View Full Version : Getting Guns Right

09-17-2012, 11:58 AM

One of my favorite SciFi authors.

Michael Z. Williamson

From the post of his article:

"Michael Z. Williamson is retired from the U.S. military, having served twenty-five years in the U.S. Army and the U.S. Air Force. He was deployed for Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Desert Fox. Williamson is a state-ranked competitive shooter in combat rifle and combat pistol. He has consulted on military matters, weapons and disaster preparedness for Discovery Channel and Outdoor Channel productions and is Editor-at-Large for Survivalblog, with 300,000 weekly readers. In addition, Williamson tests and reviews firearms and gear for manufacturers. Williamson’s books set in his Freehold Universe (http://www.baenebooks.com/c-132-freehold-series-by-michael-z-williamson.aspx) include Freehold, Better to Beg Forgiveness, and Do Unto Others, and latest entry When Diplomacy Fails (http://www.baenebooks.com/p-1640-when-diplomacy-fails.aspx)."

I've read them all and just finished his e-book Rogue which is available at Baen.com DRM-free for $6.00!! Some of his works are in the FREE Library there.


09-19-2012, 06:07 AM
I agree with everything that the author wrote except for the part about a projectile being propelled in a chosen direction. Apparently he has never seen Jocko shoot. 32,000 rounds and not one in the x-ring. Had he seen Jocko shoot he would have written, " a projectile propelled in the general direction." Other than that his article was spot on. :)

09-19-2012, 08:12 AM
I've read them all and just finished his e-book Rogue which is available at Baen.com DRM-free for $6.00!! Some of his works are in the FREE Library there.


How does $6.00 = FREE?! I think that is one additional law that needs to be passed in Congress - FREE must really mean FREE in all TV advertisements and on websites. You can Google "free ringtones" on the Internet and get 98.5 million results, and none of them really offer something for free. You have to join a club or sign up for a ringtone subscription that costs a few dollars a month. :32:

09-19-2012, 08:26 AM
I will have to check those out. Baen has some pretty entertaining authors there.

Right now I am working my way through the Ashes series, so my reading is pretty set for a while. I am on book 8. :)

09-19-2012, 08:38 AM
You don't have to "join" anything... or pay for any membership. I think you can join for a fee for reduced prices and automatically receive books or bundles, but I haven't done that.

The books SOLD there are DRM free = Digital Rights Management Free.

What is Baen Ebooks' DRM policy?

Baen is committed to remaining free of Digital Rights Management (DRM).
All of Baen's Ebooks available on its Baen Ebookstore are DRM-free and available worldwide. Once you purchase one of our Ebooks, you can download it as many times as you would like, in as many of the seven formats we provide, for as many Ereaders as you'd like.

There is a FREE library where you can download e-books for free, but not all books are free. I've read a lot of the free books, and I've bought a lot of the $6.00 books.


F.A.Q.s: http://www.baenebooks.com/t-faq.aspx

They have monthly bundles that can be quite the deal. I just bought one that had 3 of the $6 books I wanted... + 4 others... for $18!


I really like reading e-books. I can put them on my phone or tablet(s) and they are handy... not taking up space... and much cheaper than buying the new hard back books on Amazon.com.
