View Full Version : It's time...........

09-20-2012, 06:52 PM
I've been putting off getting my carry permit because I wanted to improve my shooting skills with my handguns. I'm not terrible, but know I can do better with more practice. Everyone I've talked to has told me it is easy to pass the shooting portion of the testing.............so I went ahead and signed up for a class tomorrow.

Just talking about it this week at work has encouraged a couple of coworkers in my department to get their permits as well. They are going Saturday. Several people (men and women) in other departments have their permits and carry at work, but this will be the first time for anyone in my department. It's nice to know there is plenty backup around if it is ever needed. :)

09-20-2012, 07:04 PM
I've been putting off getting my carry permit because I wanted to improve my shooting skills with my handguns. I'm not terrible, but know I can do better with more practice. Everyone I've talked to has told me it is easy to pass the shooting portion of the testing.............so I went ahead and signed up for a class tomorrow.

Just talking about it this week at work has encouraged a couple of coworkers in my department to get their permits as well. They are going Saturday. Several people (men and women) in other departments have their permits and carry at work, but this will be the first time for anyone in my department. It's nice to know there is plenty backup around if it is ever needed. :)

Relax and enjoy the experience.
You will be fine.

But be advised, once you get used to being armed, it's hard to disarm.
At least it is for me...

09-20-2012, 07:14 PM
Relax and enjoy the experience.
You will be fine.

But be advised, once you get used to being armed, it's hard to disarm.
At least it is for me...

Yeah the shooting part is easy... I was worried too, but after passing with flying colors, I felt silly for being so worried in the first place.

My permit should be here (as soon as SLED finishes the paperwork) soon, and Im worried about barth's last comment.... I already feel weird if its not in the car with me at the least.

09-20-2012, 07:14 PM
My brother who hadn't picked up a gun in years had no trouble passing the test. He scored a 98 on the written and had no problem keeping all of his shots on target at seven yards. I truly believe that the course instructors are far more concerned with the safety and legal aspects of concealed carry than in the shooting ability of the applicants.

les strat
09-20-2012, 07:22 PM
Do it man!

(In Alabama, no test at all! Just background check.)

09-20-2012, 07:29 PM
From a native middle Tennesseean go get it. You'll be glad you did

09-20-2012, 07:40 PM
At least it is for me...[/I]

10-4 on that...

You won't have any issues, they make It a fun class.

09-20-2012, 08:11 PM
Relax and enjoy the experience.
You will be fine.

But be advised, once you get used to being armed, it's hard to disarm.
At least it is for me...

I'm looking forward to it. Only heard of one person failing during my brother's session and it was because the person was unsafe in handling their gun. They got one warning, but the second time they were told to leave.

The second in charge at the Christian publishing ministry where I work told me that he feels weird when he isn't able to carry at a local city park. Our employee handbook states "no weapons", but that is just a legal thing that lawyers recommend they put in the policy. They are ok with concealed carrying at work. We've had some people get really upset with our religious views, so it's not unrealistic that someone could take criminal action against us some day. I think about it from time to time, but don't worry. Being able to carry will bring confidence that at least a plan of defense is available should something happen at work or anywhere else.

09-21-2012, 09:30 AM
Just relax at the class and enjoy it. With any luck you'll have a great instructor. Most Pro-Gun people are on the same side and are advocates for getting more people into the sports side of it as well as getting more good guys to conceal carry. They'll do what they can to get you ready.

At the shooting portion of our test (in Texas) some people were quite terrible but still passed. The target is so big, you'd have to miss the paper completely or be out on the perimeter for most of the test to fail. You'll do fine. Full points for something inside a 9" or larger area. the pace was not particularly fast either. It sounds brisk when they say so many seconds for so many shots, but it was really easy actually. I had lots of leftover time between shots and sequences.

09-21-2012, 10:03 AM
When I took my concealed class I was just so new to guns as far as which one I would carry. I knew about guns because of my grandpa. Anyways he bought me an old in the box german pp/s .22 walther for my class and to carry. I passed the shooting with it but that was one of the worst pistols I couldve used for the class and for carry lol. Now 6 years later and after ive learned alot about carrying and all the pistols out there to carry I have 3 pistols that I use Glock 26, kahr cm9, and a kel tec p32 for when I really need high concealment. I carry everywhere possible as long as theres no metal detectors. What pistol are you thinking about taking to the class?

09-21-2012, 10:13 AM
Good for you, it's good that you took your time and didn't carry until you were ready in your own mind. It's a very serious thing carrying a gun.

I don't know if others feel or act this way, but I find I'm a better citizen when I'm carrying my gun. I'm not as apt to let others push my buttons, I also seem to be more curtius when I'm driving. I always carry concealed as not to make anyone else nervious or uncomfortable when there around me. Most people have no idea that I carry a pistol and I feel no need to advertise that I do. In the begining I thought everyone was looking at me and my gun was always printing and people were staring at me. Now I know I print at times but have come to realize that people wouldn't see or know what they were looking at if it was dead smack in front of there face. Most people are so wrapped up in what there doing and oblivious to things around them to even notice what color shirt I have on much less carrying a gun. Enjoy your class.

09-21-2012, 10:54 AM
...pp/s .22 walther for my class and to carry. I passed the shooting with it but that was one of the worst pistols I couldve used for the class and for carry lol.... What pistol are you thinking about taking to the class?

In Texas you can qualify with a license that is Semi-Auto or Non-Semi-Auto. This means you qualify with a semi-auto and can carry anything you want, or you qualify with a revolver and you are not allowed to carry a semi-auto. .380 is the smallest caliber allowed for the test in our state. No .22s. I'd recommend a 9mm M&P, XD, or Glock (if your hands are comfortable with it) for your qualification. Basically something full size and comfortable for you. Your Kahr would be fine too if you are comfortable with it. M&P and XD/XDm are good choices for smaller hands (as are Kahrs). The place I took my class allowed using their rental guns for qualification and our instructor was shrewd enough to put a couple of people into rental XDms instead of their revolvers so that they could carry whatever they wanted in the future.

09-21-2012, 12:11 PM
I feel eternally blessed that we don't have any testing here in Washington. No limit to what or how many you can carry. Just a background check and pay the fiddler and your legally healed.

I wouldn't be opposed to a test if it was convenient, available, inexpensive and I didn't have to take it. I have rangemaster issues. I try to deal with it but it's incurable.

09-21-2012, 07:06 PM
When I decided I wanted to carry I talked to my wife about it. I let her decide if she wanted to carry (she does not carry near as often as I would like for her to). Then we got a couple handguns we could carry and hit the range until she felt she was ready. Then the son my wife and I all went on the same day and applied for our permit. In GA there is no test you just fill out the paperwork get your fingerprints done and pay the fiddler (as Bawanna so elequently put it).

I do not feel right without it, mentioned that one time to my wife and I loved her reply "Don't worry, I have an ink pen, I will protect you!", she has so many ink pens when we went to the courthouse the nice police officer didn't find her knife in the bottom of her purse(she forgot it was there) for all the ink pens.

09-21-2012, 07:51 PM
It's done. I got 100% on the written and better than my normal on the range portion. That red area in the middle was pretty shot up!http://www.rimfirecentral.com/forums/images/smilies/smile.gif

The class was a lot of fun. There were about 10 of us, 5 women and 5 men. The instructor had a fun time picking on the ladies. Three of the ladies who came together didn't know much at all about guns. At one point the instructor purposely loaded some rounds in a magazine backwards. They had no clue anything was wrong. Oh, when first showing the magazine he did take time to point out "This is a magazine, NOT A CLIP!!!".http://www.rimfirecentral.com/forums/images/smilies/biggrin.gif

The class was divided into 2 groups for the shoooting portion. I was in the first group and finished early enough to miss that evening Nashville rush hour. I overheard the instructor tell the guy who was assisting him that the second group would take a while. The ladies who were unfamiliar with handguns that I mentioned earlier were in that group and he had already told them that "they would get his special attention". I hope he was also able to sign them up for some more advanced classes to further their knowledge of handguns.

I managed to get back in town early enough to run by the DMV to fill out the application for my permit and get my photo taken, so now it is just getting my finger-printing done and then waiting. The DMV told me 2 weeks to 90 days at the longest. Hoping for sooner, but just glad that I got this accomplished this year as I had hoped. http://www.rimfirecentral.com/forums/images/smilies/smile.gif

09-21-2012, 09:49 PM
Congrats. Glad you had a good class.

09-22-2012, 11:29 PM
Again, what pistol did you decide to take to the class?

09-23-2012, 07:56 AM
Again, what pistol did you decide to take to the class?
Sorry I missed your question earlier. I took my Bersa Thunder .380 since I had shot it more than my Kahr P40. One thing I did learn about that pistol is with my eyesight the sights on the Bersa are harder to see in an indoor range. I've always shot it outdoors and never had an issue. I'm thinking painting the front sight a different color will help. The Kahr on the other hand would probably been the better choice as far as sights go. They are the larger night sights. It will be my carry handgun.

With both my Bersa and Kahr I've been throwing some shots a little to the left. Our instructor was behind me watching and told me it was my tightening the fingers below my trigger finger. We only had 6 shots left after he told me, so he watched me shoot those and I hit center. I'm looking forward to some more range time to get more familiar with the Kahr. Fortunately when I've shot it and the Bersa in the past my groupings were similar, so I'm hoping what helped me with the Bersa will also improve my groupings with the Kahr.

We did a total of 48 shots. When the target was moved to 15 yards my problem shooting left was more apparent. I was pleased as it was an improvement over my last range session, but I won't be satisfied until I'm hitting the center more consistently. I am confident that it will come with more practice.


09-23-2012, 07:58 AM
Congrats Brent, Welcome to the fold.
I was unable to take my recert class before my permit expired. I have been recovering from back surgery. This left me without it for over a month and I can not tell you how weird it was to be out in the world at it's mercy. It was quite a nice day when the state got my new 5 year permit back to me about two weeks faster than perdicted.
It is a major responsability to carry in the world. You will have those times when your just sure folks are checking you out for the gun. Soon enough, however, it will be something you do without a second thought and it will seem weird to be out there without your favorite EDC. I have been going to the local Hospital for PT and it is unlawful to carry there.
I'm glad thats over...

Good luck and note this, soon you too will have a box full of holsters.:rolleyes:

09-23-2012, 09:40 AM
Congrats Brent, Welcome to the fold.
I was unable to take my recert class before my permit expired. I have been recovering from back surgery. This left me without it for over a month and I can not tell you how weird it was to be out in the world at it's mercy. It was quite a nice day when the state got my new 5 year permit back to me about two weeks faster than perdicted.
It is a major responsability to carry in the world. You will have those times when your just sure folks are checking you out for the gun. Soon enough, however, it will be something you do without a second thought and it will seem weird to be out there without your favorite EDC. I have been going to the local Hospital for PT and it is unlawful to carry there.
I'm glad thats over...

Good luck and note this, soon you too will have a box full of holsters.:rolleyes:

Prayers going up for your continued healing of those back problems Planedude. It's good to hear you're back on your feet and able to carry again. From talking to others who carry, I keep hearing how hard it is to NOT carry once they have gotten used to it. I'm sure I'll be the same way. Tennessee does not require recertification, just send them $50 every 4 years and your good to go. Also, it is an open carry state. While I don't plan on doing that, I am glad that there will be no legal problems should there be a garment issue where someone notices that I am carrying.

By the way, I mentioned earlier that I had a couple of coworkers who I was able to encourage to get their permits. They took a class Saturday and both passed, so I think we're planning on a little celebration party at work tomorrow. :)

09-24-2012, 04:34 PM
Congratulations on passing your course! I know I don't like to go anywhere where I can't go armed. Been carrying, legally or illegally, most of my adult life. It has saved me serious grief a couple of times. No shots fired in either case, which is what happens in over 90% of armed self defense cases.

NH is a "Shall Issue" state. Fill out the application, they do a background check, and they must issue or deny within 10 days. If they deny it must be for one of a discrete set of reasons spelled out in state law. It is not discretionary on the part of the issuing authority. The form is mandated by the state, so they can't ask any additional questions or try to get fingerprints or a photo or anything like that. No test. No course.

Sometimes a local chief tries to get around it if he doesn't like the looks of somebody, but we've got some very active pro-gun attorneys here that go kick their a$$. They don't get away with it for long.

We don't need a permit to buy, or to keep at a home or place of business. Nor is a permit required to carry openly. The only permit you can get is for concealed carry. The police in some towns/cities will hassle people who carry openly, but they can't really do anything.

NH also just passed (over the Dem governor's veto) a "Stand your ground" law. So, all in all we have it pretty good here.

In neighboring Vermont you don't need a permit to carry concealed. Only downside to that is they can't have reciprocity with any other state, since they have no permit system.

Hard to believe both states border Massachusetts!

09-28-2012, 11:49 PM
Well I finished up the final task of getting fingerprinted Thursday for the background check. Now it's just waiting for everything to be processed. Papers show up to a 90 day wait, but the guy at the dept of safety said sometimes it only takes a couple of weeks.

Meanwhile, I've been dry-firing using different holds and trigger finger positions. I think I've found the hold that will work better for me, but only range time will prove or disprove that. It will be rough having to do all that shooting, but a man has to do what a man has to do.;) :D

09-29-2012, 02:32 PM
It will be rough having to do all that shooting, but a man has to do what a man has to do.;) :D

Well, you don't have to do all 200 breakin rounds in one session! Don't abuse yourself.:75:

And that number isn't set in stone. Some guns need less rounds. Some are good to go out of the box. But one thing is undeniable: after several hundred rounds, your gun will be working so smoothly that you'll think it is a different gun! I know that's hard to believe because it is already a smooth performer, but it is true. :D

09-29-2012, 02:53 PM
Well, you don't have to do all 200 breakin rounds in one session! Don't abuse yourself.

And that number isn't set in stone. Some guns need less rounds. Some are good to go out of the box. But one thing is undeniable: after several hundred rounds, your gun will be working so smoothly that you'll think it is a different gun! I know that's hard to believe because it is already a smooth performer, but it is true. :D

It really has been smooth. It's ready to go, just working on the operator now. The trigger is sweet on this Kahr, just different from my other guns. I think my recent discoveries will help me adapt to it well. I'll put it this way...........I'm stubborn enough to stick with it until I figure it out and shoot it the best I can. It's all fun and I have a good time learning. Tips are always welcomed and appreciated. http://i1024.photobucket.com/albums/y302/BrentRFC/Smileys/sthumb.gif

09-29-2012, 03:03 PM
heh u know what with a positive attitude, lots of good things come from that. I practice with my PMJ9 at 7-10 yards all the time. I use the FBI "Q" type silhouette, with no bullseye or nuttin, just the bowling pin type silhouette depicting COM. I can with ease at 7-10 yards keep um allin that big ass target. to me that is an ego builder, I ain't shooting for 1-2" groups where I have to stand there and do alot oconcentrating, as I feel if SHTF I am gonna be seeing the BG and hoefull the front sight on my PM9, more than likely if SHTF it will be POA shooting and nutting else. so good groups for ol jocko is every shot inside trhis silhouette target. We see some fantastic shot groups on this forum and more than likiely that guy in a SHTF situation will do better than I do becuase I can't shoot thgsoe good of groups in the first place. But in a adrenalin situation YOU do not have a clue as to what is really gonna happen. U hope for the best, u train to fight and the rest will be up to God if u come home tonight. Thats why for this ol timer who has been through alot, I try to take care of uno#1 first. My time is running short anyways, why do I wanna shorten it??? Just sayin

09-29-2012, 03:43 PM
I hope and pray I'll never have to defend myself, but like you said jocko, you train and trust God with the results. In the meantime we get to enjoy shooting our guns. I enjoy shooting rifles too. Started out with a friend at a shooting range and worked into deer hunting with my brother. Nothing like it when that big buck steps out and your adrenaline gets to pumping. Forget what it's like shooting from a bench. Buck fever has done set in and you've gotta make the shot with the shakes. A whole different game indeed, but I love it. :)

Not exactly the same in a self-defense situation as you are the game............but you do have the choice to defend yourself. Like the deer though, you want to be aware what is going on around you and avoid it if at all possible. Drop your guard like the deer during the rut and you're likely to not even get a chance to pull your weapon.

09-29-2012, 03:43 PM
It really has been smooth. It's ready to go, just working on the operator now. The trigger is sweet on this Kahr, just different from my other guns. I think my recent discoveries will help me adapt to it well. I'll put it this way...........I'm stubborn enough to stick with it until I figure it out and shoot it the best I can. It's all fun and I have a good time learning. Tips are always welcomed and appreciated. http://i1024.photobucket.com/albums/y302/BrentRFC/Smileys/sthumb.gif

Old jocko is warming up to ya. That's a good thing...I think :2rolleyes:...Yeah, that's a good thing! :boink:

If you want to keep the grip on your P40 as thin as it was designed yet tame the cheese graters on the front and back of the grip, try a couple of neatly trimmed strips of hockey tape. It is cloth tape. I got some in a dark color that matches my frame perfectly and the width is perfect to cover the cheese graters. So I carefully trimmed two strips to fit on the front and the back. You can still see the pattern of bumps, but they don't bite anymore. And it blends in so well someone has to really look close to tell that anything is there.

09-29-2012, 03:59 PM
bowhunted all my life, was never much of a gun hunter. Iconsiudered myself a very good shot at 20 yards. I cannot tell u how many nice buks I have missed under 20 yards, many under 10 yard. If u have not been there done that, then u have no clue what I am talking about. the bigger the buck the more I shook. Now I trained for that one shot to, so to me there is a close similairty between the two. only like u said the deer isn't shooting back or I would not be reporting this to you... U train as best u can, and then hope for the best. 99% of us will never fire a gun in harms way so sometimes I think we put way to much emphasis on things like mayb e bullet penetration, multicple magazines, back up back up guns. I try to not live a paranoid life. My pMJ9 is y defense gun and it has been since day one but I shoot it like I stole it, it is my most fun gun I have ever owned,lil bastard just goes b ang with ease. My shot groups look like #6 shot out of a open cylinder shot gun, but thats OK to. Life is good.. Just sayin

09-29-2012, 04:03 PM
Old jocko is warming up to ya. That's a good thing...I think :2rolleyes:...Yeah, that's a good thing! :boink:

If you want to keep the grip on your P40 as thin as it was designed yet tame the cheese graters on the front and back of the grip, try a couple of neatly trimmed strips of hockey tape. It is cloth tape. I got some in a dark color that matches my frame perfectly and the width is perfect to cover the cheese graters. So I carefully trimmed two strips to fit on the front and the back. You can still see the pattern of bumps, but they don't bite anymore. And it blends in so well someone has to really look close to tell that anything is there.

One thing I like about jocko, he is himself and comfortable with it. No need for him to impress anybody.

I haven't had any problems with the biting, but I just ordered some of the stick-on grips from Talon a couple of days ago. I went with the rubber ones they recommend for cc as the texturized ones might be uncomfortable rubbing my skin. Will see how I like them and decide then whether to keep 'em or toss 'em.

09-29-2012, 04:05 PM
bowhunted all my life, was never much of a gun hunter. Iconsiudered myself a very good shot at 20 yards. I cannot tell u how many nice buks I have missed under 20 yards, many under 10 yard. If u have not been there done that, then u have no clue what I am talking about. the bigger the buck the more I shook. Now I trained for that one shot to, so to me there is a close similairty between the two. only like u said the deer isn't shooting back or I would not be reporting this to you... U train as best u can, and then hope for the best. 99% of us will never fire a gun in harms way so sometimes I think we put way to much emphasis on things like mayb e bullet penetration, multicple magazines, back up back up guns. I try to not live a paranoid life. My pMJ9 is y defense gun and it has been since day one but I shoot it like I stole it, it is my most fun gun I have ever owned,lil bastard just goes b ang with ease. My shot groups look like #6 shot out of a open cylinder shot gun, but thats OK to. Life is good.. Just sayin

You know that guy isn't going to be just standing there letting you take aim at him jocko, so go ahead and spread those shots out some and you'll hit him. :D

09-29-2012, 05:25 PM
One thing I like about jocko, he is himself and comfortable with it. No need for him to impress anybody.

I haven't had any problems with the biting, but I just ordered some of the stick-on grips from Talon a couple of days ago. I went with the rubber ones they recommend for cc as the texturized ones might be uncomfortable rubbing my skin. Will see how I like them and decide then whether to keep 'em or toss 'em.

I have a set of those Talon stick-ons. I sacrificed a set cutting small, thin strips to go between the serrations on my slide to aid in gripping it. And it looks cool, too! :D

09-29-2012, 05:31 PM
I have a set of those Talon stick-ons. I sacrificed a set cutting small, thin strips to go between the serrations on my slide to aid in gripping it. And it looks cool, too! :D

What........no pic of this cool mod? :D ;)

09-29-2012, 05:54 PM
I guess that is one reason I have been fond of the taurus judge. with 00 buck in it. One shot out of a taurus judge is about like my shot group out of my PMJ9

09-29-2012, 06:08 PM
I guess that is one reason I have been fond of the taurus judge. with 00 buck in it. One shot out of a taurus judge is about like my shot group out of my PMJ9

My 72 year old mother has mentioned getting a gun for home defense. I've never handled or shot a taurus judge, but I bet that would be the ticket for her. Couldn't see her handling a regular shotgun well.

09-29-2012, 06:15 PM
I have never shot one either, just looked and awed some. I have two boxes of 3" 00 bucks here so someday I am gonna op and buy the 3" judge. It hasto make a great home defense gun . safe for a woman to load and unload, safe toshoot and not worry about popping one of the kids in another bedroom due to penetration or pop some ol man walking his dog downthe street or hell even killing the dog. I just think it would be the ultimate home defense gun. BG sure in hell ain't gonna know what is gling out the end of the barreleither. Iam sure it is not a small ass frame gun either, so it should be somewhat pleasant. Taurus seems to push the 2.5" 410 over the 3" version for some reason and I guess it must be size. But 2.5" 410 never realy bent my crank although I do see ammo makers are starting to kader to the taurus with some good 2.5" 410 ammo, so I assume it must be a good defense round. Myu S&B 3" 410 00 bucks I bought about 4 years back has 5 00 pellets in it. Now that is a lot of firepower out of one round. Just sayin.

taurus 2.5" 410 judge 29 ounces
taurus 3" judge 410 37 ounces

better get grannyt some hand weights to breakher in.. and that is unloaded..

09-29-2012, 06:35 PM
They have a newer one called Public Defender Polymer. That looks like something mom might handle better than the heavier Judge.


09-29-2012, 07:39 PM
Well, jocko, that 3" Judge weighs 1 oz less than a standard 1911 - a man's gun. But the 2 1/2" seems a more sane choice to be trying to shoot out of a revolver.

09-29-2012, 08:08 PM
probably that is why it sells the best to. What few gun shows I have been to the 2.5" taurus seems to rule. Seems effective range is under 10 yards which is in most cases any room in ones home to. That little public defender would soon earn the reputation thoguh of a little bastard IMO...

09-29-2012, 09:37 PM
probably that is why it sells the best to. What few gun shows I have been to the 2.5" taurus seems to rule. Seems effective range is under 10 yards which is in most cases any room in ones home to. That little public defender would soon earn the reputation thoguh of a little bastard IMO...

I'd rather have this in 20 gauge: the Weatherby SA459 TR (http://www.weatherby.com/product/shotguns/semiauto_tr/sa459_tr)

Gas-operated semi-auto action reduces felt recoil
Features a trimmer forend for easy handling
18 1/2" barrel with removable extended ported cylinder choke tube (OAL 20")
Oversized hourglass bolt handle is easy to locate and operate
20 gauge is ideal for female or smaller shooters
Swivel studs included
Available in 12 or 20 gauge
4+1 3", 5+1 2.5"
Can be purchased for a little over $500 at Bud's, which is less than most Judge models

Much greater accuracy and range. Semi-auto action. For home defense, this is a much better solution, IMO.

09-30-2012, 09:12 AM
I'd rather have this in 20 gauge: the Weatherby SA459 TR (http://www.weatherby.com/product/shotguns/semiauto_tr/sa459_tr)

Gas-operated semi-auto action reduces felt recoil
Features a trimmer forend for easy handling
18 1/2" barrel with removable extended ported cylinder choke tube (OAL 20")
Oversized hourglass bolt handle is easy to locate and operate
20 gauge is ideal for female or smaller shooters
Swivel studs included
Available in 12 or 20 gauge
4+1 3", 5+1 2.5"
Can be purchased for a little over $500 at Bud's, which is less than most Judge models
Much greater accuracy and range. Semi-auto action. For home defense, this is a much better solution, IMO.

I like it, but picturing my mom trying to handle that is kind of scarey. :eek:

I think the Judge fills a niche. Not the best choice for many, but appropriate for some who would feel uncomfortable with a full size shotgun.

09-30-2012, 10:00 AM
I like it, but picturing my mom trying to handle that is kind of scarey. :eek:

I think the Judge fills a niche. Not the best choice for many, but appropriate for some who would feel uncomfortable with a full size shotgun.

If you load the Judge with 5 and the Weatherby with 6 rounds of 2 1/2" SD ammo, and let her try both, I think she would say she felt she could control the Weatherby much, much better. The recoil of the Judge is going to scare her, and her accuracy with repeated shots, even at SD distance, would be very poor compared to the Weatherby. But take her to a range and let her practice with that ported semi-auto that has designed in recoil reduction, and she will be ready and able to handle any home invasion crew that made the fatal mistake of entering her house.

09-30-2012, 10:41 AM
If you load the Judge with 5 and the Weatherby with 6 rounds of 2 1/2" SD ammo, and let her try both, I think she would say she felt she could control the Weatherby much, much better. The recoil of the Judge is going to scare her, and her accuracy with repeated shots, even at SD distance, would be very poor compared to the Weatherby. But take her to a range and let her practice with that ported semi-auto that has designed in recoil reduction, and she will be ready and able to handle any home invasion crew that made the fatal mistake of entering her house.

All good advice!!! http://i1024.photobucket.com/albums/y302/BrentRFC/Smileys/sthumb.gif

I wonder about her accessing the gun at home as well. Where would she place it? Would she be more likely to knock over the shotgun? Can she get to it, pick it up, and place a shot quickly enough? She has some health issues that affect her balance as well. So many variables there with her that I'm afraid she may actually put herself in more danger by having a firearm. I guess that is something only she can determine for herself and I wouldn't want to make any decision for her, but simply help guide her through the process.

09-30-2012, 12:27 PM
probably no doubt the sh!tgun would be better. That Weatherby is a home defense gun at its best to. It wouldmake anyone a good home gun. Nice thing about the judge IMO is that that public defendermodel will purse carry, glove box carry with ease.

Hell even if she misses the BG has no clue what else is gonna happen, no guaratnee she is gonna do much better with the sh!tgun. But Brent is dead right, we shouldjust be guides toa woman, andnot push our wants on them. Let her go out and see, feel and think about what she wants. Give her the pros and cons of each to. I don't own a judge, but I realy think they have a real nice woman's home defense gun there or a anybody's hme defense gun. She can unload that judge in a heartbeat and know it is empty, not as fast with the weatherby. Alot will depend on the woman to, Is the a real gun nut, or is she a home person who just feels better about defense etc but yet has no knowledge of guns in general. If so, then u nee dto KISS (keep it simple stupid)_I have found through 40 years of gun sales that if a woman gets intimidated by the gun u bought her and feels "scared". then that gun is history. Coursenuttin beats her buying agun and then makeig sure she goes toth range with you numerous times and shows u that she is now proficient enough to carry it or have it around the home.. Just sayin

09-30-2012, 12:46 PM
Good points, Jocko.

Brent, the Weatherby weighs 6 lb - not a heavy gun. A sling can ba added so she can slip it over her shoulder and have the gun secured. Of course, both guns for her would be a really great idea! :D

09-30-2012, 01:07 PM
Good points, Jocko.

Brent, the Weatherby weighs 6 lb - not a heavy gun. A sling can ba added so she can slip it over her shoulder and have the gun secured. Of course, both guns for her would be a really great idea! :D

Now why didn't I think of that? :D

10-01-2012, 01:56 PM
I sure hope I don't have to defend myself when I'm sick. My wife has been sick and now it feels like I'm coming down with it. I had the day off today and managed to drive to the range to do some shooting. I didn't realize how weak I have gotten and for the life of me I could not hold my gun steady. I think it's the worst I've ever shot.:o The good news is that my P40 continues to run smooth.:) Time to hit the recliner for a nap and then clean up the guns.

10-01-2012, 02:04 PM
kionda funny, sick as a dog but damn still can manage to pump off a few rounds at the range..

U have shootercoffanitutis.(one word) which can only be cured by a shot pf peni-cillian and anutter 200 perfect rounds down range. Shootercoffanitus is contagious so I would advise staying away from gun friends. One way to check this out is to just sit in ur chair with no gun or nuttein in ur hands and just relax and then watch ur trigger finger. If it moves back and forth and u don't know it, u have shootercoffanitus. It is not painful but it is painful when trying to wipe ur ass. Just sayin

No charge for this prescription either. but it works for me

10-01-2012, 02:27 PM
kionda funny, sick as a dog but damn still can manage to pump off a few rounds at the range..

U have shootercoffanitutis. which can only be cured by a shot pf peni-cillian and anutter 200 perfect rounds down range. Shooter coffanitus is contagious so I would advise staying away from gun friends. One way to ceck this out is to just sit in ur chair with no gun or nuttein in ur hands and just relax and then watch ur trigger finger. If it moves back and forth and u don't know it, u have shootercoffanitus. It is not painful but it is painful when trying to wipe ur ass. Just sayin

No charge for this prescription either. but it works for me*

* These statements have not been evaluated or approved by the FDA.

10-01-2012, 02:58 PM
Au Contraire weedhopper. He's a Wishun witch doctor, senior in his tribe. They aren't much on formalities so no certificates except for the carving in the tree trunk back in 28 when he was originally bestowed the title.

10-01-2012, 04:39 PM
kionda funny, sick as a dog but damn still can manage to pump off a few rounds at the range..

U have shootercoffanitutis.(one word) which can only be cured by a shot pf peni-cillian and anutter 200 perfect rounds down range. Shootercoffanitus is contagious so I would advise staying away from gun friends. One way to check this out is to just sit in ur chair with no gun or nuttein in ur hands and just relax and then watch ur trigger finger. If it moves back and forth and u don't know it, u have shootercoffanitus. It is not painful but it is painful when trying to wipe ur ass. Just sayin

No charge for this prescription either. but it works for me

It's too late for me Jocko. That shootercoffanitutis has taken control and nuttin' will stop it. I'm already thinkin' about my next day off and hittin' the range again. Didn't you know that it's also therapeutic to sling some lead. My trigger finger has been twitchin' for days, but it is relaxed.............for now. :D

10-01-2012, 05:08 PM
Au Contraire weedhopper. He's a Wishun witch doctor, senior in his tribe. They aren't much on formalities so no certificates except for the carving in the tree trunk back in 28 when he was originally bestowed the title.

OK. I rescinded my announcement about practicing medicine. But I left the caution concerning the FDA. :D

10-04-2012, 05:29 PM
Well guys I made a change that I think I'm going to like, but may not sit too well here on the Kahr forum. I traded my P40 for a Glock 26.:eek: I couldn't resist after handling the Glock. The thing fits my hand perfectly, plus the 9mm ammo will be cheaper than the .40 I've been shooting.

Thanks to everyone here who has made this newby feel welcomed. The tech info here was a big help when I first bought my Kahr. It ran like a champ!!! :)

10-04-2012, 05:34 PM
well hopefully u will stick around. who knows, u might just be back G26 nice gun..

10-04-2012, 06:00 PM
well hopefully u will stick around. who knows, u might just be back G26 nice gun..

I'll be around Jocko. No Kahr to talk about, but still following the trigger finger position thread.

10-04-2012, 07:34 PM
If you bought an early production Gen 4 Glock you might be back sooner rather than later. Hope it works out for you.

10-04-2012, 08:56 PM
If you bought an early production Gen 4 Glock you might be back sooner rather than later. Hope it works out for you.

Traded for new Glock 26 Gen4 with a 05/18/2012 testing date. Thanks! :)

10-18-2012, 06:55 PM
I received my carry permit on Tuesday. Only took 19 days from completing the application process. Feels good to be carrying now! :)

10-19-2012, 10:12 AM
That's great Brent!

I put off getting my CCW for a while but finally did it about 9 mo's ago.
Something I really didn't want to do but in the end I thought it was time.

10-19-2012, 07:03 PM
That's great Brent!

I put off getting my CCW for a while but finally did it about 9 mo's ago.
Something I really didn't want to do but in the end I thought it was time.

I started "seriously" considering it last year, but I had managed to put it off until it was too late. Almost happened again this year, so I just jumped in there and scheduled my class. Once that was out of the way I thought "Why didn't I do this sooner?".

Today was my first day to "public" carry. My wife and I went to vote, so I left the gun in the car for that. Armed again, we went out to eat lunch, then on to play a round of miniature golf at the place where my wife and I went on our first date back in 1990. After that we went to Bass Pro, then stopped by McDonalds for a bite before heading home. I guess it was my carrying at work previous to this that made me more comfortable with my first public outing.

10-19-2012, 07:07 PM
I received my carry permit on Tuesday. Only took 19 days from completing the application process. Feels good to be carrying now! :)

Obviously, you are not in California and are in Tennessee. Took me 4 months here and there are some counties where it is taking over a year. That is if you are lucky enough to live in a county that will even give a ccw.

10-19-2012, 08:17 PM
Obviously, you are not in California and are in Tennessee. Took me 4 months here and there are some counties where it is taking over a year. That is if you are lucky enough to live in a county that will even give a ccw.

.....and some places people can get theirs in less than the 19 days it took me. Good for you for pressing on despite the long wait!!! :)

10-20-2012, 06:05 AM
One word of advise for you and your co-workers... Check your employers rules at work! there's been more than one person fired for ccw against the company's policy!

10-20-2012, 10:40 AM
One word of advise for you and your co-workers... Check your employers rules at work! there's been more than one person fired for ccw against the company's policy!

Thanks for the advice downtownv, but in my case I do have permission straight from the top. As a matter of fact, I had gotten my IWB Theis holster early and was wearing it to break it in when the boss asked me if I was carrying yet. I told him that I didn't have my permit yet and he told me, "This is private property and you don't need a permit to carry here". There is a policy there to protect the ministry itself should something happen, but no worries about them not backing you if you're safe and justified in any shooting that might occur.