View Full Version : Two Kahr's in two days

08-26-2012, 09:10 PM
After reading a ton of reviews and scouring the Internet, I decided to buy my first handgun in over 30 years. Sold the few I had back in the early 80's. The worlds gotten much nastier and after several events in the last couple of years I've decided to carry again. I settled on a CM9 after much debate, and purchased one on Friday. Then Saturday morning I got an email response to an add I posted looking for black PM9. An offer I couldn't refuse, so the PM9's mine and the CM9 will go to my wife after she completes some handgun training. Looking forward to both of these fine Kahr's!

So I'm also a anal kind of mechanical guy and want to break them in right. I stumbled onto this video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5BVNDQrptk&feature=youtube_gdata_player
Does this look like a good step to take with the smoothing or not necessary / overkill?


08-27-2012, 01:53 AM
Oh heck no !!!! Don't grind on your slide !!! Here are the instructions I read on how to do the pre-breakin on my CM9. I followed them to the letter and I've never had a single problem out of mine and I am amazed at how accurate mine shoots.
Go to Auto Zone and buy some non chlorinated brake cleaner. Buy non chlorinated because the chlorinated kind metal your frame. Take the weapon apart. Spray inside the frame and clean the trigger and sear block. Spray the barrel inside and out. Spray the inside of the slide. Put the red tube on the can and spray the tarnation out of the striker assembly. Wear safety glasses !!! Sprat down through the firing pin hole in the breech face and into every hole on the slide. Let the whole thing dry.
Read in your manual where the lubrication points are and lightly lubricate them only. NEVER spray any lubricant into your striker assembly.
Put on a leather glove and rack the slide then dryfire the weapon 500 times. YES,..500 times. Always dryfire it when you rack the slide.
After you have done 500 cycles take the weapon apart again and delete the spray cleaning process. Lube the contact points lightly and reassemble the pistol.
Now take the magazine completely apart. Watch that spring man and pay attention to how the spring came out and the follower because they MUST go back together correctly. That include the spring. The coils MUST turn the right way. After cleaning the magazine reassemble it.
I took my dremel tool and used Motger's Chrome Polish with the felt bullet attachment and polished my feed ramp ONLY. PAY ATTENTION !!! I POLISHED it ONLY. I DID NOT REMOVE ANY METAL. this is VERY VERY. Important if you decide to polish your feed ramp.
I loaded up my pistol and fired 200 rounds through it the first day and I've never had a single problem with mine. I shoot it often. Clean it regularly. Carry it deep cover in my job. When I carry my belch fire and brimstone pistol on my hip I carry my CM9 in my off side front pocket in an Uncle Mike's. When I have to go deep and can't wear my belch fire pistol I wear my CM9 either IWB in a Don Humes or in my strong side front pocket in the Uncle Mike's and my .380 will be on me some where that I can get to it with my weak hand. Due to what I do I always carry two pistols. The CM9 always gets to go along for the ride while the .380 and the blech fire and brimstone pistol get rotated according to what I'm working that day.
Hope this helps. I stake my life on my CM9. That's how reliable MINE is. I hope your serves you well also.
Please let us know how things work out for you and your wife with your new pistols.

08-27-2012, 02:34 AM
Jeez... 500 racks AND dry firing each time is quite excessive. :eek: Rack it a few dozen times and shoot it 500 times... much more FUN. And only use that spray for CLEANING what needs cleaning. It removes lubrication and you may not get enough back in the areas that need oil, especially in the frame. We mainly use it to clean out the striker channel from the striker pin hole while holding the striker to the rear, as well as the hole in the underside of the slide.

The ramp and chamber mouth can use a little polishing, as well as the underside of the slide that rides over the cartridges in the magazine. Then something like Flitz can be used for cleaning and keeping those areas shiny and smooth.

Be sure and watch the video on take down and assembly at Kahr.com... a good source of information... AND read the FAQs, too. The manual is a good start, but the video is terrific for avoiding MISTAKES!

I'll add the links, but have to switch to another computer.

Video under small pictures:


A good place to find info on Kahrs:


And most important, the FREQUENTLY Asked Questions:



08-27-2012, 02:23 PM
Thanks for the info guys. It seemed a little drastic but I thought I'd ask. Love this forum.

08-27-2012, 03:30 PM
After reading a ton of reviews and scouring the Internet, I decided to buy my first handgun in over 30 years. Sold the few I had back in the early 80's. The worlds gotten much nastier and after several events in the last couple of years I've decided to carry again. I settled on a CM9 after much debate, and purchased one on Friday. Then Saturday morning I got an email response to an add I posted looking for black PM9. An offer I couldn't refuse, so the PM9's mine and the CM9 will go to my wife after she completes some handgun training. Looking forward to both of these fine Kahr's!

So I'm also a anal kind of mechanical guy and want to break them in right. I stumbled onto this video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5BVNDQrptk&feature=youtube_gdata_player
Does this look like a good step to take with the smoothing or not necessary / overkill?


over kill is in the mind of the beholder. so you do what you feel is correct,not 2what we members tellyou to do. everyone hastheir onw way of reakingin a gun, again on this forum we give TIPS not mandates. Twogood stickys to view here IMO is

#1 kahr lube chart.

3 propper prepping of ur kahr.

both found on the kahr tech sectrion.

enjoy the PM9 it is a dandy. none better..:banplease:

08-27-2012, 07:30 PM
Kahr Pistol are top notch and I think the break in can be for not because most run from the start. So what is up with your name BMXocvich? BMX? Just asking,because I have raced BMX since 1977. Jim

08-27-2012, 09:18 PM
Kahr Pistol are top notch and I think the break in can be for not because most run from the start. So what is up with your name BMXocvich? BMX? Just asking,because I have raced BMX since 1977. Jim

Hello Jim, Yup, I've raced one form or another since grade school. Took up BMX myself as my kids were getting burned out on it. I raced thru injuries up until Aug of 06 when finally did myself in. Couple of surgeries later and I was toast. But i held on in points and nabbed a NAG 8 in 46-50 Cruiser for the year. Raced for Linder/Staats and a bit for UFO in 07.

Take care,

Jesse Dasovich

08-29-2012, 10:14 AM
Very Cool Jesse. You must of been in the class above me. Raced all NBL until last year when the USABMX (ABA) took over. Injuries do make it tough,been there done that. I raced one time in Feb. in a State Race in Hobart and got taken out and tore my ACL, No surgery but bad enough to keep me from riding for a couple of months. Lately just riding Ray's and trails. Once a BMXer always a BMXer. Okay back to the regular program. Kahrs are great guns. Jim Darling