View Full Version : Who knew?

09-15-2012, 01:39 PM
I was doing my neighbor's brakes for him today and we got to talking about guns. He works in IT and I always thought he had no interest in guns at all. He said he had one and I asked him what he had. I was thinking hi point, maybe glock. He said a Kahr K40! He then went onto explain to me that Kahr makes small weapons for concealment. Told him I have a Kahr as well so I know.

He isn't a member here, but it was very cool. I'll have to hang out with him more.

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09-16-2012, 08:12 AM
Beatlesfan, you to sound like a nice guy, so allow me to offer you a few words of advice. Never offer to do anyone's brakes for them. If you tune up a car and it won't start it's an inconvenience. If you do a brake job and the car won't stop it's a lawsuit. A very good friend of mine lost almost everything he owned in a similar circumstance. We live in a very litigious society.

09-16-2012, 10:26 AM
And while he's sueing you have him sign up and join us if he's a nice guy ya know?

I'm a firm believer of no good deed goes unpunished but I never seem to learn to apply it. In todays litigous state it's no wonder people just walk by when somebody is getting the snot beat out of them rather than helping them.

Not me, I'm in there myself. Ain't been sued yet but my day is a coming I'm sure.

09-16-2012, 01:11 PM
Guys, I didn't even THINK about this happening...Thanks for pointing it out to me. Looks like I'm done changing brakes for anyone but myself. Bawanna, I've got a new book I think you should check out. It's called "One Second After" by William R. Fortsche. It about an EMP attack on the USA and the survival of a family. I'm a few chapters into it and it's damned good. I'll email it out to you right now.

09-16-2012, 01:21 PM
for me, I would hate to think one incident involving some one helping out with a brake job and ending up in lititagation, that it should end all good deeds. anyone can sue, collecting and winning is a different thing. Now if one knows jack sh!t about doing a repair then we are not talking apples and apples either, but again to cite maybe one or two incidents and then the millions of peole who have helped with a brake job, or any good neighbor deed, makes no sense to me.

Hell one could sue kahr for sumptin if they get some silly ass lawyer to takie the case, The publicity might make it seem like kahr did a bad thing etc, but again suing and winning is two different endings. ust my two cents.

09-16-2012, 01:23 PM
You're right jocko, but why take the risk? I'll still do his oil and trans for him, but I don't think I'll be touching his brakes again. I know what I'm doing, but why risk it.

Sent from AOKP using Tapatalk.

09-16-2012, 01:33 PM
You're right jocko, but why take the risk? I'll still do his oil and trans for him, but I don't think I'll be touching his brakes again. I know what I'm doing, but why risk it.

Sent from AOKP using Tapatalk.

But what if you didn't get the oil plug fitted back on correctly and he lost oil pressure and somehow the car crashed killing all on board? Would you then be liable too? Just sayin...

09-16-2012, 01:42 PM
But what if you didn't get the oil plug fitted back on correctly and he lost oil pressure and somehow the car crashed killing all on board? Would you then be liable too? Just sayin...

You can "what if" any situation. What if Winchester loads a round too hot and my gun blows up and I lose a hand? Granted, they have more lawyers than I do, but really the chances of me screwing up a simple fluid change are pretty small. I'm willing to take that risk in order to help a friend. The brakes, however, are a bit different. I didn't really think about it, but his life really does ride on those. Not so much the oil and trans fluid. "What if" you're helping an old lady across the street and she gets nailed by a car? Is that your fault? If you go through life never helping anyone with anything for fear of being sued, you'll be pretty bitter and lonely the whole time. :D

09-16-2012, 01:45 PM
You probably do a better job than the kids at the mechanics shop now days anyhow. Parts changers.

I got a great Firestone brake job story for someday. Back when they had tire stores, not sure they are around anymore, don't see em around here.

09-16-2012, 01:48 PM
You probably do a better job than the kids at the mechanics shop now days anyhow. Parts changers.

I got a great Firestone brake job story for someday. Back when they had tire stores, not sure they are around anymore, don't see em around here.

If you'd like, you can share that story here. I don't see why this thread can't turn into a car repair horror story thread. :D

09-16-2012, 01:58 PM
It'll regurgitate past nightmares but here it is in brief.

I had a 77 Ford 3/4 ton 4x4. It needed brakes. I did the front myself and went to tackle the rear and with the full floating rear end and all decided it was too much for me.

So I took it to Firestone. When I did the front myself I took the rotors to them and had them turned. New pads on turned rotors. Made good sense.

Told them what I'd done and that it pulsed real bad, look at what I done since I obviously did something wrong, and then do the rear.

I go to pick it up and it's parked on a slight hill and the park brake is all the way to the floor. I went back inside and explained that they didn't adjust the park brake as it wasn't engaging.

The manager told me that the new vehicles (at that time) didn't work like that. I learned in drivers ed to use the park brake to slow down if there's a brake failure. He said that didn't apply. I left and it about threw me through the windshield whenever I hit the brakes. It was horrible.

So I found a frame and axle shop close to where I worked. Took it there and had them look. Firestone had cut the front rotors so badly that they were ruined, had to buy new. The rear drum shoes were never touching the drums, they would have lasted forever which also made the bad front rotors feel even worse.

I ended up writing to Firestone headquarters and since I didn't even want to look at the manager again they had the assistant manager work with me. Ended up paying for half of the frame and axle shops bill. Should have had them pay the whole thing and they probably would have but I wasn't greedy.

So sometimes even the supposed pro's ain't worth squat, just saying.

09-16-2012, 02:03 PM
It'll regurgitate past nightmares but here it is in brief.

I had a 77 Ford 3/4 ton 4x4. It needed brakes. I did the front myself and went to tackle the rear and with the full floating rear end and all decided it was too much for me.

So I took it to Firestone. When I did the front myself I took the rotors to them and had them turned. New pads on turned rotors. Made good sense.

Told them what I'd done and that it pulsed real bad, look at what I done since I obviously did something wrong, and then do the rear.

I go to pick it up and it's parked on a slight hill and the park brake is all the way to the floor. I went back inside and explained that they didn't adjust the park brake as it wasn't engaging.

The manager told me that the new vehicles (at that time) didn't work like that. I learned in drivers ed to use the park brake to slow down if there's a brake failure. He said that didn't apply. I left and it about threw me through the windshield whenever I hit the brakes. It was horrible.

So I found a frame and axle shop close to where I worked. Took it there and had them look. Firestone had cut the front rotors so badly that they were ruined, had to buy new. The rear drum shoes were never touching the drums, they would have lasted forever which also made the bad front rotors feel even worse.

I ended up writing to Firestone headquarters and since I didn't even want to look at the manager again they had the assistant manager work with me. Ended up paying for half of the frame and axle shops bill. Should have had them pay the whole thing and they probably would have but I wasn't greedy.

So sometimes even the supposed pro's ain't worth squat, just saying.

Well I'm glad it didn't kill ya. I hate letting other people touch my car, especially when it comes to brakes/tires/wheels. That's what your safety counts on. I drive very hard both on the street and at the track, so anyone working on my car gets watched like a hawk.

09-16-2012, 02:07 PM
So sometimes even the supposed pro's ain't worth squat, just saying.

That's a statement worth quoting. The wife tells me all the time that I'm a control freak and that I should let people do their job (that I'm paying them to do) because they should know how to do it.

I told her you're right, they SHOULD, but they DON"T! :smash:

She's learning though, and becoming just like me. Just asker her if the current President knows how to do his job.:rolleyes:

09-16-2012, 02:11 PM
That's a statement worth quoting. The wife tells me all the time that I'm a control freak and that I should let people do their job (that I'm paying them to do) because they should know how to do it.

I told her you're right, they SHOULD, but they DON"T! :smash:

She's learning though, and becoming just like me. Just asker her if the current President knows how to do his job.:rolleyes:

A buddy of mine got his tires changed at a nationwide wheel/tire shop. He left, and as he made a turn at the light, a wheel fell off. They didn't put the lug buts back on. They ended up paying, in full, for repairs on his rotors and suspension. So you're right, even the alleged pros screw up.

09-16-2012, 02:44 PM
Damn...reminds me to check MY lug butts XD

09-16-2012, 02:47 PM
Damn...reminds me to check MY lug butts XD

HAHA! I didn't even notice. I, of course, meant lug nuts. Always check your lug butts too, don't want those falling off. :eek:

09-16-2012, 03:37 PM
Reminds me of a time I picked up my car after dropping it off for a brake job, and when I hit the brakes nothing happened thankfully it was a slow intersection and I did not run into anyone. I bled my own brakes right there in the intersection just pumping them a few times. Mistakes are made by everyone pros or rookies

09-16-2012, 03:40 PM
Funny my brother in law liked the local Firestone dealer and we were at their house one time when he'd left his car for new tires. Asked me to take him down to pick it up so I did. I just knew that somehow they had screwed up but he wasn't having any of it.

While he was paying I went out and looked at the car. It had one odd size tire out of 4 put on incorrectly. They had to pull it back in after closing and swap it out.

Caca happens.

09-16-2012, 03:49 PM
Back when the Taurus was a new car I got one for my wife, 5 speed wagon.

Anyhooo the dern thing had a leak, drivers side door right about where the electric window switches are. So she takes it in for service and they have to keep it a couple days. On the second trip I have more or less figured out the issue and when I go to pick it up I have a nice discussion with the service manager. I showed him the issue (looked to me like they picked it up in the factory with straps thru the door frame and bent the "gutter") but he tells me I am wrong. That they sprayed it with a water hose and it didn't leak. He aint got much to say when I tell him they didn't drive it around in the rain at highway speed and their water hose don't equal that pressure. I proceeded to tell him I wont ever deal with them again and not only will I not ever do so but everyone I know and a whole bunch of people I meet are going to hear just how incompetent they are as a dealership.

09-16-2012, 06:44 PM
You can "what if" any situation. What if Winchester loads a round too hot and my gun blows up and I lose a hand? Granted, they have more lawyers than I do, but really the chances of me screwing up a simple fluid change are pretty small. I'm willing to take that risk in order to help a friend. The brakes, however, are a bit different. I didn't really think about it, but his life really does ride on those. Not so much the oil and trans fluid. "What if" you're helping an old lady across the street and she gets nailed by a car? Is that your fault? If you go through life never helping anyone with anything for fear of being sued, you'll be pretty bitter and lonely the whole time. :D

a hot load and my hand blows off....i may never shoot again...at least right handed :)...ok left handed....maybe go back to shooting harsh words..yea right....gotta live and worry about the "what ifs"...I'd never get out of bed..maybe there's something to it...beatlesfan, guess it's just helterskelter(love that song)

09-17-2012, 10:47 AM
Wife's mini van needed tires in a few thousand miles so while in a Pep-Boys one day I noticed a sale but I didn't have enough money at the time for 4 so I bought 2 and figured when it came time to replace them I would pick up 2 more...

Took it in on a Saturday later on with the 2 new tires in the back and went to the counter and told the guy they were in the back of the van and to install them along with 2 new ones...He wrote on the ticket, customer provided 2 tires in rear of van...

Went back to pick it up with the 4 new tires on the ground and paid the bill and they had everything right and only charged me for the 2 new ones and I thought they had put on the ones I had in the back but when I got in I saw the tires I brought in still in the back...

Now I sat there with an angel on one shoulder saying go back and return the tires and the devil on the other shoulder saying get the heck out of here before they figure it out and you will have 2 free tires...Well the angel won out and I rolled the 2 tires back in and tried to explain to the guy what happened but he just couldn't understand what I was talking about...:der:...Had to get the store manager, the service manager and the tire tech all together and they still couldn't figure it out...They thought I wanted a refund and I just couldn't get them to understand that they had screwed up!!!...I finally got them to take them back but they were going back and forth about how were they ever going to reinventory them and get the records straight...

I almost wish now I had just listened to the devil...I don't see how some idiots stay in business anymore....What a joke!!!

09-17-2012, 11:09 AM
yup u shouldhave listenedto the devil. U no doubt totally screwed up thier bokkeeping systemwith ur honesty. Ur to be commended but tey weren't prepaired for what u did either. I am sure u felt good but I bet those guys wished u had nefver came back in with those two tires either..

09-17-2012, 01:23 PM
I remember giving some serious thought about doing motorcycle repair work a few years back. I did a few jobs for some bikers but learned people want things for nothing and want to blame you for everything under the sun for pre existing problems like nicks and dents in the paint and chrome they had with there bikes. I was doing it to fill in some time and make a few bucks. I certainly wasn't doing it to get rich. I was charging less than half of what the dealers were charging and still guys wanted to ***** and moan. I could just imagine if one of them would have locked up there brakes and went down. Unfortunately the biker brotherhood is more words than anything else. Today I'll show a guy how to fix things on there bikes or help another rider out if I can, but I'm not spinning any more wrenches on bikes that I do not own. It's just not worth it.

09-17-2012, 01:59 PM
u gotta pick ur customers in anything u do and if ur gonna do business for money u best have some shop liability insurance. I agree with you on some bike repairs but I have seen it in the auto industry to. My dealers use dto do a comploete walk arond and make notiations on customers bikes and you signed it before he even touched it. burn him once your fault, burn him twice his fault. My Porsche dealer has done the same thing when service was required. IT IS CALLED TODAY CYA..

I will help any biker person I can to my abilities and that includes brakes , but I don't advertise for work either. Why chance it. I am pretty good at sending them to good techs that can do the work effiently. I am getting to fokking old to be crwaling around on OTHER peoples bikes. Two of my own is enough..

09-17-2012, 02:01 PM
Never had much use for brakes myself. I don't gots to stop, I gots to go..............

09-19-2012, 04:58 AM
for me, I would hate to think one incident involving some one helping out with a brake job and ending up in lititagation, that it should end all good deeds. anyone can sue, collecting and winning is a different thing. Now if one knows jack sh!t about doing a repair then we are not talking apples and apples either, but again to cite maybe one or two incidents and then the millions of peole who have helped with a brake job, or any good neighbor deed, makes no sense to me.

Hell one could sue kahr for sumptin if they get some silly ass lawyer to takie the case, The publicity might make it seem like kahr did a bad thing etc, but again suing and winning is two different endings. ust my two cents.

No good deed ever goes unpunished. I've been screwed by everyone that I've ever helped. Hasn't stopped me from doing the right thing though. I'm a masochist.

09-19-2012, 01:23 PM
Is any one else surprised the Jocko spelled masochist correctly?

09-19-2012, 01:34 PM
That weren't Jocko, that were Muggsy but it was a good thought.

09-19-2012, 01:47 PM
That weren't Jocko, that were Muggsy but it was a good thought.

So it was - my bad. I thought that Jocko might have broken down and bought a dictionary. That brings up another thought. If you can't spell a word, how do you look it up in a dictionary to determine the spelling. Another of life's conundrums.

09-19-2012, 02:47 PM
Cooonnunnndrum, lets see codgers, cold, communist, compact, nope too far, controller, aww there it is....

Heck yeah right on dude.

09-19-2012, 02:59 PM
I use the Google search in the tool bar and just start typing in the word... gives a lot of suggestions before you can type all of the letters... just don't hit enter if you're still in the window where you're writing a post of something... and lose what you've typed! :eek:


09-19-2012, 03:05 PM
Wow I just did rutabaga and it worked. Wait, I'm getting a red squiggly line, error. Standby. OK it was a T and a A not a D and an E. T and A? Well here comes Jocko.

09-19-2012, 03:13 PM
Even though I'm a total technophobe I can't imagine a world without Google...

09-19-2012, 03:35 PM
Wow I just did rutabaga and it worked. Wait, I'm getting a red squiggly line, error. Standby. OK it was a T and a A not a D and an E. T and A? Well here comes Jocko.

sounds like a sexual conotation to me T & A. HeH, u did it not I,

Pervert:sicko. I'm embarrassed..

09-19-2012, 03:51 PM
sounds like a sexual conotation to me T & A. He, u did it not I,

Pervert:sicko. I'm embarrassed..

OK. We are going to have to get these two together, maybe for a round of mud wrestling or something. :19:

09-19-2012, 04:33 PM
Oh man, i just ate my dinner. Now I'm gonna go chuck it.

09-19-2012, 04:49 PM
I use the Google search in the tool bar and just start typing in the word... gives a lot of suggestions before you can type all of the letters... just don't hit enter if you're still in the window where you're writing a post of something... and lose what you've typed! :eek:


Fortunately, I can spell every word in the English language, so I don't have to use Google. :behindsofa:

09-19-2012, 04:52 PM
[QUOTE=O'Dell;187479]So it was - my bad. I thought that Jocko might have broken down and bought a dictionary. That brings up another thought. If you can't spell a word, how do you look it up in a dictionary to determine the spelling. Another of life's conundrums.[/QU

Interesting that Jocko did get the word "devil" right and getsome didn't.
Just sayin :)

09-19-2012, 05:56 PM
[QUOTE=O'Dell;187479]So it was - my bad. I thought that Jocko might have broken down and bought a dictionary. That brings up another thought. If you can't spell a word, how do you look it up in a dictionary to determine the spelling. Another of life's conundrums.[/QU

Interesting that Jocko did get the word "devil" right and getsome didn't.
Just sayin :)

You're right. This is a momentous occasion and worthy of a celebration. Way to go, Jocko!!

09-19-2012, 05:58 PM
it was surely an "accidet" just sayin

09-20-2012, 08:27 AM
How the heck did I miss that...Thanks GROTMAN for catching it....I try to proof read and make sure I got it close to right but sometimes I miss something....

I wish I could spell like O'Dell and my wife can...Its a royal pain sometimes when trying to remember how something is spelled...Sometimes a word just doesn't look right to me but is (like Devil) and to me Devel looks more righter but what can I say, just another one of my many failings....:blushing:

09-20-2012, 08:50 AM
I've studied a lot of furrin' languages and sometimes the spellings are different by just a letter or two... in defence of my spellin checks. My biggest problem is that my timing is off because I'm not a typist. I had to pass a 20 WPM test to get through typing class back in 1964/65 in the Air Force... you just took the test over and over until you got 20 words correct in one minute... after mistakes deducted. I've never really progressed past that.
I use a "natural" keyboard at my main PC and it really throws me off when I use regular keyboards at any of the other machines.:rolleyes:


09-20-2012, 11:35 AM
How the heck did I miss that...Thanks GROTMAN for catching it....I try to proof read and make sure I got it close to right but sometimes I miss something....

I wish I could spell like O'Dell and my wife can...Its a royal pain sometimes when trying to remember how something is spelled...Sometimes a word just doesn't look right to me but is (like Devil) and to me Devel looks more righter but what can I say, just another one of my many failings....:blushing:

Oh, I think I do pretty good, as well. :rolleyes: I have spell checking turned off in my browser, but I use the Google search engine to check a word every now and then. I am kind of anal about it. :p If I notice an error after I have posted, I edit and correc tit. Sometimes I don't notice. ;)

I've studied a lot of furrin' languages and sometimes the spellings are different by just a letter or two... in defence of my spellin checks. My biggest problem is that my timing is off because I'm not a typist. I had to pass a 20 WPM test to get through typing class back in 1964/65 in the Air Force... you just took the test over and over until you got 20 words correct in one minute... after mistakes deducted. I've never really progressed past that.
I use a "natural" keyboard at my main PC and it really throws me off when I use regular keyboards at any of the other machines.:rolleyes:


I have always had to do 2 finger typing, so I have built up speed over time. The only bad thing is that I have to keep my eyes on the keyboard while typing because I don't use the F and J index keys.

I use the qwerty keyboard. Too late to change now.

09-20-2012, 01:27 PM
I wish I could spell like O'Dell and my wife can...Its a royal pain sometimes when trying to remember how something is spelled...Sometimes a word just doesn't look right to me but is (like Devil) and to me Devel looks more righter but what can I say, just another one of my many failings....:blushing:

You really don't want to wish that. Post #37 was sarcasm. I'm a great reader, but probably among the world's worst spellers. I've been using the "Google trick" for years as dictionaries weren't cutting it, and Google is right up there at the top right corner of the page.

09-20-2012, 02:11 PM
oh contrare, my friend, not the world's worst!! Just sayin..

09-20-2012, 02:18 PM
oh contrare, my friend, not the world's worst!! Just sayin..

Darn that was so close just short on "I". Between your excellent typing skills and your much higher than average grasp on the English language your a leader for all of us to try and copy as best as we can.

09-20-2012, 06:21 PM
Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a total mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh?

09-20-2012, 07:21 PM
Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a total mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh?
funny i can read this...amazing with all the crp i learned in HS , it's no wonder i can think at all

09-20-2012, 08:46 PM
English is a "rich" language... they say. Don't ask me me who "they" are. There seem to be no rules on spelling and pronunciation... unlike Spanish, which is so regular that they use accents on words if the pronunciation isn't following the rule.
The French throw a lot of extra letters on the end that aren't pronounced... unless they're followed by a silent "e".

We have things like loose and lose, which most people can't seem to get right... if it's loose (like goose) you might lose it.

Most people don't differentiate between "pen" and "pin" and use the same pronunciation. I do, too, unless I think about it.

It gripes me to hear the "learned" newspeople make a big deal of using "an" before every word starting with an "h"... as an historic... which is WRONG. An before honor, where the "h" is silent is correct. It makes for a smoother transition between words... An honor... which kind of runs together... the whole point.

Then they'll say "as for my wife and I"... for requires "me". Try as for we... not good.

OK. I'll shut up. It just makes me a bit angry that they think they are so sophisticated and elite, but they can't even speak English correctly. They ought to be fined $10K every time they say "like me" which is only correct if like is the verb... as in do you like me? All of this bad English on TV and the radio has been bad examples for everyone for a long time... then the a$$wipes who write the danged dictionaries decide to go ahead and make incorrect spellings and uses optional.

Yackety yack!:rolleyes:

Pet peeves. I'll bet there are a bunch who get peeved over what I just said.
