08-07-2012, 09:02 PM
I'm the proud owner of a new PM9. Very happy with it, and wanted to share some of my thoughts so far.
Headed to the range for the first time today, but before I did, I made sure to follow the pre-break-in procedure. Got her cleaned up and lubed, then racked the slide by hand about 500 times. Put 200 rounds of FMJ ammo through her (CCI Blazer Brass) and then tried a box of what I think will be my carry ammo, Speer Gold Dot +P (they didn't have the Short Barrel stuff, which I'm ordering online). Went off mostly without a hitch. Had a failure-to-feed on my second magazine, but I think that was due to limp-wristing.
She packs quite a punch! I'm not used to such a small pistol, having previously only fired a Beretta M9. I have pretty large hands, and I'm finding it tough to get a good grip on this pistol. After the first two boxes of ammo, I pretty much gave up on the 6-round mag in favor of the extended 7-round mag. My hands were just getting so chewed up! The first couple of rounds I made the rookie mistake of having my left thumb wrapped around the right side of the pistol grip, and got bit by the slide both times. So I moved to the left, and made sure to avoid accidentally hitting the slide lock. But I still found the checkering on the front of the grip to be a little too rough, and for some reason, the trigger kept chewing on my finger. It kept getting pinched on top when I would reset the trigger and on the bottom kept getting scraped on the trigger guard. I'm thinking I might wear gloves when I put so many rounds through her again, but that seems kind of lame.
Anyway, I'm considering the Hogue grip to give myself a little bit of cushion and probably the Pearce extension grips to get a better handhold. But I'm not sure what to do about the trigger. I LOVE the long travel and the super smooth break, but I literally have two pieces of skin gouged out of my trigger finger. Not sure how to address that. It was most natural to depress the trigger with my distal interphalangeal joint, but least painful to depress the trigger with my fingertip. Would love to hear others' experience with the trigger pull - ideal finger position, whether or not "trigger pinch" was a problem, etc.
Headed to the range for the first time today, but before I did, I made sure to follow the pre-break-in procedure. Got her cleaned up and lubed, then racked the slide by hand about 500 times. Put 200 rounds of FMJ ammo through her (CCI Blazer Brass) and then tried a box of what I think will be my carry ammo, Speer Gold Dot +P (they didn't have the Short Barrel stuff, which I'm ordering online). Went off mostly without a hitch. Had a failure-to-feed on my second magazine, but I think that was due to limp-wristing.
She packs quite a punch! I'm not used to such a small pistol, having previously only fired a Beretta M9. I have pretty large hands, and I'm finding it tough to get a good grip on this pistol. After the first two boxes of ammo, I pretty much gave up on the 6-round mag in favor of the extended 7-round mag. My hands were just getting so chewed up! The first couple of rounds I made the rookie mistake of having my left thumb wrapped around the right side of the pistol grip, and got bit by the slide both times. So I moved to the left, and made sure to avoid accidentally hitting the slide lock. But I still found the checkering on the front of the grip to be a little too rough, and for some reason, the trigger kept chewing on my finger. It kept getting pinched on top when I would reset the trigger and on the bottom kept getting scraped on the trigger guard. I'm thinking I might wear gloves when I put so many rounds through her again, but that seems kind of lame.
Anyway, I'm considering the Hogue grip to give myself a little bit of cushion and probably the Pearce extension grips to get a better handhold. But I'm not sure what to do about the trigger. I LOVE the long travel and the super smooth break, but I literally have two pieces of skin gouged out of my trigger finger. Not sure how to address that. It was most natural to depress the trigger with my distal interphalangeal joint, but least painful to depress the trigger with my fingertip. Would love to hear others' experience with the trigger pull - ideal finger position, whether or not "trigger pinch" was a problem, etc.