View Full Version : cant get slide to come off...

06-26-2011, 02:21 PM
I am so frigging angry at myself right now. Hopefully you guys will have a way out of this one. I'll start out by saying I am not used to slide pins, I'm a Glock guy so therefore the root of my foolishness on this one.

What happened was; I had the slide off my P380 and had the slide pin in place so I could observe how the rounds affected the slide pin when loading a loaded mag. As pointed out by a member here that was in fact the reason I was having continuous slide lock backs. Any way without thinking I put the slide on and racked it .Now it is stuck and I cant figure out how to get it off. Tell me I'm not screwed!

06-26-2011, 03:00 PM
I dont think you are screwed just wait for someone to answer this. There is no way you can be screwed doing this but wait for help so you dont hurt yourself or the pistol

06-26-2011, 03:02 PM
I dont think the trig engages to fire the round in this position you have shown above but wait for others to be safe.

06-26-2011, 03:09 PM
u got the slide pin in wrong, u didn't lineup the those two witness marks on the gunb. If u look at your photo on the left side of the slide up front betweenthe P380 and Kahr is a little notch in the slide and now look at the polymer and the word Kahr, there is a mark over the letter . If u line those two marks up u will never do what you did again.

Here is the fix.

take a wooden dowel and on the right side where that slide lock pin is sticking out, just put that down right on top of that pin and then with a hammer hit that dowl hard and fast and the pin will pull out tothe left. Take the pin out and line up those two marks and reinsert.

You didn't break anything.

gun won't go bang either..

06-26-2011, 03:21 PM
What he said ^^^^^^.

06-26-2011, 03:31 PM
u got the slide pin in wrong,
For clarification: I already had the pin the frame, I then slid the slide on over top of it.

06-26-2011, 03:34 PM
not sure how u did that but it will still pop out doing what I told you...

Pin is still in wrong.

06-26-2011, 03:35 PM
Ok, I'll try it.

06-26-2011, 04:15 PM
not sure how u did that but it will still pop out doing what I told you...

Here's my fear want to clarify. My slide is frozen andwill not move far enough to line up to where I can safely punch it through. If you look at the pic I posted above, the little circular window where the one portion of the slide lock pin is supposed to go in cant be lined up, so This: http://www.kahr.com/getDynamicImage.aspx?width=100&height=88&path=Slide-Release-Lever902.jpg

little raised piece on the right side of the pin will be flush against the inside solid part of the slide instead of lining up with the window. Make sense or am I too nervous?

06-26-2011, 04:33 PM
I still think if u can see that pin on the other side, it will punch out, now if it doesnt stick all the way out on the right side but you can still see it, I still think that is ur only option. U have just locked it up where it seems nothing will move as the slide has rode up over that pin, which makes sense as to why it will not move

set the funb between to peaces of wood where the slide is resting on the wood and the pin is between the two peaces and live up a wood dowel if possable or if the pin is not sticking out on the right side than get a small punch that will go in that right side hole and line up with the pin and give it a good whack. The worst u can do is damage the pin and have to buy a new one but that pin itself is hardened steel so mor ethan likely you will take some finish off the end of the pin which some birchwood bluei9ng will tpouch it uip pronto. I would not try to pry the lever from the left side. forget aboput that circular window, if u could line that up u would not have had this issue..

06-26-2011, 04:44 PM
Hi KC,
Ummmm. I don't think you want to drive that out with the slide lock inside the slide. It would at the least damage the slide lock half moon area, and could bend/gouge the slide.

First thought I can come up with... maybe it's caught on the cocking cam??? I don't have a P380 to look at, but looking at my CM9 I think you have the gotten the feed ramp pushed up against the slide stop pin and the cocking cam is behind the slide cover plate.

Try pulling the trigger and turning the gun upside down, and jiggling the slide, pushing forward trying to slide it off again????
Don't force anything yet. But maybe a gentle bump with your palm to the back of the slide while doing the above????

06-26-2011, 05:16 PM
with the slide stop in the gun that slide is not going to move.
another consideration, being that you slide the slide over the p;in and it is jamed. maybe a good rap on the back of the slide with a rubber mallet of a peace of wood on the backi of the slide and then a good rap with a hammer might just ride the slide right back over that pin. It ain't gonna come out talking about it. sooner or later one has to try what makes sense..

06-26-2011, 05:21 PM
I tried that, no good. As far as pounding it out, it isn't coming out with out doing damage which I'm not willing to do. I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to send it in (which makes me sick!). As I told you on the other forum you were 100% right as to the original problem to which I say thanks again.

I'm going to wait for the return email from Kahr support regarding the original issue then I'll see what they have to say about this pathetic error. I'll post the results good or bad after its all said and done so others who aren't used to slide pins don't make the same stupid mistake.

06-26-2011, 05:35 PM
I guess that's the safest way to go... and then they can fix the premature lock back's for you as well.

I think I would call and talk to Ian in service not just email.

06-26-2011, 05:44 PM
did u say the gun was loaded. ??? Not sure kahr will accept it that way.

06-26-2011, 06:20 PM
takeing ]my P380 apart and positioning it exactly like your photo, only not actually on the gun, the only thing that I can see that is locking that slide on is that interface bar on the bottom of the slide. Thereason it cannot go back further is that the pin is resing against the backside of thge barrel lub, I do not think the cocking cam can be interfering with the slide in any way. I stillthink if you give the back of that slide a good rap, not hand pressure but a hard fast rap it will move over that slide lock pin.

06-26-2011, 06:51 PM
Chambers loaded...

The cam is holding the striker.

I think you'll be able to depress the ejector pin on the back plate, then carefully finesse the plate down a bit and finally off the slide without messing with the striker spring guide. The guide is plastic, it has some give and if need be it can be sacrificial (its cheap). My PM45 can be deftly manipulated to get the slide plate off...without messing with the striker spring guide, so the 380 ought to be similar.

Once you have that, then take out the striker spring.

Then take off the side plate - and manipulate the parts to clear the cam from the striker - with no spring its not going bang.

Then take the slide off, reassemble and you should be good.

06-26-2011, 06:51 PM
did u say the gun was loaded. ??? Not sure kahr will accept it that way.
It's not loaded. I was trouble shooting the continual slide lock back by loading a full mag into the frame while the pin was in the frame to see if it was the cause and it was. It was after that that I made the mistake of sliding the slide on without removing the pin.

06-26-2011, 07:09 PM
cjb. I don't think with slide positioned where it is at,,, that one can remove that back plate. the gun is not loaded so that is a plus. does my thoughts on this sound feasible in that the interface bar (long bar on the bottom of the slide) is jammed over that pin? I don't think the cocking cam plays any part of his issues as the slide is not back far enough to engage the cocking cam to do anything, let alone pulling the trigger should release the cocking cam

I think u meant extractor pin and not ejector pin...

06-26-2011, 07:54 PM
In fooling with mine I'm with the crowd and wonder if some combination of trigger pulled and tapping the back of the slide with a mallet would do it. Kinda like to get the slide off when disassembling it to clean. True if you could get the slide plate off the back you may be able to see what's going on too.

You know I think I did this before with a CW9 but I just cant remember. I don't remember if I had the slide stop in and racked it or what but I had it hung up the same way. I think I had to fool with the trigger while forcing the slide forward and I got it free.

Don't feel too bad. This stuff happenes to me all the time. but I learn a lot fixing the messes I make. I had a good boss at work one time that said "if your not breaking something every now and then, you're not working." I think you'll figure it out.

06-26-2011, 08:30 PM
I thought it was loaded! Can you pull the trig? If so give it a pull then a smack on the back of the slide.

06-26-2011, 08:36 PM
It's not loaded. The trigger moves back and forth smoothly. I covered the end of the slide with a towel and placed it under the edge of a table while pulling up hard moving the trigger, nothing... still stuck.

06-26-2011, 09:34 PM
Hi KC,
Ummmm. I don't think you want to drive that out with the slide lock inside the slide. It would at the least damage the slide lock half moon area, and could bend/gouge the slide.

First thought I can come up with... maybe it's caught on the cocking cam??? I don't have a P380 to look at, but looking at my CM9 I think you have the gotten the feed ramp pushed up against the slide stop pin and the cocking cam is behind the slide cover plate.

Try pulling the trigger and turning the gun upside down, and jiggling the slide, pushing forward trying to slide it off again????
Don't force anything yet. But maybe a gentle bump with your palm to the back of the slide while doing the above????
I agree with BEARDOG's assessment: it seems you were able to force the slide rearward enough to cross over the cam and the cocking lobe popped back up behind the rear slide cover. Unfortunately, it also appears that the trigger is still disconnected by the slide.
I think you have two options at this point:
1. Try forcing the slide further rearward so the trigger connects and will operate the cam. When this happens you should be able to pull the trigger, hold it rearward, and pull the slide over the cam and off the frame.
2. If you can't move the slide far enough rearward to connect the trigger, make yourself an "L" shaped tool (paper clip should work) and, space permitting (it will work on my CW9, but I don't know about the P380), wiggle it in under the rear of the slide and behind the cocking lobe on the cam. Once in place, try to force the cam's cocking lobe down by pulling the tool rearward. You'll need to manipulate the slide at the same time; both to give the cam enough room to cycle down and to get it off once the cam is down. I'll not lie and say it will be an easy dance, but it can be done.

Edit: I see, that as I was putting my reply together, CJB also suggested this as a fix, kudos. His idea to remove the side plate to manipulate the cam is a good one.

06-26-2011, 09:40 PM
cjb. I don't think with slide positioned where it is at,,, that one can remove that back plate.

My bad, you're right. I like the fish it out approach shown here - or maybe just remove the side plate, since its not loaded

06-26-2011, 10:17 PM
It's not loaded.
That's good news. The folks at Kahr can probably handle this better than any of us. And . . . they have spare parts if anything gets broken. This can't be the first time they have been asked to help with something like this.

Yeah, I know it's an affront to our pride, but that's an expensive little toy best left to the gunsmiths at Kahr.

06-26-2011, 10:48 PM
I think GB has got it. This is about what I was trying to remember with my CW9 when I had the similar issue with the slide.

06-26-2011, 11:22 PM
I agree with BEARDOG's assessment: it seems you were able to force the slide rearward enough to cross over the cam and the cocking lobe popped back up behind the rear slide cover. Unfortunately, it also appears that the trigger is still disconnected by the slide.
I think you have two options at this point:
1. Try forcing the slide further rearward so the trigger connects and will operate the cam. When this happens you should be able to pull the trigger, hold it rearward, and pull the slide over the cam and off the frame.
2. If you can't move the slide far enough rearward to connect the trigger, make yourself an "L" shaped tool (paper clip should work) and, space permitting (it will work on my CW9, but I don't know about the P380), wiggle it in under the rear of the slide and behind the cocking lobe on the cam. Once in place, try to force the cam's cocking lobe down by pulling the tool rearward. You'll need to manipulate the slide at the same time; both to give the cam enough room to cycle down and to get it off once the cam is down. I'll not lie and say it will be an easy dance, but it can be done.

One word about gregs post..........awesome I wish I could visualize what he would be fishing for with that tool. Heck, I just pull triggers.

06-26-2011, 11:25 PM
One word about gregs post..........awesome I wish I could visualize what he would be fishing for with that tool. Heck, I just pull triggers.

Professor Greg to the rescue!! :cheer2: Nice pics and post - very helpful. I just pull triggers too.

06-27-2011, 12:22 AM
One word about gregs post..........awesome I wish I could visualize what he would be fishing for with that tool. Heck, I just pull triggers.
I'm all for pulling triggers myself:)
My concern is that the slide is not in the right position and will be pressing the trigger bar down, disconnecting the trigger from the cocking cam. If that's the case, then the cam will have to be manipulated by another means (in this case a paper clip). The tool is slid under the slide to hook the backside of the cam's cocking lobe. Once hooked, the idea is to pull it rearward, which will rotate it down and out of the way. Then the slide can be slid forward and off the frame. Sorry for not being clearer in my previous post.
BTW, CJB is correct, the same end result could be accomplished by removing the side plate and manipulating the cam from there.



06-27-2011, 04:03 AM
in his photo his slide is a 1/4" in front of those back rails, in GB p;hoto his tutorial slide is sitting on the rails. I would guess maybe 3/8" difference whenu compare . I think I would pull the side panel as one suggested to view to see if thatis indeed locking the slide and proceed then either way. I guess I am still undecided if indeed itis the cocking cam causing this as th eposition of his P380 slide at least to me does not indicate that. If the trigger is moving freely wouldthat not indicate that the cocking cam is moving also??

06-27-2011, 04:08 AM
in his photo his slide is a 1/4" in front of those back rails, in GB photo his tutorial slide is sitting on the rails( I realize different guns are picutred here to)I would guess maybe 3/8" difference when u compare . I think I would pull the side panel as one suggested to view to see if that is indeed locking the slide and proceed then either way. I guess I am still undecided if indeed it is the cocking cam causing this as the position of his P380 slide at least to me does not indicate that. If the trigger is moving freely would that not indicate that the cocking cam is moving also??

removing the side plate will allow u to look at what is going on but with the trigger bar in place that will not come out through the side plate, without removing the trigger parts, u cannot remove the cocking cam or any parts. U might be able to manipulate that cocking cam if that is the culprit but like Gregg stated u have to be able to move that slide a tad to allow the cocking cam to move, if the slide is locked that tight on the cam, then some force is going to be needed. I also think the reason the slide will not move one ioutta backwards now is that it is now forced back so far that the slide stop pin is now lodged right behind the barrel lug and the only way the slide can move now is forward. It just cannot move any further backwards...

In my opinion, unless some real forward force in applied to the slide, with trigger pulled and kept that way, the gun will need to go back to kahr, as quite possably some parts might even be damaged in trying to force the slide off the gun anyways. It's unloaded, it is safe to mail.

06-27-2011, 05:32 AM
I agree with BEARDOG's assessment: it seems you were able to force the slide rearward enough to cross over the cam and the cocking lobe popped back up behind the rear slide cover. Unfortunately, it also appears that the trigger is still disconnected by the slide.
I think you have two options at this point:
1. Try forcing the slide further rearward so the trigger connects and will operate the cam. When this happens you should be able to pull the trigger, hold it rearward, and pull the slide over the cam and off the frame.
2. If you can't move the slide far enough rearward to connect the trigger, make yourself an "L" shaped tool (paper clip should work) and, space permitting (it will work on my CW9, but I don't know about the P380), wiggle it in under the rear of the slide and behind the cocking lobe on the cam. Once in place, try to force the cam's cocking lobe down by pulling the tool rearward. You'll need to manipulate the slide at the same time; both to give the cam enough room to cycle down and to get it off once the cam is down. I'll not lie and say it will be an easy dance, but it can be done.

Edit: I see, that as I was putting my reply together, CJB also suggested this as a fix, kudos. His idea to remove the side plate to manipulate the cam is a good one.

I'll be looking into this as soon as I get home from work today, I'll post the results then. Thanks for renewed hope!

06-27-2011, 04:05 PM

06-27-2011, 04:12 PM
I cannot tell you how relieved I am. gb6491 you are the man! If they had a reputation button on this forum I'd bury you with rep!

This thread should be stickyed to help others out who make the same mistake. Thanks to all of you who contributed to helping me figure out a solution to my problem. I also happy to inform you that Kahr emailed me and they will be replacing my slide stop pin which was the original problem. Thanks again :D :D :D!

06-27-2011, 04:17 PM
thats why they call him the professor. He made a believer out of me a very long time ago. Nice job GB and also to u to K. C. for believing in him.

06-27-2011, 04:25 PM
I do love happy endings. Glad this one worked out.


Mary Ann.

06-27-2011, 05:07 PM
F'n A. Glad you got it done. :cheer2:

06-27-2011, 05:24 PM
now I have not seen that phrasing in years. F" n A was a real 60" term in my days..

joe d
06-27-2011, 05:51 PM
Just read this whole thread...Great ending !!! This forum is so awesome...Lots of help and advice from some great people...It's so encouraging to know that when I screw up,(and I will),There's always help and advice at your fingertips...Glad this worked out!

MW surveyor
06-27-2011, 05:59 PM
I've been following this since the first post and outside of wackin it with a dead blow hammer did not have a clue so I didn't post. Glad to read that it worked out for you and good to know that the forum members that contributed to your success.

06-27-2011, 06:37 PM
I hear ya MW. I was gonna suggest putting it in the china closet and letting the bull have his way with it but seemed like a lame idea. Has worked for me in the past though.

I don't know how many times I've wished I could hold the gun we're talking about around here. We got some pretty smart boys and girls around here.

06-27-2011, 06:54 PM
+1 on the she sticky!!!!~

06-27-2011, 07:24 PM
One of the takeaways is to get all the feedback you can BEFORE picking up a big hammer to pound on your gun. In this case, the paper clip was more than the sledge. I'm glad it worked out the way it did, as I try to finesse my way out of jams like this.

06-27-2011, 07:32 PM

I FEEL THAT JOY!!!!! happy endings and excitment just bring tears to the eyes.

06-27-2011, 09:22 PM
GB. u should be able to just add this to your original cw45 fixes sticky.

You got it right and my compliments . Beats the hell out of a hammer anyday!!!

06-28-2011, 01:47 AM
GB. u should be able to just add this to your original cw45 fixes sticky.

You got it right and my compliments . Beats the hell out of a hammer anyday!!!
I can do that.:)

I'm glad to hear you got your pistol up and running again ...and thanks.


06-28-2011, 06:49 AM
Love K. C. poster, p[ctures are worth a 1000 words..

06-28-2011, 06:56 AM
There is no other site (that I have found) with so many helpful people on it. If it were not for this site, I would have kept my Ruger LC9 and sold my Kahr PM9.

Now I feel so much more confident with the help available on here that I will get my PM9 running 100% right.

Many thanks to those on here who take the time to help others. Im sure there are countless others who read these posts and do not comment that are saved many headaches thanks to the expertise offered here.

06-28-2011, 07:10 AM
is ur PM9 not running right now???

06-28-2011, 07:26 AM
I had to modify the slide stop for clearance issues with God Dot ammunition. I had another thread on it--thats where I learned of the modification to make. I also learned from here how to modify the magazines to clear the magazine release catch. I am taking it to the range this weekend to see if my handiwork pays off.

06-28-2011, 10:00 AM
ok, I see said the blind man. I willbet ur now good to go..

06-28-2011, 10:37 AM
I think this might be beneficial enough that it might be a good stand alone sticky material. It will be easy to find based on the title for those who do the same thing.

If you feel it's better in GB's previous fix thread we can remove the sticky and add it there. For now I'll hang a sticky on it.

06-28-2011, 11:01 AM
It's not always the Noobs that come up with inventive problems. I've tried to do the same thing, but didn't get a super jam. I realized I had left the slide lock in after testing magazines. I ALWAYS make sure the I get the slide lock pin through the hole in the barrel lug or the action link... on all types of pistols.

I'm glad that the Perfessor was able to help him and that there was no round in the barrel!:eek: It's great that he's gifted in video and photos as well. :):cheer2::cheer2::cheer2:
I still think about that case where the guy was having problems and tried chambering a round!:eek::eek:


12-18-2011, 12:45 AM
I stayed away from Kahr's just because of reports of them jamming up if not assembled correctly and, knowing me, I'd do it right off the bat!
Now I see that it's really not a problem.

05-13-2013, 03:19 AM
I (somewhat) abandoned my 'wheel-gun addiction' by purchasing a Kahr PM9 DLC last week!

Then, I joined this great forum! ... http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b297/GHGecko/ANI_GIFs/BUs/Smiley_BU_Hello_Waver.gif

After studying THIS particular thread in detail, I'm now convinced MORE than ever ...

... that I purchased THE right pistol AND joined THE right forum ... http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b297/GHGecko/ANI_GIFs/BUs/Smiley_BU_Gangster.gif

Kudos to ALL - esp. our "Resident Professor" ... http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b297/GHGecko/ANI_GIFs/BUs/Smiley_BU_Large_Bow_Down.gif Mr. "gb6491" SIR! >http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b297/GHGecko/ANI_GIFs/BUs/Smiley_BU_King_On_Throne.gif http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b297/GHGecko/ANI_GIFs/BUs/Smiley_BU_Large_Bow_Down_FLIPPED.gif

Glock Holiday
05-18-2013, 08:02 PM
I'm stealing this little guy.

http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x42/Glockholiday/Smiley_BU_King_On_Throne.gif (http://s181.photobucket.com/user/Glockholiday/media/Smiley_BU_King_On_Throne.gif.html)

03-09-2019, 06:07 PM
Thanks for this thread, saved me an embarrassing trip to a gunsmith! I just picked up a new PM9 a couple weeks ago. I tried to take it apart to clean and inspect it and for the life of me I couldn’t get the slide off. I found this site looking for an answer. After reading this thread I was able to get slide off. I’ve had an MK 40 since 2000 so I didn’t think I’d have a problem. Thanks again!

03-09-2019, 08:39 PM
Glad it worked for you.👍

03-10-2019, 09:53 AM
Good people here.