View Full Version : Wat happens with Liberal Judges and Legislatures

09-23-2012, 05:35 AM
If you really want to see just how stupid this is you gotta got to this site and Scroll Down and Click on the NJ License Plate. VERY Scary Very entertaining Very Sad. It easier to be the criminal....
video link:


Chief Joseph
09-23-2012, 10:46 AM
It's truly sad, and the disconnect from the left that if they trash the 1st and 2nd Amendments we'll still have constitutional protections at all. Once these democRAT politicians successfully do away with them, add in the 49% who live off government handouts, they'll have full control over us and that's it, the USA is over.

09-23-2012, 10:50 AM
Well, Obama is getting ready to speak against the 1A at the U.N., ising that film as his justification! :mad:

09-23-2012, 10:51 AM
Un-freaking-believable! One more reason to never spend a cent in NJ.

Yogi 117
09-23-2012, 10:54 AM
It is truly amazing to me that the "LEFT" thinks all bad guys will jump in line to obey stricter gun laws! Truly AMAZING! :mad:

les strat
09-23-2012, 12:27 PM
Ok. So this tiny youtube clip caused theis uproar. Yeah right. Anyway. What the heck will they do when this high-production Hollywood movie comes out that I've been hearing about that is touting Obama and the killing of OBL? Will the dems be about silencing it as well, even though it is to maker BO look like a hero? We'll see.

We are living in scary times with dictators rising on our own soil. And half of the population is too stupid to see it.

09-23-2012, 04:21 PM
It is truly amazing to me that the "LEFT" thinks all bad guys will jump in line to obey stricter gun laws! Truly AMAZING! :mad:

Everyone knows a criminal is one that Breaks Laws..... So king Bloomberg want more laws that they can disobey , Kinda stupid, No?:target:

09-23-2012, 04:23 PM
Ok. So this tiny youtube clip caused theis uproar. Yeah right. Anyway. What the heck will they do when this high-production Hollywood movie comes out that I've been hearing about that is touting Obama and the killing of OBL? Will the dems be about silencing it as well, even though it is to maker BO look like a hero? We'll see.

We are living in scary times with dictators rising on our own soil. And half of the population is too stupid to see it.
A True leader would have said " We unlike you, have a free Speech Amendment" So F- Off!
Instead he spent $70k to advertise his disgust with religious intolerance!

09-28-2012, 04:33 PM
If you really want to see just how stupid this is you gotta got to this site and Scroll Down and Click on the NJ License Plate. VERY Scary Very entertaining Very Sad. It easier to be the criminal....
video link:


It would seem to me that this law discriminates against minorities and is designed to suppress minority gun ownership. You should take this complaint to the ACLU or NRA, which ever organization you feel would do you the most good.