08-19-2012, 11:51 AM
i have a new metal mag catch on the way to replace the worn plastic one. whats the chances of need a stronger release spring as well based on others with worn release buttons?
sights are good but want nite sites, whats the charge for Kahr to do this? i havent seen a site tool for the karh before but i imagine its similar to glocks.
the other issue is i want a plastic flat base mag plate for my 6 round mag...but the kahr site says that they (polymer) wont fit on mags with steel plates? what? i thought all base plates were interchangable with all magazines (of the same caliber).
id rather not gt after market stuff from peirce and what not because that adds length without capasity by giving a pinky extention....
sights are good but want nite sites, whats the charge for Kahr to do this? i havent seen a site tool for the karh before but i imagine its similar to glocks.
the other issue is i want a plastic flat base mag plate for my 6 round mag...but the kahr site says that they (polymer) wont fit on mags with steel plates? what? i thought all base plates were interchangable with all magazines (of the same caliber).
id rather not gt after market stuff from peirce and what not because that adds length without capasity by giving a pinky extention....