View Full Version : What does "reworked trigger bar" mean?

09-22-2012, 09:45 AM
First off, hello to all. I'm on several gunboards with the same moniker, but new here. Have owned Kahr products on and off since the first K9 came out back in the early 90's.

I bought a NIB CW45 and took it home to break her in. Started having trigger reset issues. Got a FedEx call-tag from Kahr and sent it in. Got it back the other day and will run some more rounds through today to see if it warrants CCW.

On the sheet that came with it from Kahr they had done two main things. One was to polish the feed ramp (and looked like the hood area too). The other was "reworked ttrigger bar", which I assume was the solution to the trigger reset issue.

So, what does that mean? Why not just replace the trigger bar? What has been the cause of these trigger reset issues I've read about (not just with the 45 model either)?

My buddy is a gunsmith and he surmises that the mag, when loaded, presses against the trigger bar and retards the forward movement of it for reset.

09-22-2012, 09:50 AM
hard to say what reworked the trigger bar really means. Not sure kahr will tellu in detail what they did either. The thing now is to be sure it is OK. . The mag when loaded shoulod not touch or be near that trigger bar, so if it was touching, then they did something in that area... Maybe also what they did to the barrel hood helped some to. for if the gun is the slightest bit out of time, even though we cannot see it, the gun will light strike..

09-22-2012, 09:57 AM
I REALLY hope the problem has been rectified. Will find out in a couple of hours and post the results back here. Keeping fingers crossed.......

09-22-2012, 11:01 AM
Could be as simple as a rough spot that needed a little polishing, or as you mentioned a little tweak for clearance. There's not much there to warrant a major makeover.

09-22-2012, 11:20 AM
ABNAK, you assume that an off the line trigger bar goes into a new pistol without any fitting at all. I have no direct knowledge, but it could be that there is some fitting done at the factory during assembly, or at least fits are checked, and corrected as need be during factory assembly. So if they re-fit the trigger bar, whats the problem?

But rework... could be anything. I have a long standing idea that "trigger bar problems" are not due to trigger bars at all. Reason being, is that all the pistols are test fired. If there was a problem, you'd see it right then. How do they occur shortly thereafter? I suspect poly frame fragments - part of the wear in process - are the culprit. Those feather edges and little whiskers of poly... may begin to rub off, get where they need not be, get stuck there... That could also be designated as rework of the trigger bar.

Either way, you now have a hand-fit pistol... so go shoot it!

09-22-2012, 12:27 PM
Welcome to the forum! :) There is a wealth of valuable information in the New Member Area (http://kahrtalk.com/forumdisplay.php?f=56) and the Kahr-Tech (http://kahrtalk.com/forumdisplay.php?f=27) sections of the forum.

09-22-2012, 02:20 PM
Welcome to the forum from a native Tennesseean.

On your CW45 trigger reset issue, I had the same problem. I reworked my own trigger bar. What was happening with mine was I had to let the trigger flick forward in order to get a reset if the gun was the slightest bit warm. the problem was the trigger bar had a sharp edge where it met the c0cking cam, causing it not to move up and reset. I smoothed it our myself and have had ZERO problems since. also I LOVE this gun too.

09-22-2012, 04:23 PM
I remember when u did tha to, my hat was off toyou. I normally would not sufggestr a person to go into deppth that much, but u knew where u were going. That was a nice job. Kahr probalby would have just replaced the trigger bar. That was a really nice job..

09-22-2012, 11:00 PM
Put 100 rounds through it today. About half were WWB 230gr FMJ and the other half a mix of HST +P, standard pressure HST, Gold Dot Short Barrel, and a few old MagSafe frangible loads.

No trigger reset issues! Had two failures to eject but both were with the WWB ammo (not as concerned as I won't be carrying those anyway). No problems with the "premium" ammo.

All in all? So far so good! In fact, after a thorough cleaning I CCW'd it the rest of the day with the standard pressure HST loads.

Way I figure it I had ~ 50rds downrange before sending it to Kahr, then 100 today, so I'm still around 50 more from passing the 200rd break-in phase.

09-23-2012, 07:33 AM
its broke in when u feel it is broke in. some take longer to build ones confidence, some 5 rounds later it is felt good to go. The gun will tell you basically when it is good to go to. Four sure it must be reliable with good defense ammo, that is what u got the gun for. It should be reliable with all ammo but sh!t happens to, There is noramlly a reason why range type priced ammo is so so much lower in price. Accept that and ur OK.

Any IMO most of all accept the fact that sometimes the shooter can also fokk up.

09-23-2012, 08:37 PM
It just gets better and better. I would bet even the WWB 45 will work out in a bit. my cw45 was tight but it smoothed out real nice. The oldest son comes in about a week and we'll take it out and shoot it some more.