View Full Version : Holder Cleared

09-19-2012, 02:00 PM
Was looking at gun broker and decided to check out Google news and see that Justice Dept Inspector General Michael Horowitz has cleared AG Eric Holder of any wrong doing and found that he didn't have any knowledge of the Fast and Furious operation before Jan 31 2011....

Another senior official Jason Weinstein took the fall and resigned to clear up the matter....Well what I want to know is if Holder didn't know about an operation of that size and scope then WHY NOT and doesn't that alone make Holder incompetent and not fit to hold his high office....

I suppose this doesn't surprise me with the Anointed One pulling the strings...If this isn't the most corrupt bunch of Chicago Mob politicians ever in the history of this country I don't know who was....makes me want to:puke:

09-19-2012, 02:02 PM
They wanted to make the US a third world country. It's the only thing Obama has succeeded at.

09-19-2012, 02:23 PM
would anyone here have thought that they would have found Holder guilty of anything. Hell he was the head man and he knew nuttin. that in itself , then u should be guilty of STUPIDITY. Lots of CYA in the government, especially obummers government.

09-19-2012, 02:53 PM
We should hence forth refer to Eric Holder as Schultz. He hears nothing, sees nothing and knows nothing. With apologies to the cast of Hogan's Heroes.

09-19-2012, 03:07 PM
We should hence forth refer to Eric Holder as Schultz. He hears nothing, sees nothing and knows nothing. With apologies to the cast of Hogan's Heroes.
No, that's an insult to "Not Sees." :cool: