as w/ being allowed to argue sport, tradition, etc...it will not stop. It seems like it's been a back-n-forth path for the last 30-40 years, but really, we've lost ground every decade (total sum of the parts).

Why should there be a mag limit? Why can't I own an automatic weapon w/o federal approval? Why should I have to get a CCW? Why does the government need to know about the length of the barrel on my AR? Why can I not carry into a courthouse? Why can I not open carry in all 50 states? Why can I not concealed carry in all 50 states? Why can I not carry into a school?

Once they are allowed to determine what's considered 'menacing', they'll keep nipping around the edges until they determine high capacity is anything over 15rds, then 10, then they'll decide anything that's not a wheel gun or a low capacity semi-auto (Kahr, Walther PPK). Then they'll start w/ calibers, well, a .357 or .44 is manacing b/c well, look at the SIZE of that thing. You'll be down to those few countries that have decided .380 is all a civilian needs. So your collection will be relegated to a .380 for personal defense, maybe a .22 for target shooting, and maybe hunting guns. Most of that list are illegal in the UK now.

Dunno, that article just got me back into the mindset that it's an irreversible situation we have gotten ourselves into. Goes back to the 1800s when people started letting localities define when/where you could have a gun.

The Feds have largely stayed out of it, allowing local and state to voilate your 2A rights. But once the Feds get into it, it's game over.

07-29-2012, 11:35 AM
OK, I'm fine now. Down out of the tree I got myself into. I gotta stop reading the news.

I'm w/ LZ, gonna get my ammo orders in between now and November. But it's gonna be hard for me to look at certain types of purchases in the coming months/years w/o thinking 'is this something I could loose my shirt (money) on if they come and say hand it over'.

07-29-2012, 11:41 AM
But it's gonna be hard for me to look at certain types of purchases in the coming months/years w/o thinking 'is this something I could loose my shirt (money) on if they come and say hand it over'.

Only if they can find it. :001_tt2: :cool:

07-29-2012, 11:56 AM
Only if they can find it. :001_tt2: :cool:

Yea, I've thought about that. From the 'i sold it at a gun show to a guy named Smith that had his CCW permit', to the terrible boating accident, to having my own 'buried treasure' in some of my favorite out of the way places. Just not sure how any of that would play out w/ other folks dependent on me and my general aversion to being 'cuffed and stuffed'. Zey have wayz ov making you talk...

Longitude Zero
07-29-2012, 12:04 PM
But it's gonna be hard for me to look at certain types of purchases in the coming months/years w/o thinking 'is this something I could loose my shirt (money) on if they come and say hand it over'.

I have lived a full and reasonable life. All I can say is if you try to take from me what was lost in that terrible boating accident bring lots of body bags. As Charlton once said, "FROM MY COLD DEAD HANDS."

07-29-2012, 12:49 PM
I have lived a full and reasonable life. All I can say is if you try to take from me what was lost in that terrible boating accident bring lots of body bags. As Charlton once said, "FROM MY COLD DEAD HANDS."

Brother, once again I find myself in near complete agreement with you, including your prior comment here.

07-29-2012, 02:57 PM
Only outlaws will have guns.

Call me an outlaw.

07-29-2012, 03:19 PM
Only outlaws will have guns.

Call me an outlaw.

Like many things the government tries to outlaw, a huge underground market will develop. And in the case of guns, I believe scores of now law abiding citizens will go that route to rearm themselves.

07-29-2012, 04:21 PM
I have lived a full and reasonable life. All I can say is if you try to take from me what was lost in that terrible boating accident bring lots of body bags. As Charlton once said, "FROM MY COLD DEAD HANDS."
Molon Labe!
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07-30-2012, 07:00 PM
Writing is on the wall folks. Not because of Aurora, just because. I've been saying this for years. When the last of our current breed of conservatives dies or retires, particularly on the Supreme Court, gun control will come, anything beyond MAYBE sporting, long, shotguns and hunting rifles will no longer be legal, and you'll be turning in your guns, going to jail, or going out in a blaze of glory. No way around it, the tide will NEVER turn back our way. The world has banned them everywhere else, and nothing will ultimately be able to stop it here. They will use the extremely poor defense of tradition and sport shooting (as our idiot president stated recently) as the way to keep the long guns and shotguns, but beyond that, say goodbye to the 2A. We WILL BE forced into the new world order where guns only exists in the hands of opressive to tyrannical government, and criminals.

When Scalia says it. It gets real scary, real quick...


Sorry to be negative nelly, but can't see a way out of this. Enjoy them while you can and prep your pointy sticks to defend your family from the day to day home intruder. Beyond that, just lay down and let 'em cart you off.

I watched the entire interview on Fox News. Scalia words were taken out of context.

07-30-2012, 09:57 PM
I watched the entire interview on Fox News. Scalia words were taken out of context.

Yes, I did too after reading the original article the other day. That's when I posted my original thoughts. Which were hot-n-bothered at the time, I've cooled my jets (some).

Agreed. Some things were taken out of context or just not totally clear about what he said. But he is not the problem and not my point. He indicated everything has to be weighed against the founders thoughts when the Constitution was written. He indicated that there were limits on those rights. I agree w/ the former, but not the latter in there pure forum and the original intent in which they were written. If they are God given, inalienable, then how can a limit be placed on them? There is (and should not be) any limit on those rights beyond what is explicitly stated. Many try and argue you have a limit on the 1A in that you cannot yell 'fire' in a crowded theater. Not true. Sure you can. You may have to pay a price because of it, but the right was there, to speak, God given. Same goes for the 2A and on down the line. If you remove the sale of certain guns, if you deem something 'menacing', then you are stepping on my right to own it. If I use my 'right' and break anothers rights, then I am responsible (yelling fire, or using a gun illegally not for self defense). But Congress shall make no law (fill in the blank). Not hard to understand. Pretty explicit.

My ACTUAL point was as stated, if someone is allowed to legislate what is 'menacing' (Scalia's term in the interview, not mine) and a legal definition can be attached to it, then the definition will become as fluid as everything else the government has done. I'll refer you to our wonderful tax code and the IRS if you think they won't redefine ever last i or t to the point of taking or doing whatever they want.

The Supreme Court has proved w/ ObamaCare that they are willing to avoid any semblence of tinkering w/ legislation or questioning Congress. So I fully believe it's possible for Congress to outlaw ARs, AKs, +10 mags, semi auto handguns, etc...tax ammo off the chart...and the SCOTUS will back them up every step of the way.

His point was in line w/ his ruling on the DC gun ban, which they ONLY said you can't blanket ban guns. Didn't say you can't blanket ban certain types of guns.

Anyway...take that w/ a grain of salt. I don't think I took anything out of context.

07-31-2012, 11:35 AM
This is all very sad to see. Most people in this country including many gun owners don't know or understand or Constitution and its ammendments.
We the people hold the power not the Government. It clearly states right there in black & white that when a government no longer does what we the people want or no longer serves the good of the people, we have not only the right but the power to replace said government and institute another which does do what we need and want done. This can be through peacful mean or by way of force.
Why do you think these career politicians, power hungry self serving poentates want to disarm the world? First they go for control of the press (accomplished) them health care (accomplished) then gun control....?????? Once these things are done, are all your rights go out the window. One only needs to look at history to uncover the real truth as it repeats itself. Our founding fathers were wise beyond their years and understood that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Now are we going to be lemmings sheeps to the slaughter or patriots....?

It is times like these that when I would like to quote Patrick Henry, but you all know where I am going with this and it isn't necessary if you are a true American you will understand.

07-31-2012, 11:38 AM
Like many things the government tries to outlaw, a huge underground market will develop. And in the case of guns, I believe scores of now law abiding citizens will go that route to rearm themselves.

My thoughts exactlly, just like proabition, if there is demand the supply will follow in some way shape or form.

And another thought...y'all know how many guns people own that have been handed down by kin folk. Man the Government has no way of knowing or tracing these millions of weapons. The Government can try all they want but they'll never get everybody"s weapons! This is an almighty fact...

07-31-2012, 12:12 PM
We have had AR and high cap mag bans come and go.
And they may well come again.
It's hard for me to justify needing an AR with a 100 round snail mag.
I think few will argue the ban on full auto weapons is a bad thing.

It's important to find some reasonable limits and still remain able to protect ourselves.

Unfortunately there seems to be a strong and constant pressure to totally disarm the public.
Even if that takes time and baby steps to accomplish.

We need to find a reasonable hard line and make a stand on this issue.
I have a dream...

07-31-2012, 12:13 PM
I think they're going to make some noise with ammo.....they can't do away with guns, they'll never get them all and they know that.

Tax,restrict,track,outlaw some,and generally make it SO hard to sell or buy and SO expensive that most will just shy away.

Of course the black market will just take off.........

07-31-2012, 12:49 PM
" The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants." I would suggest joining your states 2nd amendment association, your local militia, whatever is available in your state. Instead of going out in blazes of glory here and there, an army of patriots may be what is needed to resist the tyrannical rule that we are accepting bit by bit. The deer hunters of Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin, would make the largest Army in the world, should they unite and make a stand for liberty and the Constitution. Well, now I'm definately on the Domestic Terrorist list, but I am not advocating anything, The Lord knows violence is the very last thing I want to see happen, just saying what may be a better choice than being on your own against a platoon of jack booted thugs. I'd look into having a working CB radio, a HAM would be nice, some type of radio that will allow you to communicate with other patriots. Of course that would probably all be jammed, but who knows. The internet group of Hackers, Anonymous, is definately on the side of liberty, and they have the knowledge to shut down much of the governments computer network. Check out some of their videos on Youtube. I guess the FBI told them to back off, and reportedly they shut down the FBI's network as a result of the challenge. They done some pretty major hacks, and shut down some very large businesses in retaliation for certain acts. I believe they are on the side of liberty and freedom. They promote the move V for Vendetta, that shows a trynnical Government brought to it's knees by a lone "terrorist" and an united population.
I would prefer we worked within the system, like the communists have done since the 50's, who have made great progress in towards turning our nation into another socialist state, and take our government back with the TEA party and other freedom loving organizations that hold the Constitution in high regard, and don't regard it as a document that needs to be changed with the times.
I hope I don't disappear tonite, I guess they can arrest you and hold you indefinately without letting you contact your attorney or anyone else with all our new anti terrorist laws they've passed since 9/11, so I just hope I'm here in the morning. I wonder if the food in those FEMA Concentration Camps is edible? Oh well, wasn't it Patrick Henry that said, "Give me Liberty, or Give me Death".

07-31-2012, 03:14 PM
There must be an echo in here....:confused:

07-31-2012, 03:59 PM
I don't think that enough credit is given to the innate human desire for freedom. If push comes to shove it will be we the people who do the pushing and shoving not the freaking government. We did it once before and, if necessary, we can do it again. I plan to go out with a bang, not a whimper.

07-31-2012, 09:58 PM
We've let our kids be brainwashed by liberal anti-gun public school systems, they've been taught guns are evil, gun-owners are evil people just itching for the chance to kill someone. Hard for kids to learn conservative values in that atmosphere. Of course the old saying "If you're not liberal when you're young you have no heart, if you're not conservative when you're older, you have no brain." comes to mind too.
I was a fairly liberal young man at one time, but never anti-gun. The older I get, the more conservative I get. I was talking with a friend the other evening, a democrat, who is pro-life, owns guns, is Christian, yet is still says he is a liberal Democrat. I asked how do you vote for people that are against so many of the things you believe in, and his answer was he's always been a Democrat. Whatever. I guess it's kind of like being a Ford person or a Chevy person or a Dodge person, one company might have a much better car at the same price as your brand, but often we end up buying the brand we've always drove and not the car that might be better.

08-01-2012, 03:16 PM
Man it is called Brain Damage !

08-01-2012, 03:23 PM
Whatever. I guess it's kind of like being a Ford person or a Chevy person or a Dodge person, one company might have a much better car at the same price as your brand, but often we end up buying the brand we've always drove and not the car that might be better.


08-01-2012, 03:29 PM
Death Before Dodge!

Devout Chevy Man

08-02-2012, 12:24 PM
I have a GMC 3/4 Ton Deisel myself. Built like a tank.... unlike FORD found on road dead. All she needs is some minor steel plate and a postal mount and it could do service as an redneck up armored vehicle.

08-04-2012, 11:14 AM
I have a GMC 3/4 Ton Deisel myself. Built like a tank.... unlike FORD found on road dead. All she needs is some minor steel plate and a postal mount and it could do service as an redneck up armored vehicle.

First On Race Day. Fix Or Repair Daily :)

08-04-2012, 05:18 PM
I don't think that enough credit is given to the innate human desire for freedom. If push comes to shove it will be we the people who do the pushing and shoving not the freaking government. We did it once before and, if necessary, we can do it again. I plan to go out with a bang, not a whimper.

I hope that's the case. The only thing is the first time we were taxed and not represented, we got nothing. Now some people want something for nothing and are willing to elect those that will give it to them without much thought of the actual cost.

I'm afraid those same elected officials will slowly try to take away our 2nd rights. First it will be assault weapon ammo, then .45's. the 9mm, then .380. Before long they will want us to have a permit for a .22 if we keep heading down this track.