View Full Version : PM9 Issue today. What could be the problem?

09-23-2012, 11:21 AM
I went to the range today with my PM9. This is my primary carry weapon and am very concerned. I pulled it out of my holster, pulled the trigger and nothing! pulled out the mag, unchambered the round reloaded and still no bang. Cleared the weapon, racked the slide several times, tried to dryfire and it worked but I had to put ALOT of pressure on the trigger after all of the slack was out.

I field stripped it, put it back together and while the striker would get released it would only do it with alot of pressure. The trigger didn't feel like it met resistance anywhere but it would not break until the very end with an extra amount of pressure.

I dissassembled it again and it then began to function normally. What could be the problem. If I would have needed it in an emergency I would have been in big trouble. The gun was clean and Im positive I did a function check the last time I cleaned it. I do appendix carry and pressure is put on the gun while carrying it when I sit down or bend over. Has anyone had this problem or is it a known issue? After having little problems with my P380 and now this one I'm kinda bummed.

09-23-2012, 11:41 AM
is the striker channel spiffy clean??? I would at least if not done before take the slide apart and the striker channel itself and really make sur eit is clean. Strange that allof a sudden it started to work correctly. also kinda hard to fix what ain't broke, so I would at leat give the striker channel a good going over and retest.

Pressure where u carry had nadda to do with what ur having, so IMO it is a gun issue, not a user issue. why it is I don't know but it could be in the trigger bar area and that is sumpin that kahr needs to look at. If u can duplicate it again, call kahr and ask for Jay and explain, ..

09-23-2012, 11:52 AM
Thanks Jocko. It's functioning fine now and did not have the problem again. Im gonna shoot it some more and see what happens.

09-23-2012, 12:06 PM
Double check the reassembly instructions and watch a video if you can. I am guessing the problem was making some kind of mistake when you put it back togather after cleaning.

09-23-2012, 12:12 PM
Thanks Jocko. It's functioning fine now and did not have the problem again. Im gonna shoot it some more and see what happens.

good and as a precaution use that little cleanout hole on thebottom of ur slide to spray clean that striker channel, as no need to take it all apart then, spray away and fluids should come out the back, breech face, u can't urt nadda either. NO OIL in there..

09-23-2012, 12:58 PM
Double check the reassembly instructions and watch a video if you can. I am guessing the problem was making some kind of mistake when you put it back togather after cleaning.

I'm not saying that your wrong but I don't think thats the issue because I did a function check after the last cleaning and all was well. I also field stripped it and put it back together while at the range and the problem persisted….