View Full Version : New Kahr CW9. What am I missing?

09-07-2012, 11:27 AM
Hi, folks. Yet another new CW9 owner, here. I picked it up on Labor Day and have been to the range once, so far. The ergonomics, sights, and controls are all great Accuracy was more than acceptable, and reliability in the first 75 rounds was almost flawless. One Golden Saber needed an extra nudge to feed, but that's not something I'll worry about until the recommended 200 round break-in is done.

It seems like a darn near perfect carry gun... yet... I feel like something is missing....

Look closely at the pic. Actually, you don't need to look very closely (apparently Kahr's QC people didn't). See what I'm talking about?


09-07-2012, 11:49 AM
send that photo to kahr in care of Jay and see what they think. It ain't right IMO but also not the end of the world either, but again, I think it should be ur callto make one way or the other, certainly not mine. U can just send the slide and barrel back to kahr even trogh regular mail for around $8.

09-07-2012, 12:31 PM
You don't really need the mark. You can just as easily line up the cutout with the release pin tab. If you think you really need it then do the above, push the pin out just enough to catch and hold the slide, mark the spot and do your own etching with a file or other tool.

09-07-2012, 12:42 PM
I'd actually love to have one without the mark myself. I never use it and it's just a scratch in the gun to me.

The Kahr doesn't seem to be stamped too good though either. Maybe it's just the picture. That would bother me more than the mark which I didn't even notice till the others mentioned it.

Guess I'm not too observant sometimes.

09-07-2012, 02:23 PM
oh sh!t was he referrinfg to the missing mark?? WTF, 9 out of 10 owners dont even know the mark isw there. Can't remember the last time I ever looked for that mark when taking down my kahrs..

09-07-2012, 02:32 PM
Yup, the "K" is weak, and the alignment mark is completely missing. I could live without it, but Kahr says it's supposed to be there, so they can fix it.

It would be less hassle to return just the slide, so I hope it works out that way.

09-07-2012, 02:46 PM
I would be surprised if they do not replace the slide as they can put the index mark on with ease gbut that roll stamping might be much harder to do.

09-07-2012, 02:52 PM
Well the 9 is spaced too far from the CW and the K from the AHR. That, plus the missing alignment mark should get you a replacement slide. I have seen the mis-spaced letters in several pictures of CW/CM series guns, and I think it is inexcusable.

One guy got his new Kahr with an unrifled barrel awhile back. $hit happens.

09-07-2012, 03:19 PM
I recall reading that the CW slides are laser engraved, rather than rollmarked. Maybe the batteries were dying? :D

09-07-2012, 03:22 PM
i think ur right.

09-07-2012, 03:25 PM
I recall reading that the CW slides are laser engraved, rather than rollmarked. Maybe the batteries were dying? :D

To me the CW 9 spacing looks fine. I believe they are laser engraved which should be easier to remedy than rollmarked.

It's their call, send them the pics and let them decide. They'll take care of it, I have no doubt.

09-07-2012, 04:31 PM
I's supprised that several of the veterans have said that they don't use the index mark. My experience is that the slide doesn't have to be right on the mark to remove the slide stop, but if I line the marks up, I can just push the slide stop out with my index finger with little pressure. As the others have suggested, I would send the slide back. Have a little patience. The turn around time will probably be 4 weeks plus.

09-07-2012, 05:02 PM
4 weeks would be an absolute worst case scenario. I think their goal (not always met is 10 days if I remember what my reliable source told me.

09-07-2012, 05:33 PM
I's supprised that several of the veterans have said that they don't use the index mark. My experience is that the slide doesn't have to be right on the mark to remove the slide stop, but if I line the marks up, I can just push the slide stop out with my index finger with little pressure. As the others have suggested, I would send the slide back. Have a little patience. The turn around time will probably be 4 weeks plus.

problem thatis what those witness marks are for. My eyes are not whatr they used to be and I seem to do much better and faster by just lining up the cut in the slide with the half moon in the slide lock lever.

09-08-2012, 09:11 AM
If they missed the marks on the outside of the slide, what did they miss on the inside?

Maybe half the slide was done before lunch, and the machine was started back up after a 3 beer break. I know from experience things don't always work the way they did before lunch, especially when stopping the machine.Add a few brewski's, and ???

09-08-2012, 10:38 AM
Screw it... never use the #@$@# marks anyway, and on the frame its almost impossible to see in any but very good lighting.

Leave it be, shoot it often! If its EDC, no worries, its gonna get a few wear marks anyway, so perfection is out the window.

And... someday, it'll be "collectable" like those dimes that say "In Gob We Trust"

09-08-2012, 10:58 AM
I believe the markings to be milled, not cold-rolled. The lower fade of the letters and the absence of the index mark could mean that the slide was milled at a cant and the index mark was lost in the lateral runout. I would possibly request a new slide if I knew how and when the marking was applied in the manufacturing process.

09-08-2012, 11:33 AM
I think someone hit it on the head with the engraving to be laser type. either way as one can notice, all kind sof opinions posted as to what to do or not to do. First thing would be to send the photo to kahr and get their feedback, . If by chance they say they are gonna do nuttin then the decision has been made.

09-08-2012, 03:03 PM
It seems as though you should carefully inspect your new Kahr as you would the purchase of a used CAR. My mk9 does not have the takedown mark on the slide either so I hope it wasn't milled at a wrong angle. What effect would that have anyway. Curious to know.

09-08-2012, 03:45 PM
hell who kows maybe kahr is trying to get away from that mark even. seems it is iffy even if ost even pay any attention to it.

09-09-2012, 04:42 AM
:DThat mark is for sissy's anyhow