View Full Version : DE1911 is outstanding!

08-07-2012, 10:40 PM
Got my DE1911 off layaway and gave it a proper cleaning. Took it to the range Monday. Fired 100 rds of Independence, Blazer Brass and PMC and then 10 rounds of Winchester PDX1. The gun is flawless. Outstanding!!!
Best I can say is if you don't have one is......Gotta getcha one.:D

08-08-2012, 01:06 AM
Pictures, pictures !!! :)

08-08-2012, 07:22 AM
I've had mine for about 6 months and I agree 100%. It's a quality piece at an excellent price. I haven't tried a lot of 1911 triggers, but I believe it when I hear that it is one of the best. Really light and clean. Accurate and point-of-aim. Love it. Congrats on yours. Joe

08-08-2012, 09:12 AM
I wouldn't part with mine for anything, I might try to get another one for a spare. It's the cheapest 1911 I own but I shoot it better than any of them.

It makes me look good on bad days.

Glad you finally got it off layaway and home where it belongs.

08-08-2012, 02:06 PM
I wouldn't part with mine for anything, I might try to get another one for a spare. It's the cheapest 1911 I own but I shoot it better than any of them.

It makes me look good on bad days.

Glad you finally got it off layaway and home where it belongs.

Bawanna ... give me a quick word as to how you compare it to the Ruger. I'm seriously thinking of getting a 1911, and likely would start with one of these two.

08-08-2012, 03:07 PM
Bawanna ... give me a quick word as to how you compare it to the Ruger. I'm seriously thinking of getting a 1911, and likely would start with one of these two.

Well that's a tough call. If you want stainless, the Ruger is the choice for sure. I like the Ruger very much, everything about it. I just for some unexplained reason hit better with the DE. Could just be the sights, I don't know.

The DE feels slimmer in the grip safety area and I can't put my finger on that either, everything looks pretty much the same.

The thumb safety on the DE is slightly less robust but it functions well and I see no need to change it.

You'll do fine with either one. Since I secured my Ruger I've not been watching that close, but I'd not pay the gouging prices they were commanding for a long time. They might be catching up some by now although I still don't see them around much.

I want to get a Kahr Auto Ordnance now and see how it stacks up to the Ruger and the DE. Don't let the wife hear about this, I'm still trying to get those Tommy mags, not ready for the next battle yet.

08-09-2012, 10:22 AM
Thanks ya'll. The DE1911 does not have the Series 80 safety like my Remington 1911 stainless. I think that is the key. The DE is just a little bit better than my Remington in the trigger and on accuracy. I love both and both are keepers.

08-09-2012, 10:26 AM
By the way I am not tech savvy. Whats the easiest way to post pictures for the tech challenged?

08-09-2012, 10:29 AM
That was one plus for the Ruger as well, it's series 70 also. I was surprised that the Remington was Series 80. I don't know that I could tell the difference but I try to stick with the 70's.

I do want a Remington though, course that seems to be a pattern with me, kind of like the feds, I want em all. But just to play with ya know.

08-09-2012, 10:31 AM
By the way I am not tech savvy. Whats the easiest way to post pictures for the tech challenged?

Me neither but I use photobucket. Since they opened it up for larger pictures you can just add em direct with decent results too.

Just hit the manage attachments button and go from there. There's several way smarter guys than me that can lend further help if you need it.

Good idea on the picture. If you seen one, you want to see em all.

08-09-2012, 10:38 AM
Photobucket is your best bet.
It's easy to use. Upload the photo click on it, click the direct link box and
come here to post. Click the http://i1147.photobucket.com/albums/o542/tinman507/picicon.jpg & paste the link and you're good to go.

08-09-2012, 10:44 AM
Thanks Bawanna I will try and see what photobucket is about. I do love my Remington. On Monday when I went to the firing range I fired both of the 1911's exactly the same way with exactly the same number and brand of ammo. Both were flawless. The DE performs just slightly better and to me the Remington gets the edge in looks. I do love stainless. The series 80 safety just makes the trigger a little heavier.

08-09-2012, 10:47 AM
Remember to block your serial numbers, I forget that all the time, maybe not a big thing but once something goes on the internet it lives the forever. Just one less thing ya know.

Fire up the photobucket and post them pics. I'm not real good at it but if I can do it you can do it for sure.

08-09-2012, 10:49 AM
Thanks Tinman. Wrote those instructions down. That should help.

08-09-2012, 10:53 AM
Great reminder on the serial numbers. Not sure how anyone would use them but great to know.

08-09-2012, 10:56 AM

08-09-2012, 10:56 AM
We've had guys wander through the pawn shop and write down serial numbers, then report the tool or item stolen. Biggest issue in a theft sometimes is proving you owned it in the first place.

Too bad we can't innoculate honesty along with all the other stuff. Be bad for politicians and lawyers but worth it.

08-09-2012, 11:24 AM
Congrats on the new DE1911!

Thanks Bawanna I will try and see what photobucket is about. I do love my Remington. On Monday when I went to the firing range I fired both of the 1911's exactly the same way with exactly the same number and brand of ammo. Both were flawless. The DE performs just slightly better and to me the Remington gets the edge in looks. I do love stainless. The series 80 safety just makes the trigger a little heavier.
I like tinypic.com for posting photos as you don't need to set up an account to use it.

It's been my experience, that a properly tuned Series 80 1911's trigger can be just as good as those on non Series 80 guns. My R1S had a slight burr in the lever slot at the top of the frame; a little file work there really smoothed the trigger pull on it.

08-09-2012, 11:29 AM
That sure is pretty. Just love the classic lines I guess.

The two Remingtons I've fondled, both blued versions had excellent triggers in them. Very nice indeed.

I surely haven't wrote off the Remington because of the 80 series trigger, that's for sure. It's on the someday list.

08-09-2012, 11:36 AM

Had to try the tinypic.com. Seems I tried it before and couldn't figure it out. Looks simple enough this time, see if it works.

08-09-2012, 11:55 AM
That's next on my list of must haves.
It's as follows:

M1 Garand

08-09-2012, 12:04 PM
Had to try the tinypic.com. Seems I tried it before and couldn't figure it out. Looks simple enough this time, see if it works.
Love that photo and that surely is another "Classic" firearm. Some folks might say it's an old design, but it still can get the job done! Thanks for sharing that:yo:

That sure is pretty. Just love the classic lines I guess.

The two Remingtons I've fondled, both blued versions had excellent triggers in them. Very nice indeed.

I surely haven't wrote off the Remington because of the 80 series trigger, that's for sure. It's on the someday list.
I think you know that I'm a fan of the Old Warhorse in all it's various flavors, but I do have a soft spot for the Government size with a big spur hammer and vertical slide serrations:

BTW, here's another useful free online photo service:

08-09-2012, 12:08 PM
It took me 20 years to finally acquire that Garand, I was afraid of getting a hodge podge parts put together and wanted a good one.

A friend knew a guy that had one he was selling, he got it the DCMP and I bought it sight unseen. It's really really nice.

I put it back in it's original stock (unfortunately)right before the storm range day, didn't hurt it much but a few dings.

That laminate stock is in a box awaiting future use maybe on yours. I'll keep my eyes open for a sweet Garand for ya. I'm no expert on them, I researched until I got headaches, there's all kinds of stuff to look for.

Kind of like 1903 Springfields. DKMathews can relate to that I'm sure.

08-09-2012, 12:10 PM
Greg, I think we're twins separated at birth. I like spur hammers too.

Sad you got born with all the brains and I got the good looks and natural chick magnetism. Seems we could of divided it up more equally.

08-09-2012, 12:51 PM
Greg, I think we're twins separated at birth. I like spur hammers too.

Sad you got born with all the brains and I got the good looks and natural chick magnetism. Seems we could of divided it up more equally.
LOL, I think you are right (though I wouldn't say you are lacking in the smarts department my friend):), but you know even a blind pig will find an acorn now and again. My lovely wife:

08-09-2012, 01:02 PM
Even chick magnets miss one now and then. She's a pretty lady, ok gorgeous might be a better word and obviously well versed in getting stuff done. I recall an earlier photo of her in a military type shoulder holster with if memory serves a 1911 but not crystal clear.

Welding, shooting, scooter riding, long as she can cook and clean fish I think you got a keeper on your hands.

08-09-2012, 01:33 PM
Even chick magnets miss one now and then. She's a pretty lady, ok gorgeous might be a better word and obviously well versed in getting stuff done. I recall an earlier photo of her in a military type shoulder holster with if memory serves a 1911 but not crystal clear.

Welding, shooting, scooter riding, long as she can cook and clean fish I think you got a keeper on your hands.
Thanks Bawanna, it was a 1911 in a shoulder holster:)
She's a fine cook, but she's also a Registered Nurse and puts in some long days. Now me, being a retired gentleman of leisure, I have time for such things as doing the cooking;)

08-09-2012, 02:11 PM
Aww, so she's your sugar momma? I gotta get me one of them.

I used to look forward to being a man of leisure but I talked to one of them financial planner dudes awhile back and the way he laughed, well it don't look good. Seems I waited too long to plan for the future.
I didn't tell him about my 401 gun safe and the guns for dog food retirement plan. I think it would have worked before that dreadful boating accident.

Having a nurse in house can't be a bad thing either. Aids longevity I suspect.

Maybe you and Wyn can exchange recipes?

Me I'm proficient at preparing the 3 basic food groups. Macaroni and Cheese, Steak, and Scotch. What else does a man need beside ammo of course?

08-09-2012, 03:54 PM
...Me I'm proficient at preparing the 3 basic food groups. Macaroni and Cheese, Steak, and Scotch. What else does a man need beside ammo of course?
PIZZA (though mac and cheese on steak might countfor that) and BEER!:):hungry:

08-09-2012, 04:02 PM
PIZZA (though mac and cheese on steak might countfor that) and BEER!:):hungry:

Heck I forgot, there's 4 food groups, spaced out on the beer. I eat it but try to avoid pizza, not my favorite thing and it don't like me much either.

Don't like the sauce, weird, love tomatoes, tolerate catsup, hate pizza sauce.
I do like the ones with all but he kitchen sink on them but wife always gets like just canadian bacon or cheese. Less other stuff the more sauce they put on.

Guess I'm lucky my young bride is a good cook an baker, I'd be a lot leaner and probably a lot meaner (never was a marine) if it weren't for her.

08-18-2012, 08:51 PM
This going to be next gun I get....I have a BEII 40 s&w LOVING IT! and I just shot the DE 1911 a few days ago.....I want one so bad! I also shot a Kimber, and a Spring Field 1911, the DE was the most accurate by far, with the springfield being next. Im sorry out the 5 Kimbers I have shot, I think they are way overrated. I'm going to my local gun store next week to put a DE 1911 G on layaway. I can't wait!

05-26-2013, 09:49 PM
Been gone awhile so thought I would check back in. Still have the DE1911 but traded the Remington for a Ruger SR1911. The DE1911 and the SR1911 are a great team. Happy, happy, happy.

05-27-2013, 05:57 AM
Colonel, that is one nice M1 you have there. I have a P-17 Enfield that is my only piece of American war history. It's a Remington, picked it up at a ridiculously low price. Seen them at the gun shows lately selling for nearly 7 times what I paid for it.

05-27-2013, 09:55 AM
The 17 is a great rifle. My dad and my grandfather bought surplus models when I was a kid. Don't know what they paid but I'm sure it was less than 50 bucks.

My grandfather modified his, cut the stock down, shortened the barrel etc. Only rifle he ever hunted with that I ever saw. When I came of age after a thutty thutty for a few years he gave it to me and it's the only rifle I ever hunted with too.

My dad cut his stock down but thankfully didn't modify anything on the metal. Just prior to his passing I found a pretty rough original military stock and put it back the way it was born. I wanted to get his picture holding it but alas I wasn't quite fast enough and it didn't happen.

Dad's was an Eddystone and my grandfathers was a Winchester, I might have that backwards but I think I got it right.