View Full Version : National Weather Service Buying Ammo?

08-14-2012, 10:26 AM
Be afraid, be very afraid....


08-14-2012, 10:42 AM
I read the posts below this article and the ammo purchase is explained with a logical explanation by a former fed agent. the ammo is to be used by drug inforcement personel on the high-seas. They have been a unit since 1980's. Check replies under the story.

08-14-2012, 11:40 AM
Are you buying that 100%?
I don't put anything past this administration.

08-14-2012, 11:57 AM
Gentlemen all ..."The cost of freedom is eternal vigilence"

08-14-2012, 12:20 PM
It seemed like a good explanation to me so I bought it.

08-14-2012, 12:31 PM
There's a big difference between showing righteous indignation and alarm about something like this and actually being able to do something about it.
Yeah, I get upset seeing an article like that but honestly, what could any of us do about it aside from voting the clowns out.
It also fuels my desire to purchase replacements for all the evil firearms and ammo lost in the terrible boating accident.

08-14-2012, 12:38 PM
TINMAN, lay low, it makes for a lower sillouette and a smaller target. Ever read 1984 when you were a pup? Big brother is watching......

08-14-2012, 12:42 PM

08-14-2012, 04:12 PM
Not particularly afraid of this. Makes you go hmmmm on the face of it. But as stated, it's explainable. And it's only 16000 rounds. Jocko has twice that thru ONE GUN. That's not even a years worth of ammo for 16 people that plink around, much less someone who trains regularly. And while I find it weird on the surface that NOAA has it's own police/leo organization, the various reasons posted on that discussion (and others i've seen) are reasonable.

There have been other stories like this circulating with MUCH higher numbers, like 450,000,000 rounds and 750,000,000 rounds. If I were GOING to be concerned about something, it'd be those stories. But when you divide those huge numbers across the entire population of federal agents under DHS (not saying i like having that many federal agents), but if you do the math, they would blow thru that training in a relatively short period of time. At least I would hope they would, don't really want an untrained DHS agent out there w/ a loaded gun.

Even if they ARE preparing for something they think is coming, it's not law abiding gun owners they are prepping for, not until they initiate a gun confiscation. They have too many other means to have a gun-grab-party to do it under armed visits to your house. There are many times more than those numbers already in the hands of 2A believers and such. They are preparing (I have to hope) for the riots in the streets from those that live off the govt once the system implodes. Those of us with self respect will sooner die of starvation than to riot, loot, or steal in the name of 'you owe me'.

Worry about the politicians and what they are doing, it starts there. They are the ones that are going to make the first attempt at getting your guns or ringing in a police state. The jury is out on what happens after that. Will LEO and soldiers comply, or protect the Consititution and the people. Time will tell I suppose. I hope me and mine are pushing up daisies by the time that happens.

Worry about the stupid TSA chat screenings where they want to know if you are traveling alone, where you are going, how long you are staying. Nosy Nosy Nosy.

08-14-2012, 05:11 PM
Friends one and all... please connect the dang dots! Declaring Martial Law capabilty, up armoring the DHS, activation of FEMA Camps, Seriously up arming local police forces, large ammo purchases, gun grabs past and future as seen by don't let a good crisis go to waste dispite facts to the contrary. It is all about power and control. As things spiral out of control and the system is colapsing isn't no time to be ready....it will be too damn late people.
Those in power will want to keep it as they will be insulated from the masses misery and lot, which they were sworn to protect and were the ones responsable for said collaspse ib the first place. When ever the government gets envolved things get more costly, corrupt and screwed up.

The damn stage is set for a major disaster. Even if the public comes to its senses we will face an uphill fight that will take a long time to repair. I am up for the challenge are you out there? If we as a people come back to our founding principles and the Constitution (the greatest document in human history) we shall prevail and freedom & liberty will flourish for future generations. We can not allow this to happen on our watch.

08-14-2012, 05:26 PM

08-14-2012, 07:27 PM
Not particularly afraid of this. Makes you go hmmmm on the face of it. But as stated, it's explainable. And it's only 16000 rounds. Jocko has twice that thru ONE GUN. That's not even a years worth of ammo for 16 people that plink around, much less someone who trains regularly. And while I find it weird on the surface that NOAA has it's own police/leo organization, the various reasons posted on that discussion (and others i've seen) are reasonable.

There have been other stories like this circulating with MUCH higher numbers, like 450,000,000 rounds and 750,000,000 rounds. If I were GOING to be concerned about something, it'd be those stories. But when you divide those huge numbers across the entire population of federal agents under DHS (not saying i like having that many federal agents), but if you do the math, they would blow thru that training in a relatively short period of time. At least I would hope they would, don't really want an untrained DHS agent out there w/ a loaded gun.

Even if they ARE preparing for something they think is coming, it's not law abiding gun owners they are prepping for, not until they initiate a gun confiscation. They have too many other means to have a gun-grab-party to do it under armed visits to your house. There are many times more than those numbers already in the hands of 2A believers and such. They are preparing (I have to hope) for the riots in the streets from those that live off the govt once the system implodes. Those of us with self respect will sooner die of starvation than to riot, loot, or steal in the name of 'you owe me'.

Worry about the politicians and what they are doing, it starts there. They are the ones that are going to make the first attempt at getting your guns or ringing in a police state. The jury is out on what happens after that. Will LEO and soldiers comply, or protect the Consititution and the people. Time will tell I suppose. I hope me and mine are pushing up daisies by the time that happens.

Worry about the stupid TSA chat screenings where they want to know if you are traveling alone, where you are going, how long you are staying. Nosy Nosy Nosy.

Ever wonder why the US has so many concentration camps ?

Longitude Zero
08-14-2012, 07:36 PM
Ever wonder why the US has so many concentration camps ?

Have you got any pictures or locations to show them? I needed my tin foil hat many posts ago.

08-14-2012, 08:04 PM
Have you got any pictures or locations to show them? I needed my tin foil hat many posts ago.

I don't have any but someone from work was talking about them the other day. I wasn't sure I believed him so I googled "US concentration camps" and was amazed at all the info out there. Real easy to find it you are interested. Does makes you wonder. :(

08-14-2012, 11:51 PM
Ever wonder why the US has so many concentration camps ?

Yea, I've read all those articles, seen all the images. Maybe there is something to it, maybe there isn't. It really doesn't matter. What's done is done, you cannot undo it. What is set in motion (if there is reality in any of it and I don't believe there is) is set in motion. All that hinges on some super sinister plot and piles of people either being stupid en-mass or keeping stuff covered up. I don't subscribe to tin foil hat stories.

The Constitution was gutted a long time ago, and continues to be by all three branches of the government it defines. I'm aggravated and angered by it, but I don't fear it, people have always and will always fight to be free. But everybody seems to forget and ignor that the military and the police are people and citizens too. They are not terminator robots that will obey every command given them by the political elite. They have not been brainwashed, they aren't going to go around rounding up mass groups of people and put them on trains and send them to concentration camps. If you were a cop or a grunt in the military would you obey that order? I wouldn't.

I am not concerned as a result. I do fear political movement against the 2A. It was written for a reason, and a reason that I believe in. Even if you assume that there is some sinister plot by the government, by the time they got good and started, we will be in an all out revolution IMO. It has to come from the political side first, that's what I'm watching and staying on top of.

If somebody wants to give me something better than a few pictures and some stories about ammo purchase, fine, but otherwise just not buying it.

By the same token/argument, the government could well claim that because the population has bought up guns and ammo for the last 4 years in record numbers that we are all secretly plotting a revolution, which is also not true. For the same reasons.

Like I said, I'm watching the political movement against the 2A, that has to happen first before they begin confiscating weapons in a manner that is effective. Yes, marshall law in New Orleans resulted in some confiscation, but it was voluntary and they didn't ransack house for them. They just asked do you have a gun and moved on. If it goes further than that, than one locality or a small geographic area, then yea, a whole lot more will be going on than just marshall law, it'll be an all out fight. At that point, are they going to have time to go house to house from gun sale records, I think not. They are not staffed to do that.

Dunno, just my take on it. Maybe I'm crazy. Maybe I should get a tin foil hat. But logic and clear thinking seem to be the order of the day for me.

08-15-2012, 03:38 AM
I work a stone's throw from the building in st. petersburg where 6,000 rounds are to be sent. It is not a "weather station" as stated in the article. It is the S.E. region offices of NOAA and houses, among other things, NOAA Law enforcement offices and agents. 6,000 rounds is nothing for a LE agency. All my tinfoil goes on my leftovers. Maybe thats why I don't put any stock in anything from infowars?

les strat
08-15-2012, 08:23 AM
I am with DKD, something is setting up. I see too much activity with DHS around here, and they are weird about it. Those "camps" that can be "operational in under 48 hrs" are for US civillians. Think about it - Obama wins, there is no telling what anti-Constitutional laws he will order. Obama loses, I promise you there will be rioting and civil discourse.

08-15-2012, 08:37 AM
....... But everybody seems to forget and ignor that the military and the police are people and citizens too. They are not terminator robots that will obey every command given them by the political elite. They have not been brainwashed, they aren't going to go around rounding up mass groups of people and put them on trains and send them to concentration camps. If you were a cop or a grunt in the military would you obey that order? I wouldn't.......

I appreciate that, you wouldn't. :)

Many would obey and some would defect. That is what has happened historically around the world because they are told it is for the good of the country... but this is America, so I would like to think that more would defect, but it is not likely that the group as a whole would see the reality. Unfortunately for mankind, there are just too many examples of the opposite.

les strat
08-15-2012, 08:46 AM
Like I said, I'm watching the political movement against the 2A, that has to happen first before they begin confiscating weapons in a manner that is effective. Yes, marshall law in New Orleans resulted in some confiscation, but it was voluntary and they didn't ransack house for them. They just asked do you have a gun and moved on. If it goes further than that, than one locality or a small geographic area, then yea, a whole lot more will be going on than just marshall law, it'll be an all out fight. At that point, are they going to have time to go house to house from gun sale records, I think not. They are not staffed to do that.

Actually, ML was never declared in NO. It was civil emergency, where no rights are supposed to be lost. It was not voluntary and they harassed and abused many law abiding citizens and even destroyed some people's weapons. That sh!t wouldn't fly here for one second in my state. Let's just say you wouldn't want to be the one knocking on a door to take someone's firearms in the cotton state :84:

Seen this NRA video concerning gun confiscation during Katrina?

08-15-2012, 11:51 AM
I have read internet rumors about plans to use foreign police/gestapo from the UN to impose martial law, sieze guns and round people up into prizon camps - because it would be too hard or impossible to convince enough Americans to do it. But how many America hating UN types would be glad to do it?

08-15-2012, 11:56 AM
On our soil? Good luck with that. All that would do is hasten the uprising.

08-15-2012, 12:16 PM
Better safe than sorry me thinks.

08-15-2012, 01:00 PM
Alex Jones sheeple, or is it sheople, types here...
I'm surprised:o:o:(

08-15-2012, 01:32 PM
On our soil? Good luck with that. All that would do is hasten the uprising.

Yeah, really! With over 250,000,000 guns in private hands and an explosion of interest in self defense and preparedness, it would be a BIG uprising!

les strat
08-15-2012, 02:23 PM
Alex Jones sheeple, or is it sheople, types here...
I'm surprised:o:o:(

You really think with the constant bills and such that are being shoved into DC that there is not a movement to disarm us? And the fact that the military was questioned in the last couple years on whether they would or would not fire upon US civillians is a big red flag to me.

I don't think we should get to comfy in our freedom and take eyes off of those in power. That's when you lose it, even if it is a bite at a time like we have been seing for the last decade.

Sheeple are the folks that think everything is good and our govt is out for our best interest.

08-15-2012, 02:25 PM

les strat
08-15-2012, 02:27 PM
Yeah, really! With over 250,000,000 guns in private hands and an explosion of interest in self defense and preparedness, it would be a BIG uprising!

JF, I hope it would be. If there is any spine left.

08-15-2012, 02:45 PM
But today the SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION has a Request for Quote to purchase 174K rounds of hollow point .357 SIG. The SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION needs sidearms and ammo??? Since when???


08-15-2012, 02:50 PM

Maybe if we get lots and lots of smaller innocuous Federal Agencies to buy medium sized lots of ammo and preposition them around no one will notice?
Yeah, that's it, that's the ticket.

08-15-2012, 05:34 PM
maybe you can add a gun camouflaged in a reynolds rap box to your previous collection to go with this ?

08-15-2012, 05:51 PM
Excellent idea!!

08-15-2012, 06:09 PM
You really think with the constant bills and such that are being shoved into DC that there is not a movement to disarm us? And the fact that the military was questioned in the last couple years on whether they would or would not fire upon US civillians is a big red flag to me.

I don't think we should get to comfy in our freedom and take eyes off of those in power. That's when you lose it, even if it is a bite at a time like we have been seing for the last decade.

Sheeple are the folks that think everything is good and our govt is out for our best interest.

Really? I found it to mean this:

The label originated in the United States (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States), possibly referring to John Brunner (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Brunner_(novelist))'s novel The Sheep Look Up (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Sheep_Look_Up), and designates people who tend to accept and take statements at face value, especially if it is cited in mainstream media.

Look it up, I said Alex Jones sheeple...whatever

08-15-2012, 06:42 PM
I appreciate that, you wouldn't. :)

Many would obey and some would defect. That is what has happened historically around the world because they are told it is for the good of the country... but this is America, so I would like to think that more would defect, but it is not likely that the group as a whole would see the reality. Unfortunately for mankind, there are just too many examples of the opposite.

I appreciate the thought, but should be clear, I am neither LEO, military, or ex-military. Just sayin' if I was, I'd serve the country, not the government necessarily. My one regret in life, could I do it over, would be to join the military for some period of time. Gotta love those guys and gals. And also those in law enforcement folks that are there to serve and love their communities, not to further pump their jack*** egos.

08-15-2012, 06:46 PM
Actually, ML was never declared in NO. It was civil emergency, where no rights are supposed to be lost. It was not voluntary and they harassed and abused many law abiding citizens and even destroyed some people's weapons. That sh!t wouldn't fly here for one second in my state. Let's just say you wouldn't want to be the one knocking on a door to take someone's firearms in the cotton state :84:

Seen this NRA video concerning gun confiscation during Katrina?

Thanks for the clarification les, don't know that I knew it was or wasn't officially a declared ML, just recalled that guns were taken at some level and in some cases it took quite an effort to get them back. My only point was to say pretty much what you were, that its just not gonna happen on a large scale, people won't allow it. Again, if it's gonna happen (gun control to the nth degree) it's gonna happen in bits and pieces via legislation and court cases, over time...not in one fell swoop by whichever group.

08-15-2012, 06:49 PM
You really think with the constant bills and such that are being shoved into DC that there is not a movement to disarm us? And the fact that the military was questioned in the last couple years on whether they would or would not fire upon US civillians is a big red flag to me.

I don't think we should get to comfy in our freedom and take eyes off of those in power. That's when you lose it, even if it is a bite at a time like we have been seing for the last decade.

Sheeple are the folks that think everything is good and our govt is out for our best interest.

Agreed. I'm just saying watch the politicians, that's where it'll start, not the lower level folks and organizations. Not that you shouldn't be observant across the board, but a few ammo orders and facilities do not a conspiracy against the people make.

08-15-2012, 06:55 PM
Consider this thought for a few moments before going back to watch some "reality tv".....

If some governmental agents start coming around for people's guns, it will most likely end in the death of the armed citizens. The government, if forced to acknowledge it, will not admit the citizens were defending their homestead and right to keep and bear arms. The likely story is that these were cases of domestic violence that turned bad for the citizens involved -- but it certainly won't be about the government disarming the people. Nobody will pay much attention to it. If these governmental agents start coming around confiscating weapons and people start disappearing, there needs to be some sort of concerted effort to sound the alarm because we won't be able to count on the MSM to tell the whole story.

08-15-2012, 08:12 PM
Citizen paranoia is so much fun to watch!

08-15-2012, 08:28 PM

08-16-2012, 08:45 AM

08-16-2012, 09:39 AM
I don't know if there is anything to this or not, but I think it merits looking into. Those of you who think that this is a joke should take the time to read the links in the article. You might want to ask yourself why the Social Security Administration needs large supplies of handgun ammunition or why the information is now classified? It's your tax dollars at work.



08-16-2012, 09:45 AM
Citizen paranoia is so much fun to watch!

You should have seen the paranoia in Germany when Hitler confiscated all of the privately owned firearms. You'd have died of laughter. Of course the more intelligent among us know that it couldn't happen here.

08-16-2012, 10:48 AM
The bureaucrats in Washington have gone completely insane, along with all but a very few polititians. They sit up there and write 10s of 1000s of pages of rules to impliment every law that is passed. I live in an apartment complex for the elderly and disabled. They are doing massive renovations here. About to drive us all crazy! :crazy: We had nice collapsible (leather, vinyl?) folding doors to our cloths closets and laundry alcoves. They removed them, framed it up and installed a 3' wide door in the bedroom and two of them in the hallway for the laundry alcove. I have to make room for a wide hinged door in my small bedroom, and it overlaps and interferes with my room door. When the laundry doors are open, they interfere with opening/closing doors to the refrigerator on the left and the bathroom on the right! :mad: They tell me that some bureaucrat in DC doesn't like folding doors, so they have no choice but to replace them with these awkward doors because it is now "the law!" :32:

I believe, given long enough, those crazy people will be wanting to regulate how often we breath! They are already trying to fine farmers for cow farts, claiming they contribute to global warming. But there were millions of buffalos roaming the plains in centuries past, and no global warming. I wonder when they are going to try to fine us for our gaseous emissions?

08-16-2012, 06:33 PM
I believe, given long enough, those crazy people will be wanting to regulate how often we breath! They are already trying to fine farmers for cow farts, claiming they contribute to global warming. But there were millions of buffalos roaming the plains in centuries past, and no global warming. I wonder when they are going to try to fine us for our gaseous emissions?


08-16-2012, 07:39 PM
Timely, and always spot on. Frank and Estelle would be proud.

08-16-2012, 07:41 PM

LOL! :D They recently found a quote below this scene on the Sistine Chapel ceiling. It says "Pull my finger."...

08-16-2012, 08:02 PM
You should have seen the paranoia in Germany when Hitler confiscated all of the privately owned firearms. You'd have died of laughter. Of course the more intelligent among us know that it couldn't happen here.

Citizen paranoia is so much fun to watch!

08-16-2012, 10:26 PM
Not to worry, the Flying Spaghetti Monster will save us from tyranny and torment.


08-16-2012, 11:21 PM
I know this discussion has gone on for awhile and there are a LOT of opinions on the matter. They cover the gambit from conspiracy theory to reasonable and I thought I'd post one other thought on it following some info out today. Yes, it's from the government, so yes, it should as suspect as anything else coming from the government. But if you take it at face value, with some simple math, it's not as scary as it seems.


The blog post is the SSA's response to the 174,000 rounds of .357sig the SSA 'needs' for whatever reason. The article states 295 officers. Now you can debate the 'why' as to the reason the SSA needs 'special agents', that might sounds spooky, but I spent the better part of my childhood living a couple doors down from an IRS 'special agent' which on the surface is even spookier to me than an SSA 'special agent'. But the guy had to travel out into the woodsy areas to catch up w/ folk that owed Uncle Sam that were not paying their taxes. To each his own, but if I gotta pay, you gotta pay. And he was threatened and had guns pointed at him on more than a couple of occasions. But I digress.

Anyway, back to my point, 174,000 rounds for 295 agents. That comes to <600 rounds per officer. See where I'm going? I shot that much at the range in less than a month. When they start stock piling so that each officer has 6,000 rounds, then I'd be a bit jumpy.

Just sayin'...

08-16-2012, 11:38 PM
Citizen paranoia is so much fun to watch!

Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean that someone isn't after me. :)

08-17-2012, 12:28 AM
HHMM I believe I was asked if I would fire on civilians way back when I was in the service, I don't believe that is any NEW concern. Shay's Rebellion?

I know we formulated plans to invade parts of Florida when I served.. in fact my unit participated in just such an invasion. (I missed the "fun" due to NCO school)

As for those FEMA camps. I have visited a couple of the camps listed on one of those websites. Didn't observe anything sinister at either one. However being an ex combat engineer I can tell you that it dont take long to string wire and set up some tents. I imagine I have an FM around here somewhere and could give you the Army's time estimations if I felt like doing the math.

08-17-2012, 01:38 PM
HHMM I believe I was asked if I would fire on civilians way back when I was in the service, I don't believe that is any NEW concern. Shay's Rebellion?

I know we formulated plans to invade parts of Florida when I served.. in fact my unit participated in just such an invasion. (I missed the "fun" due to NCO school)

As for those FEMA camps. I have visited a couple of the camps listed on one of those websites. Didn't observe anything sinister at either one. However being an ex combat engineer I can tell you that it dont take long to string wire and set up some tents. I imagine I have an FM around here somewhere and could give you the Army's time estimations if I felt like doing the math.

Funny, when I was in the service I was told not to fire on civilians, especially American civilians. My have times changed since that little incident in Waco, Texas. Oops, there I go, letting my paranoia show again.

08-17-2012, 05:16 PM
Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean that someone isn't after me. :)

Didn't say it wasn't justified. Just said it was fun to watch. ;)

08-20-2012, 10:56 PM
Citizen paranoia is so much fun to watch!

As has been said before, it isn't paranoia if they really ARE out to get you. Just ask Brandon Raub of Richmond, Virginia, a "former Marine involuntarily detained for psychiatric evaluation for posting strident anti-government messages on Facebook."

Read more here: http://www.charlotteobserver.com/2012/08/20/3467591/va-veteran-detained-after-strident.html#storylink=cpy