View Full Version : My K9 experience

09-15-2012, 04:35 PM
So this morning I took my beautiful new K9 to the range to give it a proper break in. I proceeded to shoot 200 rounds of RWS 124 grain hard ball with not a single hick up. The issues came when I switched ammo.

I next shot Underwood 124 + p. It took those rounds perfectly and the recoil was good and not much more than the RWS. I shot 25 rounds.

Next came the Underwood 147 + p. This is where I ran into problems. Within the first 2 magazines I had 2 failure to feeds. I did a tap/rack malfunction drill and it would not go into battery. Upon inspection, it appeared the tip of the bullet was catching on the bottom of the feed ramp. I proceeded to sling shot the slide and it would go forward. 2 more magazines and had 2 more FTFs.

I then switched to the 124 + p +. I ran 3 magazines through it and had 1 FTF with the same issue as before.

I then shot 20 Hornady 125 TAP CQ rounds through the K9. The round performed flawlessly. I really like this round.

I then went back to the last 10 rounds of the 147 + p to see if there were any other issues. Sure enough, I had numerous FTFs.

I wonder if the larger bullet is to blame? It appeared that the nose of the bullet was very close to the outer edge of the magazine and possibly rubbing on it. I didn't experience it at all with the 124s.

As for right now, I am going to load my magazines with the Hornady 124 TAP CQ rounds.

All in all, I really like the K9. I can see it being carried very frequently. I am taking a class in a month and seriously thinking about using it instead of the Glock 19 with RMR as I will probably be carrying the K9 regularly.

09-15-2012, 05:08 PM
I don't know if this would help you, but I just corrected a K9 magazine that I just put a new follower in. It had broken while I was trying it as a 6-round P40 magazine when the front skirt broke off. When trying to chamber a 9mm round in my PM9... checking the magazine for function before the range, the top round would bang into the right side of the feed ramp and hang. I would have to drop the mag to clear the jam. Hand racking wouldn't work any better than the slide lock release. I needed to "aim" the top round a little to the left, so I tweaked the right front part of the right, then the left feed lips. The stainless is tough and I didn't take a big grip with pliers, so there wasn't much "bend". I then used 400-grit sandpaper to lightly sand and smooth both feed lips on the inside. I then was able to rack four full mags through the mag with no more FTFs or jams. It worked fine at the range.

Again, I don't know that this is something that would help feed the 147-grain bullets better. That may be a matter of length, but "aiming" the nose of the bullets minutely more towards the center of the feed ramp MAY help, but I can't advise trying it.


09-15-2012, 05:55 PM
thanks for the tip, I will look at it more closely. I will also order some more Underwood ammo and see what happens.

09-17-2012, 08:57 AM
The factory longer than std 147s and all copper JHPs don't play nice in a couple of my 9X19s.

If I reloaded 9mm, maybe I could come up with a workable overall length.


09-18-2012, 02:02 AM
I've been fortunate. The SD rounds i've shot have been reliable: Golden Sabre(124/147gr); 147 Fed. HST;Speer Gold Dot 124gr and Federal 9BP 115 gr.

09-18-2012, 01:43 PM
did you check if the magazine spring is oriented the proper way? The manual has a pic on page 15 and there's a schematic on page 7. might not solve your problem but sometimes the devil is in the details! :)

also, it's a good idea to number your mags that way it's easier to remember w/c one is giving you fits.

09-18-2012, 01:47 PM
did you check if the magazine spring is oriented the proper way? The manual has a pic on page 15 and there's a schematic on page 7. might not solve your problem but sometimes the devil is in the details! :)

also, it's a good idea to number your mags that way it's easier to remember w/c one is giving you fits.

I will check, and good call, I have not numbered them as of yet.

09-23-2012, 01:56 PM
147gr. ammo is just a bit longer and is catching on the bottom edge of the feed ramp, IMHO. Place them side by side with 124gr. and 115gr. ammo and you will probably see a difference.

I would just shoot what it feeds for the time being and try the 147s after the gun is broken in. Or you could very lightly file and polish the bottom edge of the feed ramp until they feed.