View Full Version : Just got my first mk9.

08-10-2012, 06:34 PM
Hello all, I just purchased a two year old mk9 and a mitch rosen iwb holster. The gun was 550 shipped. I fell in love with the mk9 at my lgs but they wanted almost full retail. I currently own a wilson combat and a nighthawk. Both are full size 1911and 45 calibers. I wanted something reliable and compact and I think the mk9 was a home run. I also have a alligator owb holster and two mag with belt set up from blackhills leather company. I get the gun on monday and the leather next week. Im so excited.

Now as to ammo 9mm has so many choices its no point to ask whats the best cause so many people like different grains. Im gonna go with 147 gr. I will pick up some hst and see how it works. Thats what I use in my 1911s. I promise to post pics as soon as I can.

08-10-2012, 07:24 PM
We're holding you to that promise about the pics. Congrats on the mk9, you're going to love it.

08-10-2012, 07:36 PM
Congrats on the MK9. Really pleased with mine. I use 147.