View Full Version : Old. New to Me P45

08-16-2012, 09:30 AM
I hope to pic up My P45 in 2.5 weeks. One mag 6 round from 2005. In very good condition. Ordered a 7 round from Midway. 230 after 200 very generous trade. Thinking of a new recoil and guide rod. Next find a lefty holster owb.


08-16-2012, 02:00 PM
Congrats. I just picked up my old, new to me, P45 a couple weeks ago. I immediately ordered a new recoil spring and guiderod too. I don't know what year my gun is though.

08-16-2012, 02:26 PM
u might try going to glock tak and hittingon the kahr section, they have a pretty good serial data base for kahr's, or u can call kahr direct and get the exact birth date. age doesnt really mean jack sh!t with the kahr 45's, theyt are all good. they eithger work or they don't. u got a dandy 45, now just shoot it like u stole it and if u have any issues, these 45 guys here are super for little picky things..

08-16-2012, 07:33 PM
I've checked that list and my serial number prefix isn't listed. I'll have to check with the factory I guess.

08-17-2012, 07:06 PM
So I just got home from work and my new guide rod and recoil spring were in the mail. This spring cannot be the right one. The spring is easily twice as long as the rod and there is no way I can compress it enough to get the gun assembled. Could it be that whoever put together my order grabbed the wrong spring? How do I know they sent me the right one?

08-17-2012, 07:14 PM
count the coils of each. if they are the same it will work, if the one they sent u is more coils, than the coils on ur gun, just snip them off to the same coil count, not the same length, as ur old spring has taken it designed set . U should be able to figure that out..

If kahr sent them to you, I am gonna assume they are the correct springs. If the coil count is the same, it will fit

08-17-2012, 07:36 PM
Whew!! Finally got it. That was tough! Counted the coils and it's the same as the original spring. I ended up using a small leather dog collar by laying it across the underside of the barrel. This gave the spring a bit of support while I struggled to get the rod all the way forward so I could set the back end into the groove of the barrel lug.

08-17-2012, 08:14 PM
Whew!! Finally got it. That was tough! Counted the coils and it's the same as the original spring. I ended up using a small leather dog collar by laying it across the underside of the barrel. This gave the spring a bit of support while I struggled to get the rod all the way forward so I could set the back end into the groove of the barrel lug.

be patient with your first 100 rouunds to,. u have one new stout recoils pring and u might get failure to lock open for awhile. This wouldbe normal until the springs take their designed set. It will happen. U can lock the slide back for a couple of says and it might help somewhat but nothing works like the bang thing..

that original spring must have beenin the gun since birth, as I have never seen a new spring twice the length of the old one, sometimes half again as long but never twice.. gun might even feel and shoot differently to.:cheer2::cheer2:

08-17-2012, 09:11 PM
What I meant was the new spring is twice the length of the guide rod. It is about an inch longer than the original spring. There is definately more to pulling the slide now. It feels more like my PM9, not quite as strong but almost.

08-20-2012, 10:25 PM
I sent an email to Kahr last Friday regarding the year my "pawn shop" P45 was made. It was made Nov 18 2005.

09-07-2012, 07:01 PM
When we went camping a couple weeks ago I got to break in my new recoil spring with about 100 rounds. The P45 worked great. Super comfortable to shoot.

Now, I'm noticing that when I point the muzzle in the air and pull the slide back about 1/4 inch, the slide doesn't go back into battery under the pressure of the spring. The slide stays back slightly. The gun was cleaned and lubed after the camping trip.

Any thoughts?

09-08-2012, 03:59 PM
Update: The slide only hangs up when there is a round in the chamber. The slide goes fully forward on an empty chamber.

09-08-2012, 04:49 PM
any chance u can give that chamber a good polishing. can't hurt a thing. I think I would get a new recoil assembly and retest. that normally solves alot of things. I also feel if u have only 100 orunds that maybe another couple hundred and it will itself smooth out and do as it should. I would think just more rounds down range and u will be good to go in that area. Knowing u have looked at the kahr lube chart also . This helps alot also.

according to ur reort ur kahr is about 7 years old, If u have not changed the recoil spring, then lets assume it could be the original one and just error on the swide of caution and put in a new one. I after reading ur birth date of the gun really feel that will solve ur issue.

09-08-2012, 04:56 PM
Yes, brand new recoil spring, you might remember my other post about not being able to assemble the gun with the new spring... :D

I will polish up the ramp and chamber with a felt dremmel attachment and see how that works.

09-08-2012, 05:39 PM
forgot that, u didn't cut any coils off though did u???

09-09-2012, 12:10 AM
Lol, na. Once I got it on there and let it sit for a while (and shot it a bit while camping) it's much easier to get back on again.

So, I polished it up a bit with a dremmel with the felt pad attatched. Same problem exists.

09-09-2012, 01:15 AM
With the barrel in your hand, if you gently drop a round into the chamber, does it encounter any resistance. If so, you know where to polish. If not, look elsewhere for the extra friction.

I'm guessing you lubricated the points indicated on the Kahr lubrication diagram. I find a little light grease, usually Shooter's Choice Synthetic in the syringe, helps other tight guns. It may just need more rounds fired through it to smooth out.


Good places for grease include number one (1), number two (2), number three (3), number six (6), number nine (9), number ten (10), and the little metal tabs embedded in the plastic at the back of the gun, which do not have a number. Just a thin coating, don't use too much.

09-09-2012, 06:43 AM
Lol, na. Once I got it on there and let it sit for a while (and shot it a bit while camping) it's much easier to get back on again.

So, I polished it up a bit with a dremmel with the felt pad attatched. Same problem exists.

help u any, I read of a few posts where the new Smith Shield wold do the exact same thing. rack it back a 1/4" and it would stay there, yet they all loved the gun.

The thing u have to think about is, if u send it back more than likely the postage willbe on ur both ways, plus possably any service (that is a maybe as kahr normaly stillfixes gun out of warranty except the postage etc.
I am not gonna say live with it, as that is ur choice, but if it was mine,I would live with it and possably in time it might shoot itself out of it.

There is no burrs or anything on the outside of that chamber where it might catch on he underside of the sldie hood???? Maybe a damn good polishing of the outside of the chamber area and barrel would be in order here. I polished my PM9, K9 barrels to a mirror finish..

09-22-2012, 09:35 AM
Well, I think I have it worked out. I ended up (at work) using an air tool, polishing up the entire barrel. Also took another air tool that is similar to a dremmel, that has a deburr tip, and ran across any potentially sharp edges on the underside of the barrel where the pin goes through. Then I blasted the entire gun out with air and oiled it up again.

So far it's working a bit smoother and not staying open that 1/8th inch.

Also, good to see you at the gunshow last Sunday Bawanna. Every time I "think" I have a problem with a Kahr, you are there to reassure me. I'm good with Glocks, but new to Kahr's. Thanks for looking at my P45. See you next time.

09-22-2012, 11:06 AM
Your entirely welcome Spyder. We had a long spell of no gunshows with the fair and all, I was long over due to look at guns. I think you got a good one there.

I might have the boys drive them selves next show, they were slowing me down getting there and then all anxious to leave once we got there. Don't mess with bawanna when he's looking at guns, knifes and cute chicks.

09-22-2012, 11:34 AM
reverse order for ol jocko: Just sayin.

09-22-2012, 12:36 PM
Well, I think I have it worked out. I ended up (at work) using an air tool, polishing up the entire barrel. Also took another air tool that is similar to a dremmel, that has a deburr tip, and ran across any potentially sharp edges on the underside of the barrel where the pin goes through. Then I blasted the entire gun out with air and oiled it up again.

So far it's working a bit smoother and not staying open that 1/8th inch.

Also, good to see you at the gunshow last Sunday Bawanna. Every time I "think" I have a problem with a Kahr, you are there to reassure me. I'm good with Glocks, but new to Kahr's. Thanks for looking at my P45. See you next time.

You're lucky to be able to pal around with that great guy, SpyderTattoo! I'm a few thousand miles away, which makes it kind of impractical.

Tell me, does your tattoo look anything like this?

09-23-2012, 09:08 AM
LOL, funny, close. I actually have two spiders, one on each inner forearm. The one on my left arm is this...


Right arm spider looks more like a real spider, not a tribal type spider.

I wish I could pal-around with Joe more, but I see him when I'm working. I work security for the Washington Arms Collectors gun club. There are two shows each month, one in Puyallup and one in Monroe, which is about 45 minutes north of where I live. Joe lives up in that area so I see him when he comes to the gunshow in Sunday morning. I don't have too much time to BS with him but I can usually get a couple minutes to say "hi" and pick his brain about my Kahr's.

09-23-2012, 11:11 AM
LOL, funny, close. I actually have two spiders, one on each inner forearm. The one on my left arm is this...


Right arm spider looks more like a real spider, not a tribal type spider.

I wish I could pal-around with Joe more, but I see him when I'm working. I work security for the Washington Arms Collectors gun club. There are two shows each month, one in Puyallup and one in Monroe, which is about 45 minutes north of where I live. Joe lives up in that area so I see him when he comes to the gunshow in Sunday morning. I don't have too much time to BS with him but I can usually get a couple minutes to say "hi" and pick his brain about my Kahr's.

Cool! :D