View Full Version : Need Help narrowing down my Defense Ammo for my CM9

NEO Hunter
08-18-2012, 10:30 PM
I have narrowed my search to the following self defense rounds after some research. I would appreciate any assistance finalizing me decision and most importantly has anyone had more success with one of them verse the others. I do shoot federal american eagle targer rounds with good success as well. Thanks for the imput.

Speer Gold Dot 124 gr
Federal Hydro shock 124 gr
Hornady Critical Defense 115 gr.
Federal HST 124 gr
Hornady Custom 115 or 124 gr.

Yogi 117
08-18-2012, 10:35 PM
Of your five, I would stick with the Speer Gold Dot or Federal HST, both 124 grain. The Winchester Ranger Talon series is also good. I buy these online in the 50 round LE boxes. I also practice with 124 grain FMJ, I like to keep the practice rounds the same weight & velocities when possible. Good luck! :)

08-19-2012, 02:15 AM
I haven't shot a LOT of Speer Gold Dot 124 grain, but I've shot enough through my CM9 to feel comfortable carrying it.

08-19-2012, 03:15 AM
I have shot enough of the Speer Gold Dot 124 gr +p to assure reliable functioning. My CM9 seems to especially love this ammo. The sound and the feel when a round is loading seems extra slick and positive. No kidding. There is a noticeable difference from other rounds.

08-19-2012, 07:21 AM
The Speer 124+p Gold Dot is the closest to loads you have listed that I've tried. Does fine in my CM9 and avgs 1122 fps out of it. The HST load is supposed to be real good too and both it and Gold Dot can be found in 50 rd boxes online.

08-19-2012, 08:53 AM
I have a K9 but my results with 124gr Gold Dot and 115gr Hornady CD have been excellent. Probably got a little over 100 rounds of each through mine without a hitch. Currently I use the Gold Dot for CC.

NEO Hunter
08-19-2012, 11:54 PM
Thanks for the help. I did decide on the Speer Gold Dots. I did find 50 round boxes on ammuntion to go's web site for a good price only about 8 dollars more than 20 round boxes. The only difference is that the 50 round box says Law Enforcement on it. I researched some and everyone seemed to say it was the same ammo. Hopefully someone can confirm that for me. Hopefully I ordered the correct ammo. Thanks

08-20-2012, 08:04 AM
Thanks for the help. I did decide on the Speer Gold Dots. I did find 50 round boxes on ammuntion to go's web site for a good price only about 8 dollars more than 20 round boxes. The only difference is that the 50 round box says Law Enforcement on it. I researched some and everyone seemed to say it was the same ammo. Hopefully someone can confirm that for me. Hopefully I ordered the correct ammo. Thanks

It is not a law or anything. They box them that way and price them a little better for LE, and some manufacturers try to enforce a restriction on retailers selling the LE boxes to civilians. They want to make more profit selling the 20 round boxes to civilians. But some of these retailers are smart enough to find a wholesaler who will supply them anyway. I got mine from Kyle's Gun Shop, both GD and HST.

08-20-2012, 12:00 PM
in short bbl 9mm i like the lighter bullets if youre not going to +ps; because they retain enough speed to reliably expand without over expanding and under penetrating.

08-21-2012, 01:32 PM
Good choice and that is also what I use. Make sure to function test your gun though. I found that my with my CM9, the 124gr Gold Dots would occasionally lock the slide back when they hit the slide release on the way up. I filed the slide release down a bit and it doesn't happen.

08-21-2012, 03:27 PM
Anyone tried the Hornady Critical "Duty" - not "Defense" rounds?

NEO Hunter
08-21-2012, 03:32 PM
Thanks for the info. I was planning on running 50 rounds thru my CM9 I have for carry and thru my Glock 19 that I have for home defense. Is that enough rounds to check function or should I shoot more than that.

08-21-2012, 06:19 PM
If you are through your break in period I think a box of 50 should be enough to check function but some will say you need more. As far as the Glock goes one mag should do it. Whatever my cm9 won't eat I run thru my G26. I run the gold dots in my cm9 and they function perfectly

08-22-2012, 06:50 AM
Anyone tried the Hornady Critical "Duty" - not "Defense" rounds?

I have tried it and liked it. I now carry it in my CW9 and CM9. Youtube videos by Tnoutdoors9 and Hornady convinced me to try it. I'm glad I did. You can get 50/round boxes at policehq.com (they sell to civvies but you need to call to check their inventory) and sunflower ammo.

Good luck!

08-22-2012, 09:44 AM
I carry Hornady 147grn TAP-FPD (I think that's what the alpahbet soup says...) in my CW9. I prefer the heaviest bullet I can throw, and the Hornadys turned out to be the most accurate in my CW9.

I normally run Gold Dots in my .380 and .45 (in the .45's case, Short Barrel Gold Dots for it's 4" barrel) but they were not as accurate in the CW9 as the Hornadys. I don't see that particular round on Hornady's website anymore... I wonder if they discontinued it...

Edit: The 147's are listed as just XTP's now...

08-22-2012, 10:54 AM
Anyone tried the Hornady Critical "Duty" - not "Defense" rounds?

I have fired both the +P and non +P Critical Duty 9mm loads thru my PM9.

Both functioned 100% and I'm not surprised. I use them for my trips to NJ where HP ammo is illegal for carry, even for retired LEOs like myself carrying under HR 218.

The recoil of the +P load is only slightly more than the non +P load and follow-up shots are not a problem.

Accuracy is on a par with my normal daily load for my PM9, the Speer Gold Dot 124 gr. +P SB load.

The current issue of the American Rifleman has an article on the Critical Duty 9mm loads.

08-25-2012, 08:57 AM
You might want to get a box of CorBon DPX 115gr +P 9mm and try them. After much research from various sources, i.e.-Brassfetchers, tnoutdoors9, YouTube vids, and personal testing, the CorBon seems to outperform all the others available, therefore my SD carry ammo in my CM9.

08-25-2012, 09:11 AM
Check out the latest Rifleman magazine for September... 100 handgun ammo comparisons for velocity, expansion, and penetration. Speer +P 124-gr Gold Dots had best expansion and decent penetration. Also, there is a big article on Hornady's new Critical Duty handgun ammo.


08-25-2012, 11:53 AM
Gold dots in the summer (better expansion), Federal HST in the winter (better penetration).

08-25-2012, 02:15 PM
Gold dots in the summer (better expansion), Federal HST in the winter (better penetration).

+1 Good thinking.

Mr. S
08-26-2012, 08:08 PM
Gold dots in the summer (better expansion), Federal HST in the winter (better penetration).

If you were speaking generally,I think you have that backwards.
Gold Dots(being bonded) have better penetration and HST has better expansion.

08-27-2012, 02:08 AM
I carry the 124 grain Gold Dots and I'm very pleased and comfortable with them. My understanding is that they make a "short barrel" offering for the Gold Dots that might work even better in a CM9. I haven't tried them because I have to carry the same ammo as my belch fire and brimstone main pistol shoots in my CM9.

08-27-2012, 08:53 AM
I have been useing a 124gr +P load that use
s the speer gold dot also . Loaded by georgia arms. Also velocity holds up well in short barrels. Glock 17 velocity is 1200fps, cw9 is 1183fps and the cm9 is 1143fps. Can't do much better than that.

Underwood seems to be a new company thats also loading some hotter loads that hold up and run well too.

08-28-2012, 09:04 PM
Underwood makes good ammo. Their ammo chronos right at their advertised fps and they get consistently good expansion and penetration. Using Gold Dot bullets, they have a 9mm 124gr +p @ 1,225fps and the same 124gr bullet in +p+ @ 1,300 fps. Tnoutdoors has done several Youtube videos on Underwood 9mm loads recently and they have done well. They also sell their ammo in 50 rnd boxes at reasonable prices.:)

08-29-2012, 02:07 AM
If you were speaking generally,I think you have that backwards.
Gold Dots(being bonded) have better penetration and HST has better expansion.
For the 124 gr 9mm ballistic testing I've seen, the HST penetrates further while the Gold Dots expand more reliably. Honestly, it probably doesn't make a huge difference. They are both exceptional SD rounds.