View Full Version : Am I Cheating on her??

08-03-2012, 09:44 PM
I will be going bright an early in the very AM to take mt Texas CHL renewal class. I have to shoot for a passing score (not problem) but when looking in the safe tonight I ended up pulling out my old 1911 instead of often carried P380 or my every day carry Khar CW40...

Does this mean I'm cheating on my EDC?:eek:

I do know the practicals have to be considered. I can't carry in a holster to/in class (safety they say, but-its-a renewal class...:confused:). I have a bunch of .45ACP and just a little bit .40S&W target ammo. It would be crazy to shoot $60 bucks of my SD ammo at paper for the test when I have plenty of 45acp ball I picked up for $16 a box. Can't forget that I have to shoot for a score, so why not shoot a target grade gun... ect, ect.
Like I say practical reasons to be sure.

Still as I closed the safe door on my Khars I swear I heard a little voice cry out "Take me! Take me..."

Does this make me a bad person???:rolleyes:

Y'all enjoy your Saturday.

08-03-2012, 10:00 PM
Take the one you shoot the best. Good luck...

08-03-2012, 11:37 PM
I have to chuckle as I picture you pulling out a sentimental favorite you shot well in the past and screw up your renewal qual. I have to go along with 7shot on this one.

mr surveyor
08-04-2012, 12:04 AM
I did my TXCHL renewal in February, and decided to NOT take my Kimber this time. That's the most accurate, pleasant handgun I own, but I rarely ever carry it. Having spent many years trying to convince a couple of my running buddies that the "range test" is NOT a match competition, I decided to prove it to them this time around. I took my CW9 and still scored a 238 (out of 250). I started to take my newly purchased CM9, but having only put about 50-60 rounds through it I didn't want to risk a malfunction issue and having to switch handguns. Actually, I don't own a handgun that I couldn't at least pass the minimum 175 score for proficiency.

I say test with what you carry and give yourself a real confidence boost.


08-04-2012, 01:01 AM
I've had my Florida weapon licence for 20+ years.
Renewed several times.
Had to get new pictures and fill out the forms again.
But only had to shoot once.
Used a rented 38 revolver.

I shoot my carry gun(s) far and away the most.
But if the chips were down to perform on a test?
My Sig P220 sporting a 5.47" target barrel would be on deck.

I wouldn't worry about that.

MW surveyor
08-04-2012, 05:59 AM
You'd have to be just about blind or have a gun that doesn't shoot not to be able to pass the shooting test for the Texas CHL.

Take what you want (as long as it is a Semi-auto so that you can carry both/either a semi-auto or revolver). Impress the crowd and instructor, tear the heart out of the target.

08-04-2012, 10:22 AM
I did my TXCHL renewal in February, and decided to NOT take my Kimber this time. That's the most accurate, pleasant handgun I own, but I rarely ever carry it. Having spent many years trying to convince a couple of my running buddies that the "range test" is NOT a match competition, I decided to prove it to them this time around. I took my CW9 and still scored a 238 (out of 250). I started to take my newly purchased CM9, but having only put about 50-60 rounds through it I didn't want to risk a malfunction issue and having to switch handguns. Actually, I don't own a handgun that I couldn't at least pass the minimum 175 score for proficiency.

I say test with what you carry and give yourself a real confidence boost.


Where do you go? Bullet Trap in Plano doesn't give you your score anymore. When jlottmc did his initial CHL class in San Angelo (he and his brother from another mother) did theirs together they gave the score and he was shooting better than the instructor. I think it was like 245 or 249 or something out of 250.

08-04-2012, 10:44 AM
Thank God and Greyhound, we aren't required to test in anyway. No written, no class, no shooting.

The guys once thought they'd give me a dose of reality and had me shoot the duty police qual. It was out of the blue which was good, didn't give me any worry time. Fortunately it was one of my good days and I shot a 570 out of 600. Beat the instructor by 10 points that day.

I rolled around a little puffed up that day for sure. Probably couldn't do it again in 50 attempts.

08-04-2012, 11:23 AM
I did my TXCHL renewal in February, and decided to NOT take my Kimber this time. That's the most accurate, pleasant handgun I own, but I rarely ever carry it.

I feel exactly the same about my Kimber 1911, excluding my .22's.

The last time I had to shoot as part of getting my carry permit (in a different state), I just used my Browning Buckmark .22 because they didn't care what gun you used; you couldn't shoot enough at the qualification for it to be a worthwhile practice exercise; I didn't care what anyone else saw me shooting; the Buckmark is fun; and .22LR is cheap.

Clearly some of the other participants that day didn't care either: I still remember one clueless guy who came with an old .25ACP of some kind. He didn't know how to load it, and the RO/instructor nearly ejected him for waving it around. Yikes! Yet I think he still passed. Makes you wonder. :der:

mr surveyor
08-04-2012, 01:54 PM
Where do you go? Bullet Trap in Plano doesn't give you your score anymore. When jlottmc did his initial CHL class in San Angelo (he and his brother from another mother) did theirs together they gave the score and he was shooting better than the instructor. I think it was like 245 or 249 or something out of 250.

we have several instructors over here in my neck of the woods that put on classes at either our "club range" or the East Texas Police Academy range. My favorite instructor is a fellow that had pretty extensive LE experience and he was also teaching several other handgun/defensive shooting classes, including some at the academy. He and his wife work as a team, and are very open for discussion, one on one attention to those that need it, and very thorough on the range. He prefers that the shooters study their targets after they have been "scored", and lets them take the targets home if they want. The scores don't get logged on the paper work that goes to Austin, rather just "Pass" or "Fail". So, when it's all said and done, one could most likely score at least the minimum 175 using any acceptable caliber/style handgun they wanted to use as long as it was reliable.

08-04-2012, 02:25 PM
In New Mexico, we have to qualify with the largest caliber that we intend to carry in both semi auto and/or revolver so I qual with a .45 Sig and a .45 Vaquero even though I've never carried either for my CW. Our qual is such a joke, if someone couldn't qual at 3 yd and 7 yd, I wouldn't want them to have a gun period. I'm probably going to change next time I renew though and shoot with a .40 Sig and a .38 Colt since I have carried those and I'm thinking about getting rid of my .45's anyway. Haven't even shot them at range except for my CCW license in past 4 yrs.

08-04-2012, 02:55 PM
In New Mexico, we have to qualify with the largest caliber that we intend to carry in both semi auto and/or revolver so I qual with a .45 Sig and a .45 Vaquero even though I've never carried either for my CW. Our qual is such a joke, if someone couldn't qual at 3 yd and 7 yd, I wouldn't want them to have a gun period. I'm probably going to change next time I renew though and shoot with a .40 Sig and a .38 Colt since I have carried those and I'm thinking about getting rid of my .45's anyway. Haven't even shot them at range except for my CCW license in past 4 yrs.

When you say largest caliber,
Is that literally diameter of the bullet?
The heaviest, or most energy produced, doesn't count?

Literally my largest caliber is a Sig P220/45.
But my S&W 629 44 mag (.429) lives in a different area code.
I've carried both in the last two weeks (not at the same time LOL!).

08-04-2012, 03:59 PM
In New Mexico, we have to qualify with the largest caliber that we intend to carry in both semi auto and/or revolver so I qual with a .45 Sig and a .45 Vaquero even though I've never carried either for my CW. Our qual is such a joke, if someone couldn't qual at 3 yd and 7 yd, I wouldn't want them to have a gun period. I'm probably going to change next time I renew though and shoot with a .40 Sig and a .38 Colt since I have carried those and I'm thinking about getting rid of my .45's anyway. Haven't even shot them at range except for my CCW license in past 4 yrs.

I have plenty of room in my 45 adoption facility. Let us know if you part with them. Not too soon I hope, I'm pretty poor right now but I keep looking towards the water waiting for my ship to come in.

08-04-2012, 05:22 PM
... The scores don't get logged on the paper work that goes to Austin, rather just "Pass" or "Fail". So, when it's all said and done, one could most likely score at least the minimum 175 using any acceptable caliber/style handgun they wanted to use as long as it was reliable.

True enough, we were required to shoot 50 rounds of, at least .32 cal. The really nice guy next to me was popping away at his target with a .380 LCP.
I managed to shoot the X ring out of my target but when we pulled it in I had 52 holes in the target and a little hole in the B-27's 6 o'clock nuttysack that scored a zero...

I decided that the pass/fail was still solidly in my favor so I decided not to complain and cause any hurt feelings... except here, A ZERO!!! Grrrrrrr.

Okay I'm over it.

On a recent thread some folks complained about their CHL instructors. Our instructor Jeff that ran us today was great. The range discipline was great and the "talky part" stayed on topic and current. He was able to dispell some CHL myths and help folks have a better understanding of current CHL law in Texas. It is never fun to HAVE to go to class, but todays renewal was better than average.

Heres to the hope that when your time comes, it goes good for you to.;)

08-04-2012, 08:58 PM
I will be going bright an early in the very AM to take mt Texas CHL renewal class. I have to shoot for a passing score (not problem) but when looking in the safe tonight I ended up pulling out my old 1911 instead of often carried P380 or my every day carry Khar CW40...

Does this mean I'm cheating on my EDC?:eek:

I do know the practicals have to be considered. I can't carry in a holster to/in class (safety they say, but-its-a renewal class...:confused:). I have a bunch of .45ACP and just a little bit .40S&W target ammo. It would be crazy to shoot $60 bucks of my SD ammo at paper for the test when I have plenty of 45acp ball I picked up for $16 a box. Can't forget that I have to shoot for a score, so why not shoot a target grade gun... ect, ect.
Like I say practical reasons to be sure.

Still as I closed the safe door on my Khars I swear I heard a little voice cry out "Take me! Take me..."

Does this make me a bad person???:rolleyes:

Y'all enjoy your Saturday.

Hahaha....I just love this.

The last time I fired for carry permit qualifying about four years ago I went through this same scenario.

Pulled my old, faithful carry 1911 that I hadn't fired in eight years out of the safe. At the range, late, with the rest of the class behind me, and we were only using two lanes so there was a time issue....said to instructor I hope this thing still likes me. It was a seven yard, hold it in the 81/2 x 11 thing so no big deal really. Ran off the the first seven rounds semi-slow fire. Dumped the next 14 rounds, two mags with a tac reload, combat rapid fire. All ended up in a two inch hole minus a couple/few flyers. Instructor dude says...yeah I think it still likes you. Want a part time job?

One of the better moments of my life.

08-05-2012, 08:47 AM
Hahaha....I just love this.

The last time I fired for carry permit qualifying about four years ago I went through this same scenario.

Pulled my old, faithful carry 1911 that I hadn't fired in eight years out of the safe. At the range, late, with the rest of the class behind me, and we were only using two lanes so there was a time issue....said to instructor I hope this thing still likes me. It was a seven yard, hold it in the 81/2 x 11 thing so no big deal really. Ran off the the first seven rounds semi-slow fire. Dumped the next 14 rounds, two mags with a tac reload, combat rapid fire. All ended up in a two inch hole minus a couple/few flyers. Instructor dude says...yeah I think it still likes you. Want a part time job?

One of the better moments of my life.

Ahhhhhh yes, good times with old freinds.
I stopped carrying the 1911 due to it's weight and bulk. But true freind that the old girl is she never got mad because I thought she was too fat to carry at my hip.
The best of freinds are like that...:D
She's a range queen now but always a queen indeed. Peace

08-05-2012, 03:32 PM
I have room and the the wants for a new .45acp, and I've been meaning to add a Sig to the battery anyway. Let me know what you decide, Bawanna has more guns than he can shoot. All mine disappeared in that damn boat accident, and I tried really hard to be good, but the siren's song just keeps calling me.

08-05-2012, 07:03 PM
I qualified with my CM9, but brought my Colt MK IV Series 70 Gold Cup along for show and tell. My instructor fell in love with it. I could have qualified with any of the pistols that I own, but I chose to go with what I carry.