View Full Version : Cw45 flush magazine options

08-21-2012, 01:07 PM
I enjoy my cw45 and it has been completly reliable.The only complaint is the magazine is not flush and this is the only thing making carry (the way I prefer) uncomfortable. I am set on doing the officers flush mount mod. as I have seen in the forum. I just need to know it will be as close to 100% functionality that I have been getting so far. I guess I was just needing to know what is the most reliable. (mecgar,kimber,etc.) I was also wondering if Kahr is ever going to provide a flush mount magazine. All thoughts welcome.

08-21-2012, 01:10 PM
oh, it does not need to lock slide open after last shot

08-21-2012, 01:33 PM
Greg and Wyntrout seem to be the resident garu's on these mag mods.

Wilson mags work perfectly in my PM45 but that doesn't solve your quest for the flush fit.

I don't recall which mag they determined worked best but I know some responded more favorably than others.

They should be along shortly.

08-21-2012, 01:35 PM
FWIW and by personal choice (not advocating it) I hardly ever run Kahr mags in my CW45. My primary mag is a modified Officer's size 1911 mag with Kahr internals. Actually it's the first mag I did in this thread: http://kahrtalk.com/showthread.php?t=3317, so it's going on two years of use with nary a problem. When I first did the mod, I tried it with the follower and spring that came in the mag and it worked fine except for locking the slide back, but it did hold seven rounds. Mec-Gar's 6rd. Officer's magazine (MGCO4506) is the only one I've tried that has consistently locked the slide back with the follower and spring that come in it. Please remember that using non-OEM mags are done at your own risk and I strongly urge that you thoroughly test any modified magazines (IMO,the same holds true for factory mags).

08-21-2012, 02:33 PM
So you are using the Metalform? With the metalform mag, do you carry 7 + 1? That is great to know it has fuctioned well.

08-21-2012, 02:58 PM
I'm using the Metalform magazine tube with a Kahr follower and spring. That combo accommodates six rounds in the magazine, so 6+1. My spares are more of these or completely Mec-Gar (follower, spring, and tube) magazines, again six in the magazine. If I only carry one spare or no spares then I'll use a completely Metalform magazine that will hold 7 rounds, but does not lock the slide back.

08-21-2012, 04:14 PM
I run the modified metalform mags with wilson combat internals,I have 5 of these,3 will lock the slide back every time and 2 won't.I also have 2 modified Chip McCormick mags that work great but don't lock slide back.I also run the same mags in a RIA 1911 compact and they work great.Modifying the mags doesn't seem to effect the way they run in a 1911.Also,7 round Kahr mags will work in my 1911 compact but the 6 round ones won't lock in(mag base hits frame before they lock in).

08-21-2012, 08:07 PM
I'd like to get an Officer's size flush fit mag for my CW45.
Since the freebie Kahr 7 rounder they sent me last fall during that promotion doesn't feed on the second round, could I use the spring & follower from that one in the Officer's without modification?

08-21-2012, 08:43 PM
I'd like to get an Officer's size flush fit mag for my CW45.
Since the freebie Kahr 7 rounder they sent me last fall during that promotion doesn't feed on the second round, could I use the spring & follower from that one in the Officer's without modification?
The follower will work fine. The spring might need to be trimmed, but I'd try it as is.

08-26-2012, 07:42 AM
Has anyone tried the Tripp Research 7 round flush fit to construct a flush fit magazine for the CW45?

08-26-2012, 08:09 AM
While I spent a lot of time and money on non-Kahr magazines and trying all kinds of follower and spring combinations with upgrade/up-sizing capacity kits, etc., I got sick of trying to get a magazine with higher capacity and that protruded no more than the stock 5-round Kahr magazine. That was before someone posted changing the angle of the follower to match more closely the cartridge presentation by Kahr followers.

I carry the standard 5-round mag in my PM45 and carry the 7-round extended base magazine for a spare. I still have a dozen or more 1911 mags and various follower kits parts, but just got burned out fooling with them. :( The magazine locking back the slide on empty is very important for the carry magazine... to me!


08-26-2012, 09:50 AM
Read the post I just made about how I fixed this problem on my CM9. I don't know if Kahr make a P45 because I don't carry a 45; but if they do I don't see why what I did wouldn't work for you.

08-26-2012, 03:43 PM
Has anyone tried the Tripp Research 7 round flush fit to construct a flush fit magazine for the CW45?
Welcome to the forums:)
While I haven't seen the Tripp Research magazine mentioned specifically, after looking at it, the only thing I can see that might be an issue it the shape of the follower in the magazine that they have shown on their website (http://www.trippresearch.com/PDGImages/7r45wo.png).
As Wynn alluded to above, that style follower requires a bend to function best. Here's the info on how that was done by forum member ecwcfl:

08-27-2012, 07:53 PM
Another question - has anyone used the Wilson Combat compact magazine with the flush mount base - It seem that should not only be flush mount but the follower should be correct to hold open the slide on an empty magazine?
I would expect the magazine just needs to be trimmed?

08-28-2012, 01:23 AM
Another question - has anyone used the Wilson Combat compact magazine with the flush mount base - It seem that should not only be flush mount but the follower should be correct to hold open the slide on an empty magazine?
I would expect the magazine just needs to be trimmed?
If you search "Wilson' in this long thread: http://kahrtalk.com/showthread.php?t=3317 you'll find some mention of their magazines, but most of the input is in regards to using their follower and spring kit. Some folks have had good success with their springs and followers, so it might not be a far reach to think you are correct about their compact magazine. That said, I have no "hands on" experience with them.

08-30-2012, 07:42 AM
I have been trying an 8-round Chip McCormick Power Mag magazine that has been working well for 200 rounds to date. Granted, it isn't a flush mount, but it works well. The only modifications I made were trimming of the feed lips (as mentioned and described so well elsewhere on this forum) and replacing the factory follower with an "old school" design. I cut the standing portion (the part that slides down inside the magazine) to match the original follower and so retain the 8-round capacity. The extended, flat magazine tab engages the slide lock positively and works under fire.

I also added an X-Grip adapter and contoured it to eliminate the finger hook (which makes concealment harder). Since this provides a magazine that extends approximately 3/8" more than the factory 6-round mag, it is best used as a back-up with a reliable 7-round flush-fit magazine as primary.


This is not as neat a package as the flush 7-round magazines, but is still an option.