View Full Version : CW9 vs.CW45

09-01-2012, 11:07 AM
I got a used CW9 from someone that said it shot terrible groups and always way low and left.

I told him about grip and trigger control and he still wanted to be rid of it.

Anyway after soaking the barrel overnight and a thorough brushing to get out copper and lead fowling. It almost looked like a smooth bore. it was shooting fine after a slight windage adjustment.

I offered it back and they said no thanks.

I have a CW45 and love it. I thought the CW9 would help me practice with much cheaper ammo. Now with a pachmayr no. 4 slip on grip the CW9 seems to suit me better. It is like asking me which child is my favorite.

I am sorry about being long winded.

09-01-2012, 12:05 PM
u should love the cw9 for its over all size and weight to, ammo is cheaper, and ithe 9mm will do the job when needed. One more round is also a nice thing. The previous owner justnever gave the gun a good chance IMO. low and left is definitely shooter erro. Alot never cuddle up to the long trigger system on kahrs, so therefore it is a POS. When actually the real problem is the person behind the tgrigger.. Just sayin.

09-01-2012, 04:18 PM
They're both fine. However, having owned a P9 for over 10 years and being fond of the smaller overall feel of the gun, I would favor the CW9 but that's just me. Never judge by the caliber though. They're closer then you think. I like the extra round and the ability to put rounds on target faster.

09-01-2012, 04:26 PM
Growing up I was a revolver shooter and got used to a DA pull on a revolver.

I think this has helped me shoot autos with long smooth trigger pulls.

To keep things friendly, if he changes his mind about it after seeing me use it, I will let him get it back.

Then a new one will have to be purchased.