View Full Version : America Should Return to 'Original Factory Settings'
09-17-2012, 01:29 PM
This has nothing to do with party politics, so I am posting it because it is a positive and sensible message. :angel:
America Should Return to 'Original Factory Settings,' Kirk Cameron Says
Actor and producer Kirk Camron said America can get out of the "mess" by returning to the "original factory settings," which involves listening to the Founding Fathers who relied on wisdom that comes from faith in God and his Word.
Read more at (
09-17-2012, 02:07 PM
troubleius he is preaching to the choir, especially on a gun forum. Do u think msnbc or cbs o0r the other liber stations are gonna come forth with that kind of SENSIBIEL RHETORIC..
ain't gonna happen jFOOTIN.
09-17-2012, 03:17 PM
We can only dream. So hard to believe how much damage has been done to this country in such a short time. I almost feel like all those people who fought so hard for this country may have died for nothing. Hope my generation (52yo) is not going to be the one who put the final nail in the coffin. Growing up I would not have believed we could have gone this far down.
09-17-2012, 03:22 PM
It isn't us gm. It's the damn kids these days. Worse than the damn hippies of the 60's. Lots of peace and love and give me, give me, he ain't heavy he's my communist loving muslim brother. Note I didn't capitalize the M, eat bacon and call my attorney. (oh never had one.....)
I agree with you but I'm not taking the credit for the down turn and I still have hope (not a lot but some) that when we get an American again for Pres things may turn around.
09-17-2012, 03:25 PM
bawanna ur VENTING and u know I might have to redue ur post. Just sayin. Ur close.
09-17-2012, 03:31 PM
I don't need some Hollywood type telling me what I already know. He needs to spread his message to those who don't know. The Occupy Wall Street types need to occupy jail cells for more than just a night.
09-17-2012, 04:59 PM
No thanks ! I like it just the way it is. Who the hell wants to live in the past? That's the problem wth conservatives, always clinging to the past. For gods sake, leave go and enjoy the ride.
09-17-2012, 05:09 PM
Sorry but this country was a much better place back when everything was black and white...
09-17-2012, 05:12 PM
Oh wait til the ride begins! When the sh*t hits the fan w/ Iran and Israel. and All the Arabs again attempt to gang up on her. This time the nukes will fly, oil will be $500 a barrel and we will go backwards in a lot of ways! AMMO will be worth more than cash. The liberal mindset is an acid trip, dude.
09-17-2012, 05:19 PM
oh downtown, I truly luv ur style. Just sayin
mr surveyor
09-17-2012, 06:53 PM
Sorry but this country was a much better place back when everything was black and white...
First time my kid (now 36 yrs old) saw a B&W t.v. show he got up and whacked the side of the t.v. thinking it was broken.... I told him that movie was made back when I was a kid and "color t.v." hadn't been invented yet. Finally had to just tell him that everything was just black and white in the old days and he was satisfied.
Life was much simpler and a whole lot more pleasant when everything was black and white. I have great sympathy for anyone born during or after the hippie generation...... they will never know the finer side of American life.
09-17-2012, 06:53 PM
It isn't us gm. It's the damn kids these days. Worse than the damn hippies of the 60's. Lots of peace and love and give me, give me, he ain't heavy he's my communist loving muslim brother. Note I didn't capitalize the M, eat bacon and call my attorney. (oh never had one.....)
I agree with you but I'm not taking the credit for the down turn and I still have hope (not a lot but some) that when we get an American again for Pres things may turn around.
Makes me feel all warm inside, and too add if I may. If their the 99% I'm glad to be a 1% er. Get the virgins lined up,and turn the sand into glass.
I don't know about them "good old days," maybe that was back when slaves were legal, and white males had it made. Don't worry the rich are still getting richer and we will be back in them days soon, with more of a variety of people to oppress. I don't even think party affiliation matters at this point. With the middle class, a slowly deflating balloon, there is only going to be two types of people in the future good days. Although, I must admit, I probably have extremist views on the subject. Yesterday was Constitution Day though, a good time to think about original intent, and what in the heck went wrong.
09-18-2012, 05:02 AM
I don't know about them "good old days," maybe that was back when slaves were legal, and white males had it made. Don't worry the rich are still getting richer and we will be back in them days soon, with more of a variety of people to oppress. I don't even think party affiliation matters at this point. With the middle class, a slowly deflating balloon, there is only going to be two types of people in the future good days. Although, I must admit, I probably have extremist views on the subject. Yesterday was Constitution Day though, a good time to think about original intent, and what in the heck went wrong.
I'm rigging the air hose from my exhaust pipe to a CPAP Mask, please tell me your willing to try it out first. What a generation of little weenies we've raised in America! Don't worry Uncle Sam will take care of you-Paid for by those very evil "Rich" people. Oh and slavery is doing well and fine, most muslim countries it's quite legal. I think the have a rich/poor problem too!
09-18-2012, 07:59 AM
Good old days? Well, it sure wasn't good for blacks. And it wasn't good for my Italian and Irish forefathers when they came here. Little boys picking slate off conveyors in the coal breakers or tending to the mules in the mines. Little girls were employed by the knitting mills to crawl under machinery to free up snags and were frequently scalped when their hair got caught in the machines. No worker safety. Every accident was blamed on the employee. Nothing good about the good old days!
I had a few wisdom teeth pulled in the 70's and I remember it being not being bad all all. Well a few years ago I had the other two pulled and it was painful as hell. I think that's how it is with history we only remember the good parts and the memory of the pain dulls over time.
09-18-2012, 08:22 AM
I think a lot of it has to do with morals. People with good morals were the majority in the past because the Bible and it's teachings were not shunned by society. It was socially acceptable and the norm to be an upright person. Now I know it's the other way around.
09-18-2012, 08:47 AM
I think a lot of it has to do with morals. People with good morals were the majority in the past because the Bible and it's teachings were not shunned by society. It was socially acceptable and the norm to be an upright person. Now I know it's the other way around.
Nothing has changed. It's just out in the open now. People always did what they do now. There were always drugs, alcohol and sex. And it's all for the good in my opinion. No reason for people to be in the closet.
It's funny how we Americans look down on the Muslim countries for their religious intolerance and sharia law, yet we have a vocal group of Christians in this country trying to impose their religion and biblical values on the rest of us Americans via changing our government into a theocracy.
les strat
09-18-2012, 08:57 AM
So everything is better now? Really? :rolleyes: I have seen so much decadence and downturn in the last 20 years, especially the last 10, that only someone who has not seen the USA in a better place could say this. I guess if you like turmoil, tension, financial collapse, class warfare, people with no morals, welfare checks, and fear for our children's future, then yeah, today is a better day. Sounds like a scene from Mad Max to me.
Looking to God to lead our country as always served as a moral compass. Whether you believe or not, having godly morals is an attribute and keeps people on the straight and narrow. People have forsaken this, and here we are at the steep decline and death of our country.
All I know is that our pres and his cronies are negotiating with the musl!m brotherhood in Egypt for the release of the blind shiek - the man in charge of sending the mission on 9/11. The brainwashed and controlled media are not covering this. Look it up on your own. The media is too busy disecting Romney's "victim" statement that is 100% on the money. Truth hurts.
If our pres stands with the musl!ms (who hate us) and their violent racial and religious tactics and jihad, he is not my leader. He gives us no hope. .
Cameron is right.
les strat
09-18-2012, 09:07 AM
Nothing has changed. It's just out in the open now. People always did what they do now. There were always drugs, alcohol and sex. And it's all for the good in my opinion. No reason for people to be in the closet.
It's funny how we Americans look down on the Muslim countries for their religious intolerance and sharia law, yet we have a vocal group of Christians in this country trying to impose their religion and biblical values on the rest of us Americans via changing our government into a theocracy.
Yes, but do we behead the idiots who do this crap???? Comparing Christians to the violent tendecies of muslims is idiotic. Compare Christian missionaries to the "believe in Allah or die" mentality of the Koran. Big difference. Night and day.
Morality starts with self, and that's what people do not adhere to. Selfish immoral behavior with no guilt leads to ruins for the individual as well as those around them and is a virus eating at our country. You can't argue otherwise. It's NOT a good thing.
If one does not like how our forefathers set this place up looking to the Biblical God for direction and a Constitution to protect us from the govt, they are free to leave. That's how it was, and how it will be. We have sat and watched long enough.
09-18-2012, 09:31 AM
Original factory settings are a good start, but some of the patches should be skipped. Let's skip Patch Level 16 and 17 for starters.
09-18-2012, 10:04 AM
Original factory settings are a good start, but some of the patches should be skipped. Let's skip Patch Level 16 and 17 for starters.
+1! You got it. The personal income tax—a tax on success and productivity has exacerbated the rich/poor divide, not leveled it. The only way Marxists can achieve it is by making absolutely everyone frighteningly poor. A really free market, only consumption taxes on new goods (the Fair Tax (, elimination of the Fed and return to a gold based monetary system where only the government prints money and there is gold behind every dollar will make everyone wealthier. The rich and successful will still pay more taxes because they buy more and more expensive things. And their consumerism supports the jobs of so many others, when they are allowed to keep, invest and spend their money themselves without a wicked government taking more and more and more and still saying they don't pay their fair share!
We are not talking about going back to poor and unsafe working conditions, people not paid a living wage and owing their souls to the company store. We are talking about everybody doing better in a really free economy, and with a limited government that sticks to constitutional limits and a balanced budget.
09-18-2012, 10:15 AM
+1 Ha-Rump!!!!....Give that man a Ceegar!!!
09-18-2012, 10:56 AM
Nothing has changed. It's just out in the open now.
Sounds like an oxymoron statement, although I know what you are trying to say. But the problem is that things HAVE changed.... See next statement.
People always did what they do now. There were always drugs, alcohol and sex.
True, but not such a large percent of the population. And even then, they knew their immoral behavior was looked down upon by society, so they did not flaunt it openly. Now many of these immoral behaviors are not shunned by the populous and so others say "I can do that too" and then it spreads in the current generation and gets worse in the next.
[QUOTE=CrabbyAzz;187154And it's all for the good in my opinion.[/QUOTE]
The openness of declining moral behavior is not good for anyone, especially the country as a whole, and future generations will suffer for it. I can't even believe you said that.
09-18-2012, 11:07 AM
"lets get back to what America was" Really?
Lets go back to slavery, women treated like second class citizens, lynchings, putting Japanese Americans in prison, killing Native Americans, child labor, need I go on? Yes, All men are created equal"..if you are white and genetic male.
"The country is more immoral than before" Really? See above. However, given the aforementioned we have slipped even more if that can even be imagined.
America was never perfect but what we have now is perspective. I think that America can be better then ever but going back is not the answer. If going back means limited government, then yes I agree. However becareful what you wish for. Finally, I do not need God to tell me how to act. It should be common sense.
09-18-2012, 11:47 AM
"lets get back to what America was" Really?
Lets go back to slavery, women treated like second class citizens, lynchings, putting Japanese Americans in prison, killing Native Americans, child labor, need I go on? Yes, All men are created equal"..if you are white and genetic male.
"The country is more immoral than before" Really? See above. However, given the aforementioned we have slipped even more if that can even be imagined.
America was never perfect but what we have now is perspective. I think that America can be better then ever but going back is not the answer. If going back means limited government, then yes I agree. However becareful what you wish for. Finally, I do not need God to tell me how to act. The golden rule doesnt have anything to do with God. Instead, it should be common sense. God can never replace nor teach common sense.
les strat
09-18-2012, 12:10 PM
"lets get back to what America was" Really?
Lets go back to slavery, women treated like second class citizens, lynchings, putting Japanese Americans in prison, killing Native Americans, child labor, need I go on? Yes, All men are created equal"..if you are white and genetic male.
"The country is more immoral than before" Really? See above. However, given the aforementioned we have slipped even more if that can even be imagined.
America was never perfect but what we have now is perspective. I think that America can be better then ever but going back is not the answer. If going back means limited government, then yes I agree. However becareful what you wish for. Finally, I do not need God to tell me how to act. The golden rule doesnt have anything to do with God. Instead, it should be common sense. God can never replace nor teach common sense.
Might I suggest the book of Proverbs? ;)
And yes, the Golden Rule is straight from the Bible. Matthew 7:12 to be exact. Straight from the mouth of The Savior. Just sayin'.
09-18-2012, 12:31 PM
My spidey senses are telling me this thread may not have a happy ending. I'm nearly positive it won't.
I'm leaving it for now but know that the safety is off and finger is on the "It's over button".
09-18-2012, 12:58 PM
Might I suggest the book of Proverbs? ;)
And yes, the Golden Rule is straight from the Bible. Matthew 7:12 to be exact. Straight from the mouth of The Savior. Just sayin'.
Les, I have great respect for you and you have swayed my political views greatly. However the negative form of the Golden Rule, don't do to others what you don’t want them to do to you, appears in several works of Greek philosophy and also in earlier Jewish writings. It also appears in other traditions such as Buddhism and Confucianism. However, Jesus might have been the first to formulate this positive version of the rule. There is no question that Jesus had common sense.
09-18-2012, 12:58 PM
I don't get it at all. I aint heard a single person claim they want to go all the way back to slavery and yet when people talk about wanting to go back to the good ole days some think that is what they mean. I guess they lived in slavery last week and can't understand why anyone would want to go back there.
09-18-2012, 01:01 PM
I don't get it at all. I aint heard a single person claim they want to go all the way back to slavery and yet when people talk about wanting to go back to the good ole days some think that is what they mean. I guess they lived in slavery last week and can't understand why anyone would want to go back there.
+1 It does get old.
09-18-2012, 01:04 PM
I don't get it at all. I aint heard a single person claim they want to go all the way back to slavery and yet when people talk about wanting to go back to the good ole days some think that is what they mean. I guess they lived in slavery last week and can't understand why anyone would want to go back there.
I think what I am trying to say, and maybe others, is go back to what? What time was perfect? It depends on your perspective.
09-18-2012, 01:08 PM
I think what I am trying to say, and maybe others, is go back to what? What time was perfect? It depends on your perspective.
That's the problem mostly. Too much left to perspective. That's apparently why some can read the constitution and walk away with an interpretation 180 degrees opposite of what I read. Must be perspective or something.
The 50's were pretty nice, good starting point.
09-18-2012, 01:13 PM
I think what I am trying to say, amybe others, is go back to what? What time was perfect? It depends on your perspective.
Yes sir, I agree totally. I do not want to go back I prefer going forward but doing so in a Constitutional manner. Maybe they mean back to a time when the govt abided by the Constitution more than it currently does. Maybe they would prefer to go back to the time under President Reagan after his tax cuts but before his tax increases. Seems we always look back on times with a fondness we didn't feel at that time.
I know that I can recall a time back in the 1980's when I would pay attention to the amount of overtime I worked. I tried to keep it under 20 hours because anything over that Uncle Sam hit so hard it didn't seem to increase my take home pay. I knew a few guys who had their own small businesses who when they got close to that 50% tax bracket they would stop working for the year. They had no desire to give Uncle Sam half of every dollar they earned above that amount.
It seems funny to me that the govt institutes more and more programs that are suppose to help those at the bottom and they don't seem to really help them to advance. They seem to keep those at the bottom down instead of helping them up. Seems like when the govt institutes a good program that is working in that direction they just have to tweak it so that it doesn't and then they double down on it throwing more good money down the drain.
09-18-2012, 01:32 PM
Yes sir, I agree totally. I do not want to go back I prefer going forward but doing so in a Constitutional manner. Maybe they mean back to a time when the govt abided by the Constitution more than it currently does. Maybe they would prefer to go back to the time under President Reagan after his tax cuts but before his tax increases. Seems we always look back on times with a fondness we didn't feel at that time.
I know that I can recall a time back in the 1980's when I would pay attention to the amount of overtime I worked. I tried to keep it under 20 hours because anything over that Uncle Sam hit so hard it didn't seem to increase my take home pay. I knew a few guys who had their own small businesses who when they got close to that 50% tax bracket they would stop working for the year. They had no desire to give Uncle Sam half of every dollar they earned above that amount.
It seems funny to me that the govt institutes more and more programs that are suppose to help those at the bottom and they don't seem to really help them to advance. They seem to keep those at the bottom down instead of helping them up. Seems like when the govt institutes a good program that is working in that direction they just have to tweak it so that it doesn't and then they double down on it throwing more good money down the drain.
Yep well written TV!
09-18-2012, 01:34 PM
That's the problem mostly. Too much left to perspective. That's apparently why some can read the constitution and walk away with an interpretation 180 degrees opposite of what I read. Must be perspective or something.
The 50's were pretty nice, good starting point.
Perspective......unless you were a balck man trying to get a cup of coffee at a whites only counter.
09-18-2012, 01:37 PM
Les, I modified post #24 so as not to upset people here. It was over the top and not 100% accurate.
09-18-2012, 02:05 PM
Hmmmm Bawanna hasn't hit the kill switch , yet?
09-18-2012, 02:27 PM
Good point. I don't believe we'll all ever agree to agree on everything.
In closing I find it impossible to figure out how some people can believe what they say or what they think. But no matter I like myself and that's all that matters.
And with the sun just past high noon on the west coast we bid this thread fond farewell.
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