View Full Version : PM9 First Range Report

09-07-2012, 03:44 PM
I sold a Kimber Super Carry Ultra to a friend. I really liked the SCU, but the SCU was just too heavy for occasional carry [for me]. Plus I hope to have visitation rights. I hadn't heard much about Kahr so I started asking around. Everyone seemed to rave. I looked at Glock [not for me], Sig [like but not 380 for pocket carry], CZ Rami [too heavy], 1911 3" [too heavy], LCP [don't like 380], LC9 [too small], DB9 [painful to shoot], etc.

I considered a CM9, but wanted night sights. So I special ordered a PM9 Black with Night Sights. A week later I picked up my new baby.

After reading the forums here on break-in advise, I dry racked the slide 600 times before going to the range. I do believe this really helped with the mating of parts. I did not clean the gun before the range -- some like the grit for break-in assistance. I wanted to clean the mags, but ran out of time.

I ran 165 rounds of Sellier & Bellot (my preferred CZ range round). The result: Flawless. No FTF. No FTE. Just Perfect!

Next 20 rounds of Federal Hydra-Shok (I had an open box laying around). The result: Flawless Again!

So 185 rounds and no issues. I'm declaring this ready-to-go -- yes 15 rounds short of the official 200. I know...pure heresy.

Is it the most accurate gun I have? Absolutely NOT! Here is my run down...

In order of accuracy [FOR ME]
Kimber Custom II
CZ 40P
Kimber SCU
CZ P01
CZ 75B
Kahr PM9
CZ 95

Now most folks would be disappointed in the Kahr being so far down the list. I am not. First, I'm sure I'll get better with the Kahr. Second, the SCU and PM9 are both 3" barrels, while all the rest have longer barrels. The 95 is a bit of an outlier due to the large grip for medium sized hands. But my needs for the Kahr are pocket carry SD. I don't anticipate needing to hit something at 20yds for my purposes.

I am happy.

My only b!tch is the mags. The lips are a touch on the sharp side. My left index finger has a small cut from loading. After running the PM9 rounds, I switched to the Custom II with Wilson mags. Wilson should make mags for Kahr.

The real question after any purchase is "would you do it again?". For me, absolutely. Next up is a bath for my new baby (and mags) and next range diet WWB and Ranger T's.

Be Safe! Thanks to all the folks that contributed to my learning about the PM9 on kahrtalk.

09-07-2012, 04:05 PM
Welcome to this forum and congratulations on your new CM9! I am glad you are happy with it. With time, I'm sure you will like it even more. I love my PM9. My current EDC is my Kahr MK40. I still use the PM9 when I want to pocket carry.

09-07-2012, 04:09 PM
u will work past the mag thing, It has never been a bother to me. I can understand the accuracy thing companred to your listings to. Kahrs are not the easiest gun to cuddle up for accuracy. It takes time. no trigger system out there like kahrs. U eitehr like it or u hate it. Nice listing of ur guns to but u know what, none will ride in ur front pocket like that PM9 will. It is kwhat it is, a gun that will save ur life for more than likely ur gonna carry it far more than any on ur list.I think I would give it a damn good cleaning now and for sure blow out that striker channel good to. Thenb shoot it like u stole it.

some 600+ grit paper on those mag lips will do wonders.. Just sayin

U ight want tyo eventually visit the wolffs gunsprings section and buy a few of their 5# strker springs. doesn't change trigger travel but makes a nice feel even better and it just jdrops right in..

09-07-2012, 04:09 PM
Sorry, I didn't mean CM9. I meant to say PM9. Mine also has the night sights plus Crimson Trace Laserguard sight. It is a great gun for conceal carry.