View Full Version : Send obummer packin

09-21-2012, 10:33 AM

This is just super and to think from a Rock group. Please if u don't think this is good, then please stick ur head up ur ass and blow. Just sayin

09-21-2012, 10:46 AM
I like it!!!

09-21-2012, 10:48 AM
I like it!!!

its better than suggestion # 2. Just sayin

09-21-2012, 10:56 AM
That gave me goosebumps.

iTunes, here I come.

09-21-2012, 11:12 AM
"Right to Bear" from the same band.


09-21-2012, 11:12 AM
While I have no problem with the exuberance of youth, but I'm a traditionalist who prefers to hear our National Anthem sung and played as it was written buy Francis Scott Key. No one does that better than the members of our military bands.


09-21-2012, 11:22 AM
I won't disagree with u muggsy but these guys certainly didn't deface the National anthem. Had I thought it was in anyway disrespectful I would not have posted it either. they did add alittle to it but IMO that was OK as they certaiinly wasnint signing it in front of a NBA OR NFL game. What they added IMO was righton target to, especially when we think of what obummer is gonna try to do if he gets back in. Now I like u so forget about option #2. Just sayin.

09-21-2012, 11:26 AM
I won't disagree with u muggsy but these guys certainly didn't deface the National anthem. Had I thought it was in anyway disrespectful I would not have posted it either. they did add alittle to it but IMO that was OK as they certaiinly wasnint signing it in front of a NBA OR NFL game. What they added IMO was righton target to, especially when we think of what obummer is gonna try to do if he gets back in. Now I like u so forget about option #2. Just sayin.

Not to worry, Jocko, I still consider you a friend. I didn't dislike the rendition that you posted. I just prefer the original. I've added a link to my post so that you can see what I mean. No one want's to see Obummer go packing more than I.

09-21-2012, 11:30 AM
got ya, like I prefer the ol blunt nose PMJ9 kahrs. Those cadets damn well better do it right to. Would that be sumpin like PREACHIN TO THE CHOIR. ??? Just sayin

I see again those M---fokkers are buring the hell out of our Flag again. I myself would like to see for every flag burned a Koran goes up in flame. . Ohb I know some liberal would say , well we can't do that as it would bring violence, Yup sure would, , but I know who would be buring the last object to and it would not be the American Flag. Cou78rse if our news media would just ignore that crap over thgere, they would soon move on as no one is paying attenton, but that is not what our media does good either. "ignore":der:

09-21-2012, 11:45 AM
I believe that anyone who wants to burn our flag should be required to wrap themselves in it, first. :)

09-21-2012, 11:47 AM
I was just telling my coworkers here how those places like the embassy and such and Australia would be a perfect place for PUFF training.

Clear the embassy of our people and then let the PUFF's work their magic.

Saw on the news where even the experts think the riot was a cover for an attack?

Gee willikers ya think?

09-21-2012, 11:49 AM
I would even buy the flag. I think our local VFW has a bunch of old flags that they were getting ready to memoralize burn them,but I think they would be very receeptive to this idea. Course I would wantt o be there to light the flag. Good point

I used to be a violent person when I was young, now I have mellowed alot:der: wow , just read wher e the U.S. spend 70K over inn afganistan telling those assholes that obummer and hillary object to that film. First thing they better do over there is teach those idiots to READ. 70K. wow sure would have feed alot of homeless veterans in the country..:der:

09-21-2012, 11:53 AM
Oh now wouldn't Puff have a field day there, maybe even make anutter turn around the ol compound even, just to be sure it didn't miss anyone. But u know great one that is inciting violence. Gee willikers. wow hadn't heard that since Andy caught Opie in the tool shed, doing a nasty... Just sayin

09-21-2012, 12:10 PM
jocko. Nice post. Refreshing and unique to hear. Whitney Houston did a heck of job too if I remember correctly.

We live in a society where people have no respect for much of anything. So why would the our national flag be any different? However, with that being said, I am disappointed with some of the behavior of our "more respectful(sic)" America loving citizens too lately. Many here do not like our president and certainly have the right to say that. When I recently saw an article of an empty chair( think Clint Eastwood's speech at the convention) seemingly "lynched" to a tree, I thought that was as bad as burning the flag. We can agree to disagree but we do have other ways to make our feelings known and evoke change. Lets not decay to a state that we deem uncivilized like so many of the news clips we see coming from other countries. I want to be free and live in a free society but just because we can doesnt me we should.

09-21-2012, 12:27 PM
yup we disagree for sure. I seen nuttin wrong with Eastwoods talk, It was humoroes to say the least and personaly I owe our president no more respect than the gives to me. I respect the office, I don't have to respect the man in it. I probalby am uncivilied, maybe the rest of American is not, so I don't group all Americans into my corner either. Again it is a right. Indeed Whitney did a specrtacular job. I forgot about that voice...

I think our fokking courts have screwed up this country more than anything. course what do I know. Just sayin. We seem to be wanting to be so fokking political correct that we let the minority rule this country. U know in this country it seems OK for a lady to come into a lawyers office and b!tch that at her daughters school they have a father daughters dance but no mothers son dance, and it has been tradition for years and a lawyer takes up the case so now we don't have any dances. U know in alot of foreign cuntries, if u come in with such a stupid suggtestion or b!tch, they just shoot u and yell. NEXT. sooner than later, many start to get the point. Just sayin..

09-21-2012, 02:12 PM
yup we disagree for sure. I seen nuttin wrong with Eastwoods talk, It was humoroes to say the least and personaly I owe our president no more respect than the gives to me. I respect the office, I don't have to respect the man in it. I probalby am uncivilied, maybe the rest of American is not, so I don't group all Americans into my corner either. Again it is a right. Indeed Whitney did a specrtacular job. I forgot about that voice...

I think our fokking courts have screwed up this country more than anything. course what do I know. Just sayin. We seem to be wanting to be so fokking political correct that we let the minority rule this country. U know in this country it seems OK for a lady to come into a lawyers office and b!tch that at her daughters school they have a father daughters dance but no mothers son dance, and it has been tradition for years and a lawyer takes up the case so now we don't have any dances. U know in alot of foreign cuntries, if u come in with such a stupid suggtestion or b!tch, they just shoot u and yell. NEXT. sooner than later, many start to get the point. Just sayin..

I am not calling you uncivilized. I am sorry if my post was construed as such. I thought the empty chair at the convention was clever but when it was "lynched", I thought that was uncivilized. Just because we are free to say whatever we want doesnt mean it is right to do so. There are social limits that our society should hold to. We all seem to want less government in our lives; therefore, we must be able to govern ourselves to some degree too. I think we should have some respect in the way we go about things otherwise we are sending a clear message to our youth that nothing matters. The symbolic lynching goes far beyond disagreeing with the president. I hope you see it that way too.

09-21-2012, 02:21 PM
Puff, fired by A1C Dobos. That would really piss them off.


09-21-2012, 02:26 PM
Sadly we don't need to send a message to our youth that nothing matters, most of them already seem to know it.

Probably not the majority but not far from it.

It all stems from both parents working, single parents, professional parents paying others to raise their kids.
This is one area where things were better back in the 50's unless as someone mentioned your were black trying to get a diet coke in a diner.

Of course the biggest and hardest issue to fix is the whole political correctness attitude. It's way way overboard.

Do what you want but when it is a nuisance to others your over the line.

Don't lower the standards for underachievers. My mom was a mail carrier for 30 years and I watched the civil service test become so easy a 3rd grader could pass it with their eyes closed and many still failed.
That ain't right.

09-21-2012, 02:36 PM
I love the video and love that it is a bunch of young guys. I am so jacked up for the weekend now! Enjoy the LIBERTY to decide what you're going to do and the FREEDOM to do it...or to just hang out.

09-21-2012, 02:47 PM
The Political Correctness attitude is the key to our deliberate destruction. The Accuracy in Academia lecture by Bill Lind (http://www.academia.org/the-origins-of-political-correctness/) explains the history of PC and how we got where we are today, but even after reading it half a dozen times it's very hard to explain to someone who hasn't studied modern philosophy and culture.

My 11 year old daughter mentioned to me yesterday that her (Catholic private school) teacher said something about some new TV show with gay characters, and I wanted to summarize for her how it's historically documented that the left is using gays as pawns to destroy Western culture so it can be rebuilt in a Marxist image, but it's a convoluted and complex lesson that would put her to sleep.

09-21-2012, 03:15 PM
Oh now wouldn't Puff have a field day there, maybe even make anutter turn around the ol compound even, just to be sure it didn't miss anyone. But u know great one that is inciting violence. Gee willikers. wow hadn't heard that since Andy caught Opie in the tool shed, doing a nasty... Just sayin
On the Cobras we always traveled in pairs and always made 2 gun runs for that little extra clean-up work :)

09-21-2012, 04:02 PM
Sounds familiar.

09-21-2012, 04:07 PM
On the Cobras we always traveled in pairs and always made 2 gun runs for that little extra clean-up work :)

I like a tidy military and I can tell u guys did to. thanks for ur service and for such good aim..

09-21-2012, 04:11 PM
I am not calling you uncivilized. I am sorry if my post was construed as such. I thought the empty chair at the convention was clever but when it was "lynched", I thought that was uncivilized. Just because we are free to say whatever we want doesnt mean it is right to do so. There are social limits that our society should hold to. We all seem to want less government in our lives; therefore, we must be able to govern ourselves to some degree too. I think we should have some respect in the way we go about things otherwise we are sending a clear message to our youth that nothing matters. The symbolic lynching goes far beyond disagreeing with the president. I hope you see it that way too.

o apology need, I know I amcivilized, Now TED NUGENT is uncivilized and just look at the massive following he has. (even me sometimes). He says things some just think of saying but his balls hang free and I am sure he sleeps at night. Soomewhere I read where we stillhave a 1st amendment right left.

I'[m cool friend. I might have took ur statement wrong and u just don't wanna MAKE MY DAY either.

09-21-2012, 11:16 PM
Although the youngsters in the video did a decent job, I still prefer Jimmy Hendricks rendition hands down.

As for being PC, I have gotten to a place in my life that I don't worry about such crap. Had to do it somewhat while I was in the Navy but no more.

09-21-2012, 11:49 PM
As for being PC, I have gotten to a place in my life that I don't worry about such crap. Had to do it somewhat while I was in the Navy but no more.

I'm glad I served my 13 years before it became the Corporate "PC" Navy. I don't think I could have survived that environment.

09-22-2012, 12:21 AM
Although the youngsters in the video did a decent job, I still prefer Jimmy Hendricks rendition hands down.

As for being PC, I have gotten to a place in my life that I don't worry about such crap. Had to do it somewhat while I was in the Navy but no more.

+1. I can agree with both statements above.

Chief Joseph
09-22-2012, 12:40 AM
I am not calling you uncivilized. I am sorry if my post was construed as such. I thought the empty chair at the convention was clever but when it was "lynched", I thought that was uncivilized. Just because we are free to say whatever we want doesnt mean it is right to do so. There are social limits that our society should hold to. We all seem to want less government in our lives; therefore, we must be able to govern ourselves to some degree too. I think we should have some respect in the way we go about things otherwise we are sending a clear message to our youth that nothing matters. The symbolic lynching goes far beyond disagreeing with the president. I hope you see it that way too.

I'm finding myself appreciating the "uncivilized" attitudes from the right. It's about time. We've had these violent scumbag occupy losers committing all sorts of violent crime and places like here in portland bending over backwards and breaking every law SUPPORTING their anti American slime, in addition to this loser of a president who came out in support of them. And now watching this scumbag of a president and his WHOLE PARTY sell our Constitution down the river to appease a bunch of American killing neanderthals who will never be appeased until we're all dead. It's time to fight, not whimper. I'm positive if nobama could, he'd round up a bunch of Americans and send to the middle east so they could kill them, to make them happy. And we all know the racial makeup of those he'd be willing to sacrifice. If you want proof, there a videos of ows members stating as matter of fact they were happy about the recent killings at the embassy.

09-22-2012, 07:46 AM
The more you watch what's going on with this ******** the more I think Romney is going to run away with this election, despite the polls. Reagan was losing the polls too. I don't know why but I feel American's aren't THAT stupid to think this guy is better than Romney.
Look for a stunning upset....

09-22-2012, 09:40 AM
oh I hope ur so so so right..Just sayin

09-22-2012, 10:59 AM
Me too brothers and sisters, I sure hope your right.

There's a tremendous amount of stupid in this country, more than I can comprehend.

09-22-2012, 11:58 AM
Downtown, I hope you're not whistling past the graveyard, America's graveyard, but it's hard to be optimistic with the campaign that the Republicans are running. It was the same with Bush 41's second and of course, McCain. It's so hard when you have to stick to the truth and not lie about everything like the Dems.

09-22-2012, 12:23 PM
The more you watch what's going on with this ******** the more I think Romney is going to run away with this election, despite the polls. Reagan was losing the polls too. I don't know why but I feel American's aren't THAT stupid to think this guy is better than Romney.
Look for a stunning upset....

I think the polls are lying as much as the liberal media. They always oversample the Democrats. But even Fox News and a couple of the other good polls are showing simply astounding stupidity out there! Who are the 49% who still approve of his foreign policy??? :mad:

09-23-2012, 07:42 AM
I am not calling you uncivilized. I am sorry if my post was construed as such. I thought the empty chair at the convention was clever but when it was "lynched", I thought that was uncivilized. Just because we are free to say whatever we want doesnt mean it is right to do so. There are social limits that our society should hold to. We all seem to want less government in our lives; therefore, we must be able to govern ourselves to some degree too. I think we should have some respect in the way we go about things otherwise we are sending a clear message to our youth that nothing matters. The symbolic lynching goes far beyond disagreeing with the president. I hope you see it that way too.

I wouldn't call it uncivilized, but it was a bit over the top. Hanging in effigy is more a practice of the leftist elite

09-23-2012, 07:57 AM
I'm glad I served my 13 years before it became the Corporate "PC" Navy. I don't think I could have survived that environment.

You wouldn't have made it in the modern Navy. I recently attended a ships reunion. As a part of the reunion we attended a graduation of new recruits at the Great Lakes Navel Training Center. A hitch in the Navy is six year minimum commitment. You have to have a college degree to get in. It's a no nonsense Navy. One tattoo and your out. Come back to the ship or base drunk and your out. Use drugs, out. Sexual harassment, out. And, you're discharged under less than honorable conditions. These kids take their jobs very seriously. It ain't your daddy's Navy anymore.

les strat
09-23-2012, 12:19 PM
I think the polls are lying as much as the liberal media. They always oversample the Democrats. But even Fox News and a couple of the other good polls are showing simply astounding stupidity out there! Who are the 49% who still approve of his foreign policy??? :mad:

Spot on. Remember Carter had Reagan by a large margin in "the polls" and the media. There are enough Americans that are tired of working and paying taxes trying to make ends meet and watching an out of control govt piss all their taxes away and want more. Time to clean house.

And I am not a hardcore republican. If Romney wins and continues with the progressive big govt stuff which modern republicans can be just as guilty of, I'll be ready to toss him too.

09-23-2012, 12:32 PM
You wouldn't have made it in the modern Navy. I recently attended a ships reunion. As a part of the reunion we attended a graduation of new recruits at the Great Lakes Navel Training Center. A hitch in the Navy is six year minimum commitment. You have to have a college degree to get in. It's a no nonsense Navy. One tattoo and your out. Come back to the ship or base drunk and your out. Use drugs, out. Sexual harassment, out. And, you're discharged under less than honorable conditions. These kids take their jobs very seriously. It ain't your daddy's Navy anymore.

ain't no fun anymore. I spent 4 weeks in Great Lakes Navel hospi9tal before I was discharged. I worked at 5th army headquarters about 10 miles from GL hopsital back in the 60's. I was in durng christmas and was visited by Miss Illinois. Made my nipples and other parts hard, so I knew I was on the mend..

09-23-2012, 02:58 PM
You wouldn't have made it in the modern Navy. I recently attended a ships reunion. As a part of the reunion we attended a graduation of new recruits at the Great Lakes Navel Training Center. A hitch in the Navy is six year minimum commitment. You have to have a college degree to get in. It's a no nonsense Navy. One tattoo and your out. Come back to the ship or base drunk and your out. Use drugs, out. Sexual harassment, out. And, you're discharged under less than honorable conditions. These kids take their jobs very seriously. It ain't your daddy's Navy anymore.

Nothing of what you say would be a problem. I have a BS and JD, [only a BS when I served] no tattoos, I don't drink or take anything stronger than an aspirin, [or APC] and I don't think sexual harassment would be a problem. It's the attitude that grates on me. It's hard to explain, but it's like no individuals allowed. Everyone is the same shade of gray, or blue, or whatever colour they're wearing today. I don't think I could conform to that environment. I'm not a conformist.

I attended an USNA reunion a few years ago, and the consensus of my old classmates was about the same. A lot had stayed until retirement in the late eighties or nineties, and they hated the last ten or twelve years.

09-24-2012, 12:11 PM
I really liked that bands version of The Star Spangled Banner....The song along with the video had me stoked and a little teary eyed and I give it two thumbs up...Thanks for posting that Jocko...

Now not all versions and performances of the National Anthem done by a so called modern star are proper and respectful at all....I'm thinking of that washed up freakazoid Steven Tyler's version of the SSB he tried to sing at last years Super Bowl game...That hurt my ears to listen to and sounded more like two tom cats in a running cloths dryer than a song and IMO whoever thought that he should be the one to sing our National Anthem should of had his or hers ars kicked...

09-24-2012, 01:19 PM
Tyler is IMO an idiot that his time has passed him by a long time ago, only he is to fokking ignorant to realize it. and trust me, haveu ever seen an uglier man. ( I think he is a man, ain't he). Just sayin

09-24-2012, 01:39 PM
Had to look him up, didn't know who he was. You are right seriously ugly dude. Looks familiar. Wasn't he in some band? Led Zeppelin or The Bee Gees' or something, back when the Beatles were toddlers.

09-24-2012, 05:04 PM
I really liked that bands version of The Star Spangled Banner....The song along with the video had me stoked and a little teary eyed and I give it two thumbs up...Thanks for posting that Jocko...

Now not all versions and performances of the National Anthem done by a so called modern star are proper and respectful at all....I'm thinking of that washed up freakazoid Steven Tyler's version of the SSB he tried to sing at last years Super Bowl game...That hurt my ears to listen to and sounded more like two tom cats in a running cloths dryer than a song and IMO whoever thought that he should be the one to sing our National Anthem should of had his or hers ars kicked...

I have no idea who Steven Tyler is and I'm not interested enough to look him up. I'll have to agree with a previous poster though that Whitney Houston did a great job at a Super Bowl some years ago. I even have a video of that one. Too bad it won't be repeated.

09-24-2012, 05:20 PM
trust me u don't want to see a p;hoto of Tyler. Whitney just did an outstanding job with that. Her voice is just perfect for that also. Take one of your corvets and run it into a brick wall, it will then look like sh!t , wn't it. now u have a good picture of Tyler..only u can fix ther corvette. Just sayhin

09-24-2012, 05:27 PM
Steven Tyler is the lead singer (or screamer however you want to put it) for the rock group Aerosmith....He is also a judge on one of those American Idol or X factor type of shows...I am pretty sure that he is living proof that humans and monkeys must have mated in the past to create a strange new sub species and it amazes me what some people think of as talent...

He!! I'm still trying to figure out who the Kardashians are and where they came from, what possible talent they possess and why they are the least bit rich and famous...I really think people and television shows like this are some of the reason the middle east Muslims hate the west so much because they believe all Americans are like they see on pure trash shows such as Jersey Shores and the like...

09-24-2012, 05:44 PM
He!! I'm still trying to figure out who the Kardashians are and where they came from, what possible talent they possess and why they are the least bit rich and famous...

The three train wreck Kardashians are daughters of a dead rich and famous lawyer.
Robert George Kardashian (February 22, 1944 – September 30, 2003) was an American attorney and businessman.
He gained national recognition as O. J. Simpson's friend and defense attorney during the latter's 1995 murder trial.