View Full Version : CW40: Do I Really Need One

07-31-2012, 07:20 PM
Ok I have a 9 & 45 series pistols. I carry both. Thing is, do I really need a 40 cal. Sometimes I think I do but can't make up my mind. Like to hear your thoughts and is 40 cal really worth it.

07-31-2012, 08:10 PM
Probably not. But, if you want the extra firepower in a pocket pistol, a PM40 is hard to beat. The CW40 is a little large for my pockets so mine got traded for a PM40.


07-31-2012, 09:36 PM
I am experimenting with a CW40 as a possible (lighter) replacement for my Glock 27 on extended field trips in the remote West. Four legged threats are not uncommon. With a BarSto barrel, adjustable sights and tuned Wolff springs, the Glock will put 500+ FPE rounds into a sub-4" group at fifty yards. The CW40 will nearly do that, but I doubt it will enjoy a steady diet of hot CorBon or Underwood ammunition, so practice ammunition will be standard 180 gr. FMJ's. For my specific needs, the .40 round offers more options than either the 9mm or .45. Further, I have been shooting for about forty years, beginning with a 1911 in the Army,when that was the issue weapon. I have taught and competed, particularly in handgun silhouette and can reliably engage targets at and beyond fifty yards with a CW40. I mention this to emphasize that nobody should kid himself about ability, especially ability under threat. In general, the .40SW is a relatively high-pressure, specialized, modern round. There are issues of bullet weight, stopping power, accuracy, recoil and weapon service life to consider. They can all be learned - with time and training. Ten thousand rounds a year in practice is not unusual for active competitors. You have made a sensible start by thinking and asking about this. Good luck.

07-31-2012, 10:53 PM
"Need" is not the issue. The issue is a matter of "Want". I have 9mm, .40 and .45. I do prefer to carry the .40 or the .45 over the 9 in the winter. Of course, it is good to have all three in case there is a shortage of ammo in one or two of the calibers. So the real question is whether you "want" a .40.

07-31-2012, 11:18 PM
I've had a CW40 for over a year and carried it regularly OWB. In December I bought a CW45, and the 40 has been in the safe ever since. It is the first pistol on the trading block when I run across that next "got to have" gun, as it has become redundant.

07-31-2012, 11:41 PM
I like the .40 caliber, I use the 165 gr. bullets and under, they seem to deliver more energy than the 180 gr. bullets do with less recoil. The 180 gr. does penetrate barriers better thus it has been adopted by several agencies. I believe the 165 gr. and lighter delivers more FPE than most 180gr. loads, and about the same energy as many .45 loads do. Like Redstate, I'd say want is probably more of an issue than need. I like my CW40, even better now that I added the ported barrel. It tamed the muzzle flip and perceived recoil some. Most pistols have higher capacity in .40 than .45, unfortunately Kahr is not one them. I wish Kahr could have found a way to squeeze an extra round over the .45 capacity in the standard .40 mag. I don't think having a .40 is a bad idea, I have pistols in a variety of calibers, so in times of ammo shortages, I can usually find ammo for at least one or two of my pistols. .40 may be in short supply for awhile, since DHS ordered a boatload of .40 ammo. Seems like there was a run on ammo just recently, but since that UN treaty wasn't signed it should ease back up a little, although I suspect it will still be a little tight until the election, and depending on how that goes, it could either loosen up, or get really tight.
The police in the larger city near me switched back to 9mm from .40 and I got a chance to talk with an officer quite a bit during my son's wedding, I guess they always have an officer present when events are held there. I asked why the switch back to 9mm, and he said he thought ammo cost had the biggest role in it. His service pistol was a Glock 9mm. He said it really didn't matter much to him as he rarely used his pistol.
Diversity in calibers is not a bad thing, so I'd go for it if I didn't have .40. and had some extra $$$ to spend.

08-01-2012, 06:42 AM
Thanks guys, guess I want to have one not need to have one.

08-01-2012, 10:03 AM
If your dealing with a want and not a need which is already the case since you said you already have a 45, I'd go big and get a T40 or something fun for range but still easily carried if you desire.

Personally I don't care for the 40 in a subcompact package, maybe I'm turning into a woos in my declining years. I like the round, don't misunderstand that, I just want it in a larger platform.

I have a K40, I had it magna ported but it lives mostly in the safe, still fondled and loved from time to time but still displaced by the venerable PM45 which plays second fiddle to the also venerable 1911. Life as it should be according to bawanna but what the heck does he know..........................

08-01-2012, 04:29 PM
I slept really well last night, have my CW45 apart right now trying to figure out the problem withthe extended mag, so I slept with the Bawanna gripped Kimber in my nightstand. I swear those grips have made the gun more accurate and reliable, and keeps boogeymen away at night.

08-01-2012, 04:33 PM
Bawanna's blushing.

Bleeding off a little air from the swelled head.

Probably the accuracy package I included with those grips no doubt.

08-01-2012, 04:34 PM
You need a St. Bawanna medal. Keeps away the evil spirits.
http://www.firearmstalk.com/forums/attachments/f57/50719-give-me-some-unusual-cool-1911-accessory-ideas-http___www.skystoneandsilver.com_merchant2_graphic s_00000001_1911pistolpendant200.jpg

08-01-2012, 04:37 PM
Or a St. Jocko Medal.

08-01-2012, 04:39 PM
Back to the OP, and if you decided to branch out from Kahr, the S&W M&P makes a nice platform for the .40. I have a Beretta Cougar in .40 that I love dearly. You can pick up essentially the same gun in a Stoeger Cougar for a quite reasonable price now. Beretta bought Stoeger, moved all its Cougar machinery to Turkey and is making the Cougar under the Stoeger name on the same machinery the original was made on. People say they are just as reliable and accurate as the original.
I'd probably go for the M&P, though, it holds more rounds, is lighter and you can get the Apex? trigger job done and make it a very nice DAO to shoot. My M&P Pro in 9mm has the nicest DAO trigger I've come across, it's like a 2 stage trigger, take up the slack, then feel the resistance, apply about 4-5 lbs of pressure and you get a very crisp break. As close to single action on a DAO that I've encountered. Glock is said to have some nice .40's and you can get some nice triggers for those too I hear. Don't have a Glock, they never did appeal much to me, but they must be damn reliable guns as they are used a LOT by Police departments.

08-01-2012, 04:40 PM
You need a St. Bawanna medal. Keeps away the evil spirits.
http://www.firearmstalk.com/forums/attachments/f57/50719-give-me-some-unusual-cool-1911-accessory-ideas-http___www.skystoneandsilver.com_merchant2_graphic s_00000001_1911pistolpendant200.jpg

Ain't that sweet. Be nice to include that in every grip package. They'd probably get nervous if I wore that here to work figuring it was real.
I can see it now in shooting events world wide, shooters kissing their St Bawanna medals before the match.

Ok, wife put mushrooms in my sandwich today, who knows where they came from.

08-01-2012, 06:45 PM
Maybe I will look at the M&P line. Looks like S&W has improved thru the years. As long as gun is made in the USA- very important to me. Thanks thetmanski!

08-01-2012, 06:50 PM
Our neighboring Sheriffs office recently switched to Smith M&P's in 45. The few I've spoken to seem to like them alot.
I've always liked the feel of the M&P over some of the competition too. With the different back straps and ergonomics they feel pretty nice in the hand.

VN Vet
08-01-2012, 06:56 PM
A CW40 is not needed. It is desired, like a fine wine.

Its kick is telling me that it truely loves me and to have your pistol tell you that is so nice. It tells me "I love you Daddy. Please take me home."