View Full Version : California shooters **SB 249

08-09-2012, 12:58 PM
For those that don't know, us lowly gun owners in the state of California are under major assault with SB 249. The current version of the bill will retroactively make already neutered versions of rifles such as Ar-15, AK's, FAL's, and others illegal to posses with no option of grandfathering or compensation for surrendered firearms. Please go to:

stopsb249.org and help in anyway possible.



08-09-2012, 03:34 PM
Ouch, you guys are even worse than us here in Illinois!

08-09-2012, 03:41 PM
I am in California and I must say I am sick of it. This state is run by the dumbest of the dumb. If the courts don't step in and stop these people I am leaving and taking my tax money elsewhere. I am not giving up any more guns. Could not buy a CM because it is not California approved. What part of the second says "government approved guns"

08-09-2012, 04:48 PM
Dang, It's time to move. There's still lots of free space in the SE states and in most of them you can buy whatever you want, and a background check, $20, and a smile will get you a pistol permit to carry wherever you like. Just make sure no silly west coast ideas follow :)

08-09-2012, 05:07 PM
FUBAR man...

08-09-2012, 05:13 PM
Admittedly SB 249 is the worst on the docket this session, but we also have bills on the table to outlaw unloaded open carry of long guns (will require a locked container for any kind of transport), ban on hunting bear or cougar with dogs (another step to outlawing hunting in this state), making it a crime to not report a stolen firearm within 48 hours (victimizing a victim), as well as the regulating of BB guns by LA county (an attempt to invalidate our State Preemption law), among others. A lot of this could be avoided if we could knock back our legislature to part time as opposed to full time status as they have now.

Cal FFL put together a well written opposition letter if anyone is interested:


08-09-2012, 05:18 PM
Admittedly SB 249 is the worst on the docket this session, but we also have bills on the table to outlaw unloaded open carry of long guns (will require a locked container for any kind of transport), ban on hunting bear or cougar with dogs (another step to outlawing hunting in this state), making it a crime to not report a stolen firearm within 48 hours (victimizing a victim), as well as the regulating of BB guns by LA county (an attempt to invalidate our State Preemption law), among others. A lot of this could be avoided if we could knock back our legislature to part time as opposed to full time status as they have now.
I agree, they equate success with how many bills they pass regardless of their impact or constitutionality.

08-09-2012, 05:41 PM
I am in California and I must say I am sick of it. This state is run by the dumbest of the dumb. If the courts don't step in and stop these people I am leaving and taking my tax money elsewhere. I am not giving up any more guns. Could not buy a CM because it is not California approved. What part of the second says "government approved guns"

First moved to CA, as an adult, in 1963. What a wonderful place. Got my BSEE and MBA from their then envy of the nation's schools. Got married. Kids born there. Lived and/or worked in the state on and off.....from Sacramento to Redondo Beach....for decades and loved it. Left for the final time week after Christmas 1989. Now reluctant to even go back there on business. Paradise lost.

08-09-2012, 05:45 PM
We're fully retired and can live anywhere in the world we can afford, yet we live in CA... sigh. Why, because our son and his family live here. I surfed ex-pat sites to see what life is like off shore but of course no one says life is wonderful, excellent medical care, cost of living 25% of USA, no crime and laws favor us.

It galls me that we loose more freedoms and pay more in fees for everything every year and of course our fixed income is such that we have less to survive on. Yet we still get by at least for now.

08-09-2012, 05:47 PM
I went there as a kid to Disneyland and Universal studios etc, never found no good reason to go back cept to maybe visit Old Lincoln and his bride.

To many people for me, too much stupid, too many funny folks mixed in with very few normal types. We try to keep most of our strange ones in Seattle but they do wander out from time to time.

Yogi 117
08-09-2012, 06:08 PM
I went there as a kid to Disneyland and Universal studios etc, never found no good reason to go back cept to maybe visit Old Lincoln and his bride.

To many people for me, too much stupid, too many funny folks mixed in with very few normal types. We try to keep most of our strange ones in Seattle but they do wander out from time to time.
+1...it isn't just Seattle, as the L.A. - S.F. - Eugene - Portland - Seattle pipeline is spewing "Stupids" all over the Left Coast. Crazy people with crazy ideas! We talk about moving out of Oregon after retirement. I would have never said that 15-20 yrs ago! :eek:

08-09-2012, 06:25 PM
What we need are more laws - let's start by banning mass murder and armed robbery, then these sorts of bad things will never happen again! Oh, wait...

08-09-2012, 07:01 PM
There are a lot of great things about California. However, I did move out of California for a couple years, just to be dragged back when we had kids. I live in a northern county that has a very open concealed weapon policy, has very conservative roots, and is beautiful to boot. I had been vocal of the anti gun agenda, but had been relatively unaffected by it. Recently I realized that I was suffering from a bit of apathy. I think this bill is waking up folks like myself to the need to hold our line. Unfortunately, the majority of the voting power resides in the more urban setting of SF and southern California, to which this realization has not materialized.

les strat
08-09-2012, 09:24 PM
Man I am sorry you guys have to deal with those idiot liberals. That sh!+ wouldn't fly here in our state. Too many good old boys that would yank those career politicians out of their comfy seats for an ass kickin.

08-15-2012, 04:15 PM
I'd say what's on my mind about California, but I'd be permanently banned from this site. Let's just say that I wouldn't bury a dog there. California, the land of the endlessly lost.

08-15-2012, 04:30 PM
The actions of California legislators at all levels of government are a sobering illustration of overcriminalization, which is a creeping cancer that is affecting our country, with no prospect of being reversed.

“Overcriminalization” describes the trend in America – and particularly in Congress – to use the criminal law to “solve” every problem, punish every mistake (instead of making proper use of civil penalties), and coerce Americans into conforming their behavior to satisfy social engineering objectives. Criminal law is supposed to be used to redress only that conduct which society thinks deserving of the greatest punishment and moral sanction.

But as a result of rampant overcriminalization, trivial conduct is now often punished as a crime. Many criminal laws make it possible for the government to convict a person even if he acted without criminal intent (i.e., mens rea). Sentences have skyrocketed, particularly at the federal level.

You can Google the term for more info if you're curious.

Is there any living American who can know for sure what is legal or illegal in any given place? Every minute of your life, you are probably doing something that you could be arrested for.

08-15-2012, 05:12 PM
Admittedly SB 249 is the worst on the docket this session, but we also have bills on the table to outlaw unloaded open carry of long guns (will require a locked container for any kind of transport), ban on hunting bear or cougar with dogs (another step to outlawing hunting in this state), making it a crime to not report a stolen firearm within 48 hours (victimizing a victim), as well as the regulating of BB guns by LA county (an attempt to invalidate our State Preemption law), among others. A lot of this could be avoided if we could knock back our legislature to part time as opposed to full time status as they have now.

Cal FFL put together a well written opposition letter if anyone is interested:


Are you sure about the long guns being locked if the legislation passes? I thought that it was written that stowed unloaded with ammo sep from rifle was OK. Plus as I understand if on a hunt or going to and from a hunt open carry unloaded is OK. This is where the LEOs I speak with say it is very hard to enforce if passes.

08-15-2012, 05:20 PM
I am in California and I must say I am sick of it. This state is run by the dumbest of the dumb. If the courts don't step in and stop these people I am leaving and taking my tax money elsewhere. I am not giving up any more guns. Could not buy a CM because it is not California approved. What part of the second says "government approved guns"

GOOD LUCK on that.....most court judges are appointed by your wonderful elected officials and with the ones elected in your state you have slim to none chance of any sanity from the courts....
For example....
Your state elected NANCY POLOUSI :eek: need I say anymore. Just like my state, yesterday we had PRIMARYS and in my district in city of over 50,000 only 66 people had voted, yet they are the first to whine when we have only LOSERS in the general election to choose from.
If you want better laws and government get involved and vote and get your friends to vote. Every vote counts!:75:

08-15-2012, 06:01 PM
In the early 60's California was wonderful! But, now! It is truly a shame because it is a beautiful tract of land.

08-15-2012, 07:43 PM

08-15-2012, 08:27 PM
I'd say what's on my mind about California, but I'd be permanently banned from this site. Let's just say that I wouldn't bury a dog there. California, the land of the endlessly lost.

Ummmm... Burying your dog there (on a pretty hill or something) would be considered illegal dumping of toxic, biohazardous waste, mandating a full EPA superfund clean-up of the afflicted area and ensuring your prosocution to the fullest extend of Califormula law...toot sweet too.;)

Your darn right you wont bury the hound there Mister!!

08-15-2012, 09:51 PM

F'n A baby... :cheer2:

08-16-2012, 09:45 AM
As said you are welcome to Alabama as long as you remember this is a conservative state and "West Coast" oppressive liberal and socialist ideas are not welcome. We are a gun friendly state for law abiding citizens. So ya'll come.

08-16-2012, 09:47 AM
Congrats knkali...that is indeed great news.