View Full Version : 22 minutes of anger

jg rider
08-16-2012, 08:44 AM

08-16-2012, 10:24 AM
Shows Obama for just what he is!

08-16-2012, 11:09 AM
lets take this one step further and disc something that both parties are guilty of allowing to happen.....having reporters on the front line and on spearhead ops. They do not belong there and often the info they gather( how effective the ops are, how many men are there, what we are using, the direction we are going, ect), gets to the civilian populations before the military command.

I dont fault hollywood for wanting to make a film on this because to the American people, this was a great triumph of good over evil and we want to celebrate this.

Many of us here do not trust our gov to do the right thing so we want to know. I guess the question is: How much do we have a right to know. There would be many that would be very suspect if the gov said it could not answer questions because of national security reasons. As Jocko would say..."just sayn"

08-16-2012, 12:12 PM
These acts are totally unaccepable which encludes all parties affilliated, and associated, with such acts from the bottom all the way to the top. This is nothing less than High Treason. Yea where is the lap dog media when all this is going down? I'll tell you where.... sucking off the hind tit of the beast.

08-16-2012, 12:16 PM
These acts are totally unaccepable which encludes all parties affilliated, and associated, with such acts from the bottom all the way to the top. This is nothing less than High Treason. Yea where is the lap dog media when all this is going down? I'll tell you where.... sucking off the hind tit of the beast.

well said

08-16-2012, 12:55 PM
Some of the people appearing in this slickly-produced video claim to have no political motivations... But I have to ask myself where is the $ for such a production actually coming from?

I get the point but it also has a tempest-in-a-teapot flavor... kinda long on emotion and short on substance.

knkali makes some good points above.

08-16-2012, 09:45 PM
I read an article yesterday on this very organization and the soon to come documentary. The article was very left leaning as it described the term OPSEC as "spy jargon". From day 1 when I enlisted in the Navy in '82 we were drilled on OPSEC, and none of us were spies. We were Sailors, plain and simple, who swore an oath to this country and the Constituion.

My very first deployment was to the Med, right after the Marine Barracks in Beriut was hit, was diverted to a small island nation in the southern Carib called Grenada. If you don't know about Grenada, look it up. Unbeknownst to anyone on the boat, let alone anyone else on the the other boats, a soap opera somehow aired a show about a US invasion of the same Carib island about 3-4 days before we arrived.

Yep, a failure of OPSEC as some level. The old WWII saying, "Loose lips sinks ships" really came to fruition for me then and there.

The film was spot on for me, as over the years I got involved in some higher security measures in our military. I was astounded when other's "president" came out announced what he did about Bin Laden. Most folks applauded, I was appalled.

This orginazation that put out this film claims to be bipartisan, and they may be. Time will tell. For now, I will back them as they speak the truth as I know it. They are a not for profit orginization and claim to speak out against any leaks for any level of government, regardless of party affialation. Though, I must admit, this film is directly against the current administration.

I'll be more than happy to send a donation to them providing they do what they say they are against.

les strat
08-16-2012, 11:07 PM
Whoever is funding this, I don't really care. It's the truth. Back when I first heard BO's speech about how "he" killed Osama and gave out the special units info, I drew up. What an idiot. It was clear sabbotage IMO. Disgusting. That b****** is wanting our country to fail. :32: