View Full Version : New Thompson after action report
08-24-2012, 05:28 PM
Well I bought a Thomnpson, new. Was a little concerned given some reviews I encountered on the web. So I went to the range with it for the first time today and thought I better relay my impression.
Over all, it ran fine. I was pleasantly surprised. I put about 75 rounds through it. I did not attempt to use the drum mag.
The 30 rd magazine that came with the gun ran fine with but one failure to feed. However, I had to get the mag out of the gun to fix the problem. Still not bad. I also had a 20 round mag I had bought and altered to fit the gun, it was a Seymor. It ran perfectly. I had another 20 rd mag I had bought from Kahr - it consistently failed to feed on the last rd. Examining it the spring was way weaker than either of the other two mags, so I attribute it to the mag (maybe if customer service is reading this they'd send along a new spring).
I shot the think at 10 yards and 20 yards. It seemed to print dead center of my aim point. Cool. Although this was just off hand and I wasn't trying for any accuracy, I was looking at about a 5 inch group. Cool.
I then tried the pull the trigger as fast as you can test, ran beautifully, no failures except the last rd in the kahr 20 rounder.
All in all, I'd recommend it without hesitation. Ok, the long barrel is an eye sore and as I don't want the BATF to have any more paperwork on me than they already have, no SBR. But I am considering getting the comp welded on at 16.5 inches so the visual will be better.
It was a cool gun to shoot, and I am thinking after about 300 - 500 rds the thing should really be running great. If Kahr has had problems with this gun, they fixed them - or mine was made on a good day. I'm thinking they fixed them.
Did I mention heavy? I can't believe there were rangers who scaled Pointe du Hoc with this thing on their back. My esteem continues to increase for those guys in that war.
08-24-2012, 05:46 PM
Which version did you get? I have a T1B50D that I purchased earlier this year. I've had absolutely no problems with it, I'm still on the fence about the SBR idea.
I decided to alter the mag catch rather than alter the mags. One alteration and I can use any (unaltered) mag a happen to pick up. I also have the advantage that the mags I have will be useable in an FA Thompson should I ever decide to get one.
Here are a few photos of mine.
Once I decide whether "to SBR or not to SBR" (apologies to the Bard), I plan to build a replica of the FBI case. I found a web site with a PDF which contains the result of a FOIA request regarding the case made for the FBI. The file includes a drawing (with dimensions), materials specifications, and the bid request.
08-24-2012, 06:13 PM
I just got 5 20 rounders from these guys. All look new, I have not tried them yet.
I too modified my catch so I don't have to modify magazines, with a lot of help and encouragement from ghostsoldier.
I need to fine tune it just a bit more, didn't quite take enough off.
I don't know if anyone makes mag springs or not, never looked.
The drum mags generally work slick unless you did like me the first time and don't load it right.
08-24-2012, 07:52 PM
I bought the T150D - no detachable stock. Yes I feel guilty about taking a file to history - no, more than guilty I am ashamed. I bought three 20 rounders from two Seymours and an AO for $15 @ and they are in great shape, near knew in appearance. I am looking at the other two and thinking I can't do this, these babies are older than I am. So I don't know, right now I have three stick mags that work with the gun. I should have gone the alter the mag catch route.
As for the length, it is not unattractive unless you have seen a real Thompson - unfortunately I grew up watching Combat with Vic Morrow waving one around. So I am leaning in paying the money to take a couple of inches off. I have seen one - in Cabelas used high end shop of all places - and it looks nice.
The fun of these things comes in squeezing that trigger rapidly and laying down some covering fire I guess. I can't imagine what it must be like to have used one of those things on full auto.
All in all, I am very happy with the outcome, bought it with a bit of trepidation, now I think things will work fine and wanted others to buy with a bit more confidence than I did.
Glad to hear the drum works well, because I have read reviews on that also which cause me concern. But I knew if a saved a couple of bucks with the original purchase I wouldn't be able to stand it, and I'd pay even more down the road.
That is called sound gun economics.
08-24-2012, 07:59 PM
I modified a few mags before I did the catch mod, so I'm just as ashamed. I sent mine to Deacon and he sent me some unmodified ones so no loss. There are plenty of guys that can use them so not a loss.
There must have been a ton of them back in the day for there to still be some around.
08-26-2012, 07:58 PM
Yup, it is a choice with valid arguments either way. Like Bawanna said, I had already modified some mags before I knew about modifying the catch, so I decided to stay with that route. It can work for both parties as in the above case. Now that i have 8 30 rounders, I just need to watch for a couple more modified 20s.
As far as my M1, when I got it, I took the springs out, smeared some lapping compound on the races and ran the bolt back and forth several hundred times. It has run without problems.
09-21-2012, 03:33 AM
I dont get why you would think a few failure to feeds is a good thing. That just means something is not right -in this case its more then likely the crappy stick mags. My 30 rounder stick gives me issues. Ive tried to modify the lips as per Kahr. Last time out I ran 3 mag fulls without issues, then on the 4th mag full the problem reoccured again. Im just to the point where I leave the stick mags at home since they are useless. Id rather spend time shooting then clearing jams.
Now the L drum on the other hand, runs perfect for me. The biggest issue with those - is that they are tight going into the slots when new. Oiling the drum slots on the gun, and working the drum in and out, usally allviates that issue. Both of my L drums fit perfect - my friends did not, and took some working to get it to work.
You will get feed failures with drums if you do not wind them enough. The 9 to 11 clicks on the Kahr drums - dont cut it. I wind mine until its tight, and run the full drum with no problems. I usally empty 3-4 drums each time at the range - a Tommy is just not a Tommy without a drum (M1 excluding)
I am an experienced reloader and bullet caster. Shooting a Tommy is pretty cheap is you cast your own, and load them - and they shoot quite well. Accuarcy is very good with cast bullets, and you can shoot steel without worrying about a bullet bouncing back and hitting you! I cast 230 grn LRN, and load them to match factory hardball.
09-22-2012, 05:52 AM
Im not sure why you would think feed failures are OK. In a competitive situation - that could cost you the match. In a life saving situation, it could cost you your life. I know in this instance - the gun is mostly a range toy. Ive had nothing but bad luck with my stick mag - to the point, I just leave it at home, and dont bother with them anymore. Id rather spend my time shooting then fighting and clearing jams. Ive tried to bend the mag lips as Kahr recommended. Last range outing, I got three mags full worth, before the problem happened again. One of my range cohorts that I shoot with has an even harder time with his factory supplied stick mag for his Tommy. He is lucky to get more then 3 shots before it hangs up with his 30 rounder stick.
Now the L drum (50 rounder) on the otherhand - has ran perfect for me! Mine fit without issues - but my friends Tommy tooks some time to get it fit into the gun. He called Kahr, they recommended to oil the rails, and slide the drum in and out of it a few times. He had to use a rubber mallet to get it in and out of the gun - but now it fits and works fine. His too runs the drum without a hitch.
You run into feed/jam problems if you do not wind the clock spring enough. The 9 - 11 clicks does not cut it, the spring will run out of tension before the drum is empty. I find winding the clock spring until snug, the drum will feed all rounds without a hitch. I generally run about 4 drums worth at each range session (I shoot a few times a month with it), and its works fine!
To me a Tommy is just not a Tommy without a drum on it (M1 Thompsons excluding) shooting it with the drum is loads of fun. I run self cast & loaded 230grn Lead Round nose- loaded to factory hardball specs, and they work perfect. Accuracy is quite good with the cast rounds as well. Casting and loading your own makes shooting a Tommy pretty inexpensive!
11-27-2012, 08:57 PM
Did I mention heavy? I can't believe there were rangers who scaled Pointe du Hoc with this thing on their back. My esteem continues to increase for those guys in that war.
i was in normandy in june and saw the cliffs you speak of along with the rest of the beaches
those are some gnarly cliff faces and yes my TM1 came in the other day and i pretty much thought the same thing you did soon as i picked it up!
12-04-2012, 07:11 PM
Welcome to the place Bama!
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