View Full Version : Finally got out to shoot

Chief Joseph
08-13-2012, 12:01 PM
Well, finally got to get out a couple of times this week to shoot. Took my 10 yo son the first time, he shot my Walther P22 and didn't do to bad, he fired my CM9 and my Glock 27 only one shot each. Recoil was a bit much for him. The second time was with my son and a friend and his 10 yo son. CM9 shot flawlessly with the exception I'm still tending to shoot a little to the left with it.

My friend that came with me had just bought an AR-15 that day and wanted me to show him where we shoot. First time in my life I've been scared shooting. It was his sons first time shooting and while I was trying to give the kids the safety lessons before beginning he just loaded up his rifle and said "I came to shoot" and started shooting before I could start. Then he had his son shoot his snub nose .38, handed him that gun and just let him go. It was insane. I took my son and hid on the other side of my truck. The son almost shot his dad in the leg playing with it and we ended with his son getting smacked in the head by his .44 magnum during recoil. Never again.

08-13-2012, 12:23 PM
Yup, you need to create a Do Not Invite list sometimes.

I'm always on my toes at public ranges, well as much on my toes and you can get sitting down anyhow.

Some people just sorely lack etiquette. I see it at gun shows too. No respect for people or the gems on the tables. You know they don't have 20 bucks in their pocket (I usually don't either) but they grab stuff like it was theirs.

I never touch anything until the table holder says I can or I'm invited. I know many of them and they usually hand me stuff as I roll up.

08-13-2012, 12:31 PM
Anytime I invite someone to go shooting, even if we've done it 100 times before, we always go over the range rules, the safety stuff and proper range etiquette ahead of time. This way there's zero misunderstanding. With a child, you MUST stand over them especially with a handgun. Too many ways to get hurt.

Joe L
08-13-2012, 06:03 PM
At least there wasn't a tragic ending to your story, at least not this time. That guy is no one's friend. I don't think I would go anywhere with him again, much less to a shooting range.

08-13-2012, 06:12 PM
At least there wasn't a tragic ending to your story, at least not this time. That guy is no one's friend. I don't think I would go anywhere with him again, much less to a shooting range.


Not worth risking peoples lives to keep a guy happy... much less a guy who is going to be ignorant, rude and dangerous

08-13-2012, 07:36 PM
That's just crazy, someone needs to have a serious talk with that guy. Cross that one off the shooting list.

les strat
08-13-2012, 08:27 PM
Dangerous stuff.

I took my buddy's kid to the range a while back. I went over what I expected out of him while we were shooting. Plus, he was shooting my ammo, so he followed the rules well. You just gotta lay the law down.

08-13-2012, 09:48 PM
Did the idiot look like he was related to this missing link?

Chief Joseph
08-13-2012, 11:51 PM
Did the idiot look like he was related to this missing link?

LOL, doubt this guy has ever been with a woman, much less have a child with one.

08-14-2012, 08:55 AM
LOL, doubt this guy has ever been with a woman, much less have a child with one.

Thank God! And he passed a background check??? Is this what 'domestic terrorism' looks like???

08-14-2012, 10:23 AM
Note his finger on the trigger of that loaded gun! :blushing: I'll bet there are a couple of stray bullet holes in the walls, ceiling and/or floor of his dwelling. :eek:

I am trying in my mind to classify this specimen. Not sure it is human. Some sort of missing link, or possibly proof of the existence of trolls. :cool:

Edit: Sorry for the thread jack. :o

08-14-2012, 10:49 AM
The next person to post that stomach churning photo will be on the bad side of bawanna. Jfootin, I thought you liked me? I'm your fodder.

The Brady bunch could get a lot of mileage out of that sick group of pics.

If he showed up on my door step to date my daughter, he'd get the same thing Chuck got.

just sayin.

08-14-2012, 11:31 AM
Chief Joseph, I think I would have grabbed that youngster by the scruff of his neck and told him to listen up before he shoots, and if dad had anything to say about it, then that would be settled too. I can't abide by folks ignoring safety rules, especially MY RULES on MY RANGE, or what I consider MY RANGE. I did young hunter safety courses for years, and know a little about what I'm speaking about. If a youngun don't wanna listen, he isn't going to be shooting. Same for his dad. I'm kind of tickled to hear he got knocked in the head by that .44 mag. Justice.

08-14-2012, 11:38 AM
The next person to post that stomach churning photo will be on the bad side of bawanna. Jfootin, I thought you liked me? I'm your fodder.

The Brady bunch could get a lot of mileage out of that sick group of pics.

If he showed up on my door step to date my daughter, he'd get the same thing Chuck got.

just sayin.

Thank God it wasn't me this time. I've turned over a new more tasteful leaf.

08-14-2012, 11:42 AM
He is a honder goldwiner rider.

08-14-2012, 11:48 AM