View Full Version : Guns and Ammo reports Colt wins contract

07-29-2012, 05:17 PM
Just ran across this and thought I would post it here.


Longitude Zero
07-29-2012, 05:52 PM
The more things change the maore they stay the same. The rediscovery of the 1911. Just like the B-52 you cannot kill a great weapon system.

07-29-2012, 06:28 PM
This isn't a "rediscovery", but rather replacements for Marine Special Force units that already use the 1911. I guess I'm a bit surprised that the 1911 was retained, as the Navy Special Forces have gone away from the 1911, and adopted a better weapon in the form of the HK MK24, (HK45ct). Colt recently lost a much larger contract for the weapon system to replace the SAW, to Heckler & Koch. You win some and lose some.

07-29-2012, 07:37 PM
This isn't a "rediscovery", but rather replacements for Marine Special Force units that already use the 1911. I guess I'm a bit surprised that the 1911 was retained, as the Navy Special Forces have gone away from the 1911, and adopted a better weapon in the form of the HK MK24, (HK45ct). Colt recently lost a much larger contract for the weapon system to replace the SAW, to Heckler & Koch. You win some and lose some.
Seems to me, that in this case, "Better" is just a matter of opinion.:80:

Longitude Zero
07-29-2012, 07:51 PM
Navy Special Forces have gone away from the 1911, and adopted a better weapon in the form of the HK MK24, (HK45ct).

Only partially true. Certain "special units" adopted the SIG P226 instead of the HK and are on ther fourth of fifth batch of weapons. These units shoot their weapons until they are worn out then replace them. They go through initial training at a location in Coronado, CA.

07-29-2012, 10:21 PM
I grew up on old school math, so I'm not really up on how to do math these days, but a $22.5 million contract that will deliver 4000 firearms comes out to $5625 per firearm.

Seems just a tad bit steep to me for ANY sidearm.

07-29-2012, 10:27 PM
They did mention that spare parts would be supplied but like you said, that is really high. But you have to consider it's the government and they pay 3 times as much as anyone else.

mr surveyor
07-29-2012, 11:04 PM
If I were in a position to pick my battle side arm, I think I'd also prefer the Colt. The Sigs are fine, and I'm sure the HKs are every bit as fine, but I just have no affection for the Beretta service pistols. Still, make mine a 1911..... all steel.

07-29-2012, 11:06 PM
Seems to me, that in this case, "Better" is just a matter of opinion.:80:

By better I meant cheaper, more reliable, as accurate, lighter, suppressor ready and has a higher capacity. IMHO, yes, that is better.

Only partially true. Certain "special units" adopted the SIG P226 instead of the HK

"instead" is the wrong word. Actually they utilize both the MK24 and MK25, but since we were talking about .45acp pistols, the MK24 seemed the apt comparison.

07-30-2012, 01:08 AM
I guess I'm a bit surprised that the 1911 was retained, as the Navy Special Forces have gone away from the 1911, and adopted a better weapon in the form of the HK MK24, (HK45ct).

I have an HK45c and although it's a fine weapon and probably the one I'd take to a gunfight, I only have one, and I have five 1911's.

07-30-2012, 03:20 AM
By better I meant cheaper, more reliable, as accurate, lighter, suppressor ready and has a higher capacity. IMHO, yes, that is better.

Since we're still giving opinions on what's "better":
Cheaper, maybe
More reliable, opinion
As accurate, opinion
Suppressor ready, yes (if you need that)
Lighter, yes
Higher capacity, yes (2 more)
Better trigger, opinion
Better ergonomics/handling (quicker on target and back on target), opinion
Better ballistics, maybe
IMHO, the 1911 is the better choice for getting rounds on target when the chips are down and that's what counts (again, in my opinion:))

07-30-2012, 08:56 AM
I grew up on old school math, so I'm not really up on how to do math these days, but a $22.5 million contract that will deliver 4000 firearms comes out to $5625 per firearm.

Seems just a tad bit steep to me for ANY sidearm.

I think I read it would be 12,000 firearms in another report.

Edit: Of course, we have all heard of the $1000 hammers! :biggrin1:

les strat
07-30-2012, 08:56 AM
Good for an American company :)

07-30-2012, 10:06 AM
Since we're still giving opinions on what's "better":
Cheaper, maybe
More reliable, opinion
As accurate, opinion
Suppressor ready, yes (if you need that)
Lighter, yes
Higher capacity, yes (2 more)
Better trigger, opinion
Better ergonomics/handling (quicker on target and back on target), opinion
Better ballistics, maybe
IMHO, the 1911 is the better choice for getting rounds on target when the chips are down and that's what counts (again, in my opinion:))

^^^ What he said precisely.

07-30-2012, 02:58 PM
Since we're still giving opinions on what's "better":
Cheaper, maybe
More reliable, opinion
As accurate, opinion
Suppressor ready, yes (if you need that)
Lighter, yes
Higher capacity, yes (2 more)
Better trigger, opinion
Better ergonomics/handling (quicker on target and back on target), opinion
Better ballistics, maybe
IMHO, the 1911 is the better choice for getting rounds on target when the chips are down and that's what counts (again, in my opinion:))

I keep almost getting a HK45.
I've got no 1911s
And posts like this keep bringing me back to a 1911.
What will I do....

Also one of those Sig 226 All Stainless Nitron 9mm with 20 round mag
can't be all bad right?
http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcShBx7jkIlemYXIcInqCmmJK9RqN8Yjs XpmVEn5HSGXQEPSeNI5tB-u9gL5http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRL9C3frx6-29lCgYohkc4-WiZlclduC3U1LGc8Syxjg1rsALn3a5TJ2zp_

07-30-2012, 04:47 PM
Since we're still giving opinions on what's "better":
Cheaper, maybe
More reliable, opinion
As accurate, opinion
Suppressor ready, yes (if you need that)
Lighter, yes
Higher capacity, yes (2 more)
Better trigger, opinion
Better ergonomics/handling (quicker on target and back on target), opinion
Better ballistics, maybe
IMHO, the 1911 is the better choice for getting rounds on target when the chips are down and that's what counts (again, in my opinion:))

As the owner and user of both I'll offer my opinion.

Cheaper: toss up - Three of my five 1911's were cheaper. Don't know about Colt.

Reliability: Equally reliable. They both work 100% for me, but two 1911's
required work. Neither was a 5 inch or Colt

Accuracy: Equal with a 5 inch 1911

Weight HK45

Capacity: HK45

Trigger: Hard to quantify. both have a good SA

Ergonomics: Different but about equal

Ballistics: Don't know

Wild card: The Colt is American made which means a lot to me.

I would hate to have to choose. Both are favorites of mine. I'll call a draw.

07-30-2012, 05:24 PM
As the owner and user of both I'll offer my opinion.

Cheaper: toss up - Three of my five 1911's were cheaper. Don't know about Colt.

Reliability: Equally reliable. They both work 100% for me, but two 1911's
required work. Neither was a 5 inch or Colt

Accuracy: Equal with a 5 inch 1911

Weight HK45

Capacity: HK45

Trigger: Hard to quantify. both have a good SA

Ergonomics: Different but about equal

Ballistics: Don't know

Wild card: The Colt is American made which means a lot to me.

I would hate to have to choose. Both are favorites of mine. I'll call a draw.

With my ever popular and well documented cheating;
tuned SRT trigger,
ported extended match barrel,
10 round extended mag and
Hogue rubber grips -
my P220 may well nearly match the stock HK45 in weight, capacity, accuracy bla bla bla

07-30-2012, 05:40 PM
With my ever popular and well documented cheating;
tuned SRT trigger,
ported extended match barrel,
10 round extended mag and
Hogue rubber grips -
my P220 may well nearly match the stock HK45 in weight, capacity, accuracy bla bla bla

I think your P220 has a folded carbon steel slide like mine. If so the HK is just a bit lighter going by company specs in stock trim. If it's SS that adds several ozs. I have no idea how much your mods have added. It would certainly be a lot lighter than a FS 1911. Not knowing about your barrel, I still think the 1911 or HK could hold it's own.

07-30-2012, 06:47 PM
I think your P220 has a folded carbon steel slide like mine. If so the HK is just a bit lighter going by company specs in stock trim. If it's SS that adds several ozs. I have no idea how much your mods have added. It would certainly be a lot lighter than a FS 1911. Not knowing about your barrel, I still think the 1911 or HK could hold it's own.

I said nearly match.
They are all great guns.

If I'm really competing the heavy contour target type German P220 Sport 5.47" barrel is in order.
Plus I've got a BedAir stainless guide rod too and I'm sure I'm forgetting something.

In factory form:
HK45 31.0 oz HK web site
P220 31.1 oz (My gun on a digital scale last year)

But as you have astutely realized, I plumped the pup up with my mods.
P220 34.4 oz (digital scale today In Barth Combat Form)
BTW HK Mark 23 39.36 oz


07-30-2012, 06:54 PM
My Sig P220 weighs more than any of my HKs. My Sig is a run of the mill, older carbon steel model that I've never been fond of. I've fired some newer, customized stainless P220 that were like butter, (very, very nice), but they were very expensive and not tuned for combat use.

Even with the extra thick polymer frame, 6" heavy duty barrel and the slide to go with it all, the behemoth HK MK23 still weighs less than a standard 1911.

It's tough to beat a polymer gun in the race to make a combat load lighter. Ounces count.

I believe the HK45 and HK45c are made in the U.S.

Because the Marines recently adopted the HK M27 infantry automatic rifle as a replacement for the SAW, and the Navy already adopted several HKs, (among them the MP7, HK416 and MK24), it seemed to make sense to continue the trend.

Sometimes I think the FBI has too much influence on Quantico. Maybe this was a nod to HRT. :D

I admit I'm a HK fanboy, I own one 1911 and six HKs. Different strokes for different folks. :cool:

les strat
07-30-2012, 07:13 PM
I noticed on the comments there was the one guy talking how inferior .45 was on the battlefield. That's news to me.

mr surveyor
07-30-2012, 07:39 PM
do the math.................. 45 is 5 times bigger than 9...... DUH!


07-31-2012, 02:46 AM
I said nearly match.
They are all great guns.

If I'm really competing the heavy contour target type German P220 Sport 5.47" barrel is in order.
Plus I've got a BedAir stainless guide rod too and I'm sure I'm forgetting something.

In factory form:
HK45 31.0 oz HK web site
P220 31.1 oz (My gun on a digital scale last year)

But as you have astutely realized, I plumped the pup up with my mods.
P220 34.4 oz (digital scale today In Barth Combat Form)
BTW HK Mark 23 39.36 oz


HK site list my HK45c at 25.28 ozs and my compact USP 45 at 24.96 ozs, both w/o 2 oz mag. An old SIG article from the 90's quotes the P220 at 26.5 ozs plus a 2.6 oz mag. I know the newer P220's with the SS slide are over 30 ozs. I actually prefer the older USP because it fits my hand better.

I don't have a digital scale. :)

07-31-2012, 02:48 AM
do the math.................. 45 is 5 times bigger than 9...... DUH!


I hope Jocko doesn't see this.

07-31-2012, 02:54 AM
I believe the HK45 and HK45c are made in the U.S.


Some are assembled in the US, Columbus, GA, I think, but my HK45c, USP 45, and USP 40 are all German.

07-31-2012, 03:18 PM
I noticed on the comments there was the one guy talking how inferior .45 was on the battlefield. That's news to me.

I'm not sure I want any handgun on the battlefield but as a last resort and then I think I'd take capacity over caliber. After that, I think I'd prefer .22tcm or 5.7 'on the battlefield'.

But I recently ran across a video by Yeager where he just tore 1911s up one side and down the other. That guy really has some issues w/ them. I don't have a particular opinion either way, I shoot and carry 9mm exclusively because of price, capacity, and the 'good enough' argument. I don't own any other calibers in handguns. Might some day, but for now I don't have the time or money to maintain ammo stock and shoot with mulitple regularly.

But I'm curious what 1911 owners have to say. Seems there is a significant portion of the gun-owning population out there that don't trust them for anything. Obviously the military holds a different opinion for at least some of the troops it arms.

07-31-2012, 03:48 PM
but the military shoots hard ball ammo in their 45's where as we in our 1911 go with the hp ammo and I think more than anything that is where most issues lie. Just sayin. I neitherown a 45 1911 or want one, and I could be totally wrong here to.

Mr brother in law has a 1911 full military 45 and it willnot function worth a damn with any hp rounds but shoots great with ball ammo.. guys here like Bawanna who is a 1911 fan can add or subtract alot from my above comments.Just sayin

Longitude Zero
07-31-2012, 04:14 PM
but the military shoots hard ball ammo in their 45's

Only the regular troops do. Specialized units can use whatever specialized ammo they choose. They have been given blanket exemptions.

07-31-2012, 04:48 PM
would u then assume that they are not ur run of the mill government issues 1911's either...

Longitude Zero
07-31-2012, 04:53 PM
Probably not. I would bet they will be "prepped".

07-31-2012, 06:22 PM
but the military shoots hard ball ammo in their 45's where as we in our 1911 go with the hp ammo and I think more than anything that is where most issues lie. Just sayin. I neitherown a 45 1911 or want one, and I could be totally wrong here to.

Actually U.S. special units use hollow point ammo in certain circumstances. In general, military units restrict their ammo to ball, but not in every case. Non-military targets, ie: terrorists, are afforded our quickest, most violent dispatching. UBL likely met his maker with a HP in his chest and head.

07-31-2012, 06:51 PM
Actually U.S. special units use hollow point ammo in certain circumstances. In general, military units restrict their ammo to ball, but not in every case. Non-military targets, ie: terrorists, are afforded our quickest, most violent dispatching. OBL likely met his maker with a HP in his chest and head.

Kind of makes me smile and feel all giddy inside just thinking about it. Wish I could have been there.

07-31-2012, 07:04 PM
I hope Jocko doesn't see this.

seen it, just trying to figure out a comment that u 45 guys can actually understand:D. Nice thing about the 45's is when u miss ,,,, and u will alot, u can go down range and pick up ur bullet and just use it again. They never deform. and if u walk fast enough, u can even catch it in mid air. Just sayin:19:

shootin a 45 is like watching ice cream MELT........ boring comes to mind:music:

07-31-2012, 07:17 PM
I'm not sure I want any handgun on the battlefield but as a last resort and then I think I'd take capacity over caliber. After that, I think I'd prefer .22tcm or 5.7 'on the battlefield'.

But I recently ran across a video by Yeager where he just tore 1911s up one side and down the other. That guy really has some issues w/ them. I don't have a particular opinion either way, I shoot and carry 9mm exclusively because of price, capacity, and the 'good enough' argument. I don't own any other calibers in handguns. Might some day, but for now I don't have the time or money to maintain ammo stock and shoot with mulitple regularly.

But I'm curious what 1911 owners have to say. Seems there is a significant portion of the gun-owning population out there that don't trust them for anything. Obviously the military holds a different opinion for at least some of the troops it arms.
Yeager, like anybody else, is welcome to his opinion. In his video that I saw, he spent a lot of time talking about his qualifications, followed by some time talking about firearms engineering (where I think he's out of his depth), then some ragging on 1911s, XDs, and 1911 owners. Personally, I didn't see anything substantial in the video and found it more of a soap box expressing of his opinion. I've not met the man, so I don't have anything else to say about him; however, there are quite a few folks that do (a sampling: "A Glock won't weigh you down and hold you back like a 1911 will when you're fleeing an ambush and leaving your mates to die."): http://wethearmed.com/handguns/yeager-on-1911s/

In regards to the "Seems there is a significant portion of the gun-owning population out theredon't trust them (1911s) for anything" comment, there is also a significant portion of the gun-owning population out there that won't trust anything else. To each, their own.:)

but the military shoots hard ball ammo in their 45's where as we in our 1911 go with the hp ammo and I think more than anything that is where most issues lie. Just sayin. I neitherown a 45 1911 or want one, and I could be totally wrong here to.

Mr brother in law has a 1911 full military 45 and it willnot function worth a damn with any hp rounds but shoots great with ball ammo.. guys here like Bawanna who is a 1911 fan can add or subtract alot from my above comments.Just sayin
A lot of "GI" guns are mismatched builds, but even original (matching parts) "US Property" guns were only required to work reliably with hardball. Soft/expanding nose bullets were not part of the agenda as per the First Hague Peace Conference (and subsequent conventions). The 1911 is hardly alone in this, old Hi Powers are known to choke on hollow points (as will quite a few SIG P6s), but run fine with ball. TT33s would be another example that I have first hand experience with.
That said, many "GI" guns will run hollow points without issue and it usually doesn't take a lot of work to get those that don't to do so.
FWIW, here's a tidbit on the use of "expanding point ammunition" by our armed forces:
"This practice began to change subsequent to a 23 September 1985 opinion issued by the Judge Advocate General2 (http://www.thegunzone.com/hague.html#nb2), authored3 (http://www.thegunzone.com/hague.html#nb3) by W. Hays Parks4 (http://www.thegunzone.com/hague.html#nb4), Chief of the JAG's International Law Branch, for the signature of Major General Hugh R. Overholt, which stated:"…expanding point ammunition is legally permissible in counterterrorist operations not involving the engagement of the armed forces of another State."" http://www.thegunzone.com/hague.html (http://www.thegunzone.com/hague.html)


07-31-2012, 09:10 PM
In regards to the "Seems there is a significant portion of the gun-owning population out theredon't trust them (1911s) for anything" comment, there is also a significant portion of the gun-owning population out there that won't trust anything else. To each, their own.:)

+1 . . . Bravo! Spoken like the genuine gentleman that you certainly are.

Admittedly, 1911's don't work for pocket carry, but they do seem to excel at all of the other tasks I assign them. :D

08-01-2012, 12:23 AM
Yeager, like anybody else, is welcome to his opinion. In his video that I saw, he spent a lot of time talking about his qualifications, followed by some time talking about firearms engineering (where I think he's out of his depth), then some ragging on 1911s, XDs, and 1911 owners. Personally, I didn't see anything substantial in the video and found it more of a soap box expressing of his opinion. I've not met the man, so I don't have anything else to say about him; however, there are quite a few folks that do (a sampling: "A Glock won't weigh you down and hold you back like a 1911 will when you're fleeing an ambush and leaving your mates to die."): http://wethearmed.com/handguns/yeager-on-1911s/

In regards to the "Seems there is a significant portion of the gun-owning population out theredon't trust them (1911s) for anything" comment, there is also a significant portion of the gun-owning population out there that won't trust anything else. To each, their own.:)

Thanks for the thoughts. I go back-n-forth in where a 1911 exists in my purchase list. Some days it's next, others it gets bumped down quite a ways. Never at the bottom. Just so much negative and positive out there. My reasons for not buying one have NEVER been concern over the caliber, quality, reliability necessarily. More weight and focusing on concealed carry issues (safeties, size, weight) over the years and commonality of ammo in what I do have (as mentioned).

There are 1911s 'in the family' just not in my possession or gun safe. So ultimately to purchase or not is a moot point. They are definitely a joy to shoot and I have access to them to get my kicks when needed.

As for James Yeager, yes, he's opinionated all right :rolleyes: and in the end I'll buy or not buy, own or not own, based on my own experience w/ the access I do have to 1911s. Just wanted some folks' take on his whole 'sucky reliability' argument that he makes. But as you said, he's not the only one saying it and there are as many on his side and the pro-1911 side. Makes for great thread fodder.

08-01-2012, 07:53 AM
I guess its what a person prefers, as a member of the armed forces for 22 years I was issued a 45, then a 38, then the 9mm. If I had to choose I would want the 45. Just my preference.

08-01-2012, 11:47 AM
I'm real happy for the jar heads since they lost the right to roll up their fatigue blouse sleeves which was their trademark look now at least at the end of their rolled down sleeves there will be an old familiar American made war horse pistol ready to get the job done quickly, reliably and efficiently....:86:

08-01-2012, 02:26 PM
Mr brother in law has a 1911 full military 45 and it willnot function worth a damn with any hp rounds but shoots great with ball ammo.. guys here like Bawanna who is a 1911 fan can add or subtract alot from my above comments.Just sayin

All five of my 1911's function fine with HP's, as I think most modern ones do. In fact, the Detonics seems to prefer them since it feels smoother with them rather than ball.

The only pistol I've had in the last thirty or so years that didn't like HP ammo was a 1980 SIG P6, but it was a European gun and wasn't designed for HP. It would shoot Golden Sabers fine, however.

08-01-2012, 03:23 PM
I'm real happy for the jar heads since they lost the right to roll up their fatigue blouse sleeves which was their trademark look now at least at the end of their rolled down sleeves there will be an old familiar American made war horse pistol ready to get the job done quickly, reliably and efficiently....:86:
That's "Jarheads" with a capital "J" buster:)
Semper Fi,

08-01-2012, 04:34 PM
Just my opinion, I think the 1911 was a great choice. I have to add, that I think when it comes to our military we should avoid procurement from foreign suppliers whenever their is a domestic supplier. In my mind there is a sizable security risk in reliance with foreign suppliers. With the ever changing political landscape a friend today my very well not be a friend tomorrow. When I was involved with Operation El Dorado Canyon, the French did not agree with the action and banned our Airman from their air space. This caused an extra 12 hours of flight time and risk to the mission. So if one of our suppliers does not agree with us, then what could happen to the supply chain?

les strat
08-01-2012, 05:35 PM
Just my opinion, I think the 1911 was a great choice. I have to add, that I think when it comes to our military we should avoid procurement from foreign suppliers whenever their is a domestic supplier. In my mind there is a sizable security risk in reliance with foreign suppliers. With the ever changing political landscape a friend today my very well not be a friend tomorrow. When I was involved with Operation El Dorado Canyon, the French did not agree with the action and banned our Airman from their air space. This caused an extra 12 hours of flight time and risk to the mission. So if one of our suppliers does not agree with us, then what could happen to the supply chain?

Good point.

Like I said, great to support an American company :)

Longitude Zero
08-01-2012, 05:37 PM
chipD the reverse of that philosophy is how the military got stuck with Beretta's. In order to base cruise missiles in Italy we had to buy Beretta pistols. Tit for Tat.

08-01-2012, 06:19 PM
Our military, and perhaps Marines in particular have long used small arms produced by manufacturers associated with other countries. FN supplies the Corps with many arms. Beretta of course has a large presence. HK now supplies the IAR. Quantico tests many arms. FN has a facility just down the road near Fredericksburg. Beretta is just across the river. HK has offices in the general area. The arms business is very international these days. No getting away from it.

The base has been unusually quiet for many months. I'm guessing budgets are causing less live fire to occur, fewer training flights, almost no artillery. :confused:

11-12-2012, 10:40 PM
Hmmmm. A Sig P226 or a 1911 as a battle gun. Note, I said battle gun not CCW or target pistol.

Frankly, I'm a fan of both platforms.

Sig P226:

P226R 40
P226 Elite Stainless 40
P226 Elite Dark 40
P226 X-Five Tactical


Springfield Trophy Match
Kimber Ultra II
Kimber Crimson Ultra II
Dan Wesson CCO
S&W 1911Sc
Dan Wesson Guardian
Dan Wesson Pointman 9
Nighthawk Talon
Nighthawk Dominator

I regularly shoot my SA and both Nighthawks in IDPA along with lots of practice. My 1911's are well cared for and the 45's are unfussy and reliable, especially the SA - it just shoots and shoots. But, for when the SHTF, my Sig P226 Elite Stainless, an SCT mag full of 40-caliber Ranger-T & strobe/laser combo on the rail make it my go-to gun. Why? Well, it holds twice as much ammo and no chance of a brain fart at O'dark-thirty fumbling the thumb safety. And 43 ounces of solid stainless makes it steady as a rock and easy to shoot. JMO, of course. My wife owns 5 of those 1911's but her go-to gun is a 2.5" S&W 686 357 Mag. :hippie:

If I were in a position to pick my battle side arm, I think I'd also prefer the Colt. The Sigs are fine, and I'm sure the HKs are every bit as fine, but I just have no affection for the Beretta service pistols. Still, make mine a 1911..... all steel.

11-13-2012, 06:23 PM
At least my Heckler and Koch HK45C is made in the U.S.A.
I'm thinking made may really be assembled, opposed to manufactured?
But it's a start...

11-21-2012, 08:16 PM
Just ran across this and thought I would post it here.


That ain't yer granddaddy's 1911. It's a cut above.

11-21-2012, 08:24 PM
at a price each of $5625. so so typical of goverment OVER SPENDING or should I say Waste...

les strat
11-21-2012, 11:49 PM
That ain't yer granddaddy's 1911. It's a cut above.

But yet, internally, pretty much the same minus the 80 firing pin block.

What a great design to still be relevant and used 101 years later.

11-22-2012, 01:31 AM
at a price each of $5625. so so typical of goverment OVER SPENDING or should I say Waste...

That linked article is misleading. It states that "The Marine Corps awarded Colt Defense a five-year contract worth $22.5 million to supply the military with the company’s M1911A1 Rail Gun, now designated by the Corps as the M45 Close Quarter Battle Pistol" then "The Marine Corps Times reported that the company could supply up to 4,000 pistols, which will be delivered to the military by 2017."
While the part abut the contract being worth up to 22,5 million is generally correct, the second part that the company could supply up to 4000 pistols is misleading.

Per Colt's press release (http://www.colt.com/ColtMilitary/News/tabid/84/articleType/ArticleView/articleId/54/Colt-Defense-LLC-Announces-Award-of-Marine-Corps-M45-Close-Quarter-Battle-Pistol-CQBP-Contract.aspx):
"The initial Delivery Order on the contract is for 4036 CQBP, plus spares. Deliveries will begin later this year."

More from the Colt press release:
"Colt Defense LLC has been awarded an Indefinite-Delivery/Indefinite-Quantity contract by the U.S. Marine Corps for up to 12,000 M45 Close Quarter Battle Pistols (CQBP), plus spares and logistical support."
"The CQBP contract is for a five-year period and has a potential value of up to $22.5 million."

So if the payout on that contract reaches the potential value of 22.5 million, then they will have delivered "up to 12000 M45 Close Quarter Battle Pistols (CQBP), plus spares and logistical support." If you leave out the spares/support and just figure the pistols in you'd have a cost of $1,875 per pistol.

11-22-2012, 07:45 AM
makes more sense. thanx

11-22-2012, 08:50 AM
Personally I'm glad to see it. I've always been a fan of the 1911 and the 45 ACP.

11-22-2012, 11:41 AM
The Navy is now issuing SIG P228's, M11's, to it's Naval Aviators. In my day it was a S&W 38. If I could have had a M11, I would have never bought my first pistol - a Browning HP.