View Full Version : 4 round mag for PM45

03-08-2010, 12:29 PM
How do we get Kahr to start making a 4 round mag for the PM45. It'd be nice for a little extra concealment.

03-08-2010, 01:23 PM
I love my PM45. I've had to work with it a bit to make it work like it should, even had to send it back to Kahr. They paid both ways, and now it works. Very accurate pistol too.

One thing I would change about it however is no flush mag. I want both, the regular mag and a flush mag, like the PM9. I emailed Kahr about it. Nice guy emailed my back quickly and said they have no plans to make any. *sigh*

I tried shortening one of the factory mags but I failed. Stainless steel is sometimes no fun to work with.

Then the other day on KahrTalk I read a post by vom about using a Colt 1911 mag in his. Ooooo. Lights went on. So I grabbed one of mine, a Springfield Armory seven round blued mag and went to work. Cut it, and spot welded the base back on. Took it out and shot it, nope, the base came of right away.

So, back to the shop. Thought about solder, but didn't like the idea. So I broke out the oxy/actelene and just welded the base plate to the mag.

Shot it tonight and it works! Fed great, the only thing it didn't do was lock the slide back as of course the two followers are very different. Here's a pic:http://i379.photobucket.com/albums/oo235/Catshooter45/Misc/Kahr001.jpg

03-08-2010, 03:39 PM
Is this a great country or what? Dreams really do come true.

03-08-2010, 03:50 PM
Is this a great country or what? Dreams really do come true.
As long you are willing to work for it!:eek::D:music:

03-08-2010, 03:52 PM
Yup there is that part. Don't whoop me no mo, I's workin, I's working hard! Nice job on that mag though. Looks great.

03-08-2010, 08:22 PM
I wonder if you could swap out the follower and get it to lock back. Kahr sells followers, they should fit, right?

03-08-2010, 09:06 PM
Very cool magazine you made there. Let us know if the follower thing works, ...Please.

03-09-2010, 05:45 PM
Many would give up the round for concealment, then charge with full size mags if needed. At least in this case they have 4 good 45 rounds. (how many you really need? Not that you can possibly have too many. I carry a flush mag in my 1911 full size, largest gun I will conceal carry but then have bumpers on the spares to make sure they get home if needed.

03-09-2010, 06:15 PM
Very cool magazine you made there. Let us know if the follower thing works, ...Please.

Not my idea, although me and another poster we verify that indeed it fit, hence the maker came with the idea.

See it here: http://kahrtalk.com/pm-series-pistols/1077-report-my-pm-45-a.html#post9221

03-11-2010, 04:48 AM
I got mine welded up and they work fine except for the side won't lock back after the last shot. But, and a big but, mine hold 6 rounds. Mine are just a skosh longer than vinikahr's because I don't want to grind the bottom of the grip. I gotta get the camera out and take some pics. I had 3 welded up. None hold open the slide, gotta be the follower. All hold 6 rounds. 1 has feed issues on the first round, I suspect the feed lips are changing the angle just enough not to feed on slide release. It feeds okay when shooting live ammo. I need more range time to get together a report on the experiment.
