View Full Version : 174,000 rounds.

08-24-2012, 07:20 PM
174,000 rounds.

That is the number of hollow point bullets the Social Security Administration purchased last week.

You may be wondering what part of delivering social security checks to grandma involves hundreds of thousands of rounds of deadly ammunition.

This ammo purchase resupplies the stockpiles for the federal government’s too numerous to count law enforcement agencies.

Agencies you never would have known existed, let alone have a need for an armed police force, are piling up ammo to enforce laws you’ve probably never heard of.

Our government is so big and intrudes into so many areas of our lives that it requires a domestic law enforcement apparatus that consumes hundreds of thousands of rounds per year just to keep its agents firearms qualified.

This ammo isn’t even being used to fight crime!

These ammo purchases are symptoms of a bloated government whose bureaucratic tentacles wrap themselves around nearly every decision we make.

08-24-2012, 07:45 PM
Actually, I think they purchased hollow point ammunition. This is much worse. The bullets could only be used as small, dense pebbles or rocks. Although those might actually be just as effective in defending against the elderly hordes. Especially if used with slingshot augmentation.

08-24-2012, 10:29 PM
This ammo isn’t even being used to fight crime!

Their fraud investigators may differ with you on that point. Works out to about 500 rounds per investigator, per year. I shoot that in a day sometimes.

08-25-2012, 03:43 AM
Actually, I think they purchased hollow point ammunition. This is much worse. The bullets could only be used as small, dense pebbles or rocks. Although those might actually be just as effective in defending against the elderly hordes. Especially if used with slingshot augmentation.

Doesn't the Geneva Convention and Nato say that we are not allowed to use hollow point ammo on foreign enemies? So who are they gonna shoot with all these hollow points?

Look what type of bullets

President Barack Hussein Obama has recently given the green light for various Federal agencies to begin stockpiling massive amounts of ammunition. And not just run of the mill bullets; instead these Federal agencies are ordering uber-lethal hollow point rounds. These bullets are so lethal that they were BANNED for use in international warfare by the Hague Convention of 1899. Stop and think about that for a moment. Bullets are meant to be lethal objects of war, but hollow points create so much damage that the international community agreed to ban their use in international warfare. Yet our Federal government is buying them, and in BULK and the only folks they can use them against are American citizens!


08-25-2012, 06:38 AM
...the only folks they can use them against are American citizens!

Actually, that's not accurate. We do in fact use hollow points, (and other exotic ammo), against our enemies. It all depends on who that enemy is. In all likelyhood Bin Laden was dispatched with a hollowpoint, ( or other exotic ammo). New type of warfare, new warfare rules have been used.

The ammo concerning this topic is used by cops, not the military. Most cops use HP ammo.

08-25-2012, 07:01 AM
As was pointed out in another post and I feel is close to the truth...

The HP only issue over a buy of FMJ target and a lesser number of HP rounds comes down to money and buracracy. It's cheaper to buy all one kind of anything than it would be to buy some of this and some of that. The admin costs/efforts to be sure the FMJs went here and the HPs went there are also higher than you could belive. Having only "One type" insures that their LE guys always have the right ammo for the feild no matter what closet in what city they might be working from this week.
I remain cognisant of these agencys buying of ammo, but, beings how the new budget year starts next week and these are yearly budget items Iam not fearful. Social Security has seen alot of fraud by some very tough gangs lately. I hope we as taxpayers are spending some effort to stop it.

My own .02 cents worth.

08-25-2012, 02:56 PM
Remember this also, these are pistol rounds that are being bought up. Wars are fought with rifles. Every gov. agency has some type of police. I say your tinfoil hats are in need of adjustment.

08-25-2012, 04:04 PM
Look what type of bullets

President Barack Hussein Obama has recently given the green light for various Federal agencies to begin stockpiling massive amounts of ammunition. And not just run of the mill bullets; instead these Federal agencies are ordering uber-lethal hollow point rounds. These bullets are so lethal that they were BANNED for use in international warfare by the Hague Convention of 1899. Stop and think about that for a moment. Bullets are meant to be lethal objects of war, but hollow points create so much damage that the international community agreed to ban their use in international warfare. Yet our Federal government is buying them, and in BULK and the only folks they can use them against are American citizens!


You are just funnin' us here for amusement, right?

08-26-2012, 06:51 AM
174,000 rounds.

That is the number of hollow point bullets the Social Security Administration purchased last week.

You may be wondering what part of delivering social security checks to grandma involves hundreds of thousands of rounds of deadly ammunition.

This ammo purchase resupplies the stockpiles for the federal government’s too numerous to count law enforcement agencies.

Agencies you never would have known existed, let alone have a need for an armed police force, are piling up ammo to enforce laws you’ve probably never heard of.

Our government is so big and intrudes into so many areas of our lives that it requires a domestic law enforcement apparatus that consumes hundreds of thousands of rounds per year just to keep its agents firearms qualified.

This ammo isn’t even being used to fight crime!

These ammo purchases are symptoms of a bloated government whose bureaucratic tentacles wrap themselves around nearly every decision we make.
Its time to sharpen the axes.

08-26-2012, 07:09 AM
You are just funnin' us here for amusement, right?

No,kidding, sorry that link is broke try this:


08-26-2012, 07:27 AM
Let me get something out of my craw. First Gov. employess are citizens like you and me. They have values,familys,dreams,and regrets. They do what they are obligated to do because they have honor,and personal responsibilty to the job they swore to do. Most of them are great people who put in countless hours in dirty dangeous place you woulnd't want to be, for long times at a stretch putting their lives,marriges,and familys at steak. Their are always bad apples in the barrel and the system weeds them out eventually. Secondly, I doubt if the pres. ordered these h.p. rounds he probably doesnt even know the difference unless he was briefed. Thirdly, if you ever tried to stop some one from killing people with fmj hand gun rouns then you would applaude the h.p. purchase. You can buy the same ammo usualy at around twenty bucks a box of 50. Its Winchesters' 40 S&W180 grn. bonded h.p. lot# Q4369. They have stopped countless forigen and domestic terror plots most you will never hear about. Their is and has been a movement to disarm us by those who dont need firearms because they are protectd by gov. employees 7/24/365.

08-26-2012, 10:47 AM
I ain't gonna get worried until Medicare starts buyin' HP ammo by the truckload.


08-26-2012, 03:48 PM
Saw the title to this thread and thought Jocko had a new round count......

Longitude Zero
08-26-2012, 03:57 PM
The dept I work for burned thru 150,000 rounds just for spring requalification. So 174,00 rounds does not impress me as a big deal at all. I know large depts that burn thru 250,000 rounds a month. And these are large municipal police departments.

If every police officer in the USA shot 2 boxes a year that amounts to approximately 85+ million rounds.

08-26-2012, 06:50 PM
CPO15...I thought the same thing!

08-26-2012, 07:27 PM
Saw the title to this thread and thought Jocko had a new round count......

Actually he exceeds that .....
If you count all his guns :59: