View Full Version : Bad Cheap Holster Stories

09-15-2012, 08:54 AM
I know you've got 'em.

I'll start. Back in the 70's when I was LEO, I had a model 36 Chief's Special I carried in an el cheapo ankle holster that I probably paid 5 bucks for. The little holster had shoe laces to strap in on and a safety snap over the hammer.

While in a local bar, western themed, we were all in a line doing the "can can". When I kicked my left leg out, to my horror, the chief's special flew out, hit the wooden floor and skittered about 50 feet. My partner pulled his badge, started showing people while I was crawling like a centipede as fast as I could, dodging drunk dancers, trying to recapture the weapon. Every time I'd get close, someone would kick it and it would scoot a little further.

Finally I captured the errant weapon, shoved it in a pocket and slinked out the side door immediately.

Last cheap holster I ever bought.

09-15-2012, 09:23 AM
1991 uncle mikes horizontal nylon shoulder rig and a ruger P90DC....rig let the gun take a spill...damaged front sight, ruger fixed it for free.

all other elcheapo rigs got vetted at home and put in my box-o-shame or tossed right away.....never had a cheap inept leather rig.....now i have rigs made by makers i trust and stick with them....no more experimenting on my dime.

09-15-2012, 09:57 AM
There was a vice cop in Tampa 25 years ago and he had some el cheapo 1911 holster and was seated, undercover in a booth, in a bar. The weapon started slipping down his pants and, while fishing around, the pistol discharged, setting the booth on fire.

Too bad it wasn't a mexican diner!

Talk about blowing your cover.

09-15-2012, 10:03 AM
Cheap holsters and 1911's certainly don't go hand in hand. As you say I think we've all had them at one time or another, we get smarter or wiser perhaps and the junk is separated from the quality.

We get old fast and smart slow or at least I do.

One of our officers was bowling with his family wearing one of those gun under the arm T shirts. He went to take his shot and ended up with a strike and a gutter gun. Somehow, I can't figure out how, the gun popped out of that shirt and went flying down the lane. He be bopped down and picked it up right quick.

I have a similar shirt, rarely wear it but don't know how a gun could get out.

09-15-2012, 10:36 AM
I have a couple of cheapo holsters. Neither one has been a disapointment to me. I had a third one but it got traded off with the handgun I got it for.

One of them got cut apart because I intend to recreate it in leather. The other my wifes CW9 rides in in her purse (ack ack).

09-15-2012, 12:10 PM
ive found that simply sticking with the top makers lends to less accumulation in my holster box.
the "cheapest" holster i now own and actually use is a Desantis King Tuk.

09-15-2012, 01:05 PM
Had a bunch of quality hi dollar pocket rigs and I just keep coming back to my el cheapo unclie Mikes and my Desantis.

09-15-2012, 01:08 PM
While in a local bar, western themed, we were all in a line doing the "can can". When I kicked my left leg out, to my horror, the chief's special flew out, hit the wooden floor and skittered about 50 feet. My partner pulled his badge, started showing people while I was crawling like a centipede as fast as I could, dodging drunk dancers, trying to recapture the weapon. Every time I'd get close, someone would kick it and it would scoot a little further.

Finally I captured the errant weapon, shoved it in a pocket and slinked out the side door immediately.

That is some kind of funny there!.......not so funny when it was happening I bet.

09-15-2012, 01:12 PM
Had a bunch of quality hi dollar pocket rigs and I just keep coming back to my el cheapo unclie Mikes and my Desantis.

you have a point there on pocket holsters. i have a $25.00 Safariland model 25 suade (?) coated kydex pocket rig for a 2" J frame that is my favorite for J frame pocket carry.

09-15-2012, 05:17 PM
Had a bunch of quality hi dollar pocket rigs and I just keep coming back to my el cheapo unclie Mikes and my Desantis.

I find my DeSantis supafly is kinda thick and I use a Bianchi ATB instead.

09-15-2012, 05:44 PM
I don'tuse the super fly, just the nemesis. Right now my PM9 is in my unclie mikes,not sure who copied who eitherthey are so similar..

Rio Vista Slim
09-15-2012, 06:57 PM
During my first "foray" into guns during my 20s and early 30s, I had at least one of just about any handgun available on the market at that time. (A little exageration, but not much!) I also had at least one holster to go with each pistol or revolver. My ex-wife is still world reknowned for the excellent garage sale she had in 1982, when those holsters sold for a fraction of their worth.:D

As I grew older, and decided to own guns "with a purpose", my holster selection habits became much more defined. Because of this attitude adjustment, I no longer own any holsters which don't get used.

Admittedly, my concealed carry guns get the majority of use, and thanks to this forum, I've been able to get some holsters for my CM9 which are not only functional, but outstanding values as well.

The Box 'O Holsters of my youth has given way to a dresser drawer of specialized holsters for my handgun collection.

09-15-2012, 10:33 PM
I still have a drawer of useless holsters, some probably 50 years old. Just can't seem to get rid of them. I have another spot for the good ones. I've come to the conclusion that a proper, not cheap, owb holster does the trick and is most comfortable for me. Kydex has been a wonderful invention for sure.