View Full Version : Weapons arsenal in Queens N.Y.

jg rider
09-01-2012, 09:11 AM
Did anybody read this article about this physco in N.Y.C. that had all those weapons horded. Gee I miss that mentality. NOT!

One of my neighbors that I sent this link to responded with the following:

"Wow! An arsenal of weapons including "air pistols"... a "litany of weapons" none the less. And not just 10.5k rounds of ammo but 10,537 rounds (probably including the pellets for his air guns). And to top that off, he had machetes. What the hell is this world coming to? Damn "hoarder". Can you believe it - his Facebook page says that he likes guns too let alone going to the range.

Thankfully NY has such stout laws to stop gun crimes! If they didn't, imagine what that guy they shot in the last week or two could have had!?!??! Maybe a spare magazine or worse... night sights and a holster!. Gads, the thought of all this.

For cryin out sakes, I'm sure I have 30kor 40k rounds of .22lr ammo alone. And you, with those buckets full of reloaded 9mm and .45. We're probably on Obama's watch list at a minimum. Keep an eye out for Napalatano and her gang!

Does your family that's still in NY know that you (let alone your neighbors) are even more of a psychopath than this guy the busted?"

http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/queens/queens_man_busted_for_arsenal_f3IwmExCwgI7iGababrx iI

09-01-2012, 10:15 AM
In the media an arsenal is more than one gun and more than one box of ammo.

In the past when I took a semiauto 22 rifle and pistol with my muzzle loader and black powder, the media could have claimed that I was in possession of multiple automatic weapons, a thousand rounds of ammunition and explosives in a traffic stop.

They are goofballs.

09-01-2012, 10:21 AM

09-01-2012, 10:47 AM
I wonder how many > 16oz empty 7-eleven cups they also found. Damn crazy nut jobs with their soda and guns! The sooner they lock these kinds of people up, the better off we'll all be.

09-02-2012, 04:22 PM
Before the boating accident my safe contained five high power rifles, two .22 rimfire rifles, four shotguns, five hand guns and three black powder guns. I had enough ammunition to start a small war. I consider myself pretty close to normal in a somewhat warp sense of the word.

09-02-2012, 05:32 PM
Has Bloomberg had his obligatory press conference yet?

09-02-2012, 07:03 PM
"Among the stockpile of weapons, cops found 10,537 rounds of ammunition, a 9mm firearm, six high-capacity rifle magazines, a .40 caliber Glock, 60 knives, 16 air pistols and seven tasers."

Pistol rounds are illegal in NY (or once were... ) unless you owned a rifle that also chambered pistol rounds - such as a Ruger .44, lever action 357/44/45 repeaters, etc.

Can't say for the tasers... they probably castrate you for those up there.

09-02-2012, 08:45 PM
I grew up on Long Island, but went to Florida to go to college. I never looked back nor went back. Hell I haven't even been back for a visit in almost twenty years, not even to visit with my relatives. That is how much distain and contempt I have for that state.
I went south and stayed. I consider myself a Southerner and rebel at heart.

09-03-2012, 04:16 AM
A pure bucket load of distortions and yes Bloomie will be all over the press with this too....

09-03-2012, 06:01 AM
Welcome to the future!

09-03-2012, 01:11 PM
I'm a little disapointed in the artical. They discribe the man's home as an apartment. I thought anyone with an arsenal of more than one gun and more than 100 rounds of ammo lived in a "compound". I think the author slipped up.

09-03-2012, 02:52 PM
Why would anyone even live in NY? If that poor guy had what libs consider an "arsenal" I really wonder if we are citizens of the same country:confused:. What happened to the 2A in NYC? (My questions were rhetorical. :))

09-03-2012, 09:27 PM
I grew up on Long Island, but went to Florida to go to college. I never looked back nor went back. Hell I haven't even been back for a visit in almost twenty years, not even to visit with my relatives. That is how much distain and contempt I have for that state.
I went south and stayed. I consider myself a Southerner and rebel at heart.

We moved to NC a few years ago from Long Island. We also feel the same way, ain't going back. Ever. Aside from a few a trips to see family, we stay south. Our family comes to NC to visit with us.

jg rider
09-04-2012, 08:46 AM
Wife, son and I were also born and raised in NYC.
People were allowed to have a permit for a max of 3 target pistols. I had a S&W mod 19 6", Browning Hi Power and a Walter PPK, go figure. Back then you had to belong to a gun club for a minimum of 6 months, then you had to go into Manhattan to #1 Police Plaza to get the application paper work, take it home to fill out on a type writer, travel back to Manhattan to return the app. and be finger printed. Then you waited. I waited about 8 months. Then a purchase order comes in the mail for me to purchase a hand gun. I had 72 hrs. to take it back to #1 Police Plaza for them to tell me if it was acceptable as a target pistol. Each gun I bought had to be taken to them to give me the OK to own it. I think they also fired them to keep a round on file.

When we decided to move to OR. the wife had to stay in NY for another 4 months, to close her business. I left with all the firearms we had. One night at about 11:00 P. two cops ring her doorbell and say that my pistol permit had expired and they were there to collect the handguns. When she told them that I had left the state with them, they told her that I had broken the law, that the guns were now the property of the city of N.Y. She asked them to leave.

Back then I worked in the courts, and I spent a lot of time around cops. While they waited to testify, and I got to watch their show and tells of guns they confiscated and kept.

Did you know that people had to have a permit to own rifles and shotguns also. And each one had to be registered. The seller had to submit a form to the firearms control board of who he sold to and the buyer had to fill out a new registration form.

Our street would almost clear and look like a scene from the movie High Noon, when people would see us carry gun cases to the car when going to a range.

09-04-2012, 09:15 AM
I'm proud to say I've never been there but it sounds like a good place to be FROM.
Truth be told I've never been East of Missouri, cept a short trip across the bridge into Illinois for cat fish supper a couple times.

I'm ok with that too.