09-23-2012, 06:08 PM
I have a pond bank on my property to use as a shooting range so I fired off 60 reloads today with both the 6 round mag and the 7 round mag. I had no problems of any kind, everything was perfect. I just love this gun. It is my belt carry concealed gun and I trust my life on it. It is indeed a masterpiece of all guns. I can't say enough praise of this gun. :D:D
My reloads were mixed cases, 4.7 grains of 231 and Barrys 115 gr round nose plated with remmington small pistol primers. :target:
My reloads were mixed cases, 4.7 grains of 231 and Barrys 115 gr round nose plated with remmington small pistol primers. :target: