View Full Version : Common beark in wear for CW9?

08-05-2012, 07:20 PM
I recently bought a CW9 for CCW. I like it a great deal :D. I followed the break in guide and lube diagram that is on this forum. I fired 200rds of WWB FMJ and 25rds of Hornady Critical defense. Didn't have any issues with feeding no jams of any kinda ran flawless I need to work on my trigger control bu that besides the point.

When I was cleaning the firearm later that day I noticed that there was some chipping on the left side of the slide. No its no the line that needs to be line up to dissemble the gun nor is it the other two marks the half moon and the little foot for the slide reseals. The two chips I see are in between the little foot and half moon.

I also noticed that there is some rolling of the feed ramp, the metal it curling up.

Here is a few pics of what I mean to help better explain, the light is poor and the camera is off my phone I know I know not the best pics up you'll be able to get the idea.


Over all I am happy with the gun just not to pleased with its new "character" marks :confused:

Has anyone had this issue?
Is it a common thing?
Will Kahr try to fix this? I sent them an email of the same pics


08-05-2012, 07:59 PM
I just checked and my CW9 has same two little marks on slide, exactly like yours. Little over 400rds. Ramp OK. Maybe they came that way?:confused:

08-05-2012, 09:16 PM
Trying to think how that little ding could occur....

Only thing I can come up with is it occurs on assembly if the slide is not properly lined up when inserting the pin. That is to say, if the pin is put in the frame, pushed home at the same time the slide is being moved backward to align the opening? Just a wild guess.

As for the barrel... take a little file and (gently) knock the burr off. Better yet, one of those ladies nail sanding do-dads would be perfect for that. What you're seeing is residual machining / production marks. No biggie on that... or either mark really.

08-05-2012, 10:57 PM

This little ding on the edge of the slide is made by the top of the slide stop.

It happened to my first Kahr, a CW40, and my second Kahr, a PM40 with a plain stainless slide. You can minimize further marking by removing a little metal from the top of the slide stop where the square portion joins with the shaft. There will probably be a shiny mark on the slide stop to show you exactly where it is hitting.

That's optional, of course but it will stop the peening of the slide edge by the slide stop. I was a little smarter with my third Kahr a black DLC coated PM40. I relieved that area before shooting the pistol and the marking is just barely noticeable as a tiny bright spot in exactly that same spot on the edge of the slide.

Since your slide is stainless, you can brush it with a sandpaper like device as Mr. CJB suggested. If you stroke at right angles to the edge and in a movement away from the side of the slide with the sanding surface at a 45 degree angle to the side of the slide, you can make it almost invisible. Use as little pressure as possible and stop before you think it's perfect. It will hardly be noticeable. Or . . . just ignore it. ;)

08-06-2012, 09:50 AM
I had same minor issue with two FNP9s. That was over 5 years ago. Both guns have several more thousand rds through them and the little slide "dings" are no worse.