View Full Version : Wifey Making Progress

09-23-2012, 08:01 PM
This afternoon she practiced shooting one-handed from close to her purse.

Notice she was careful not to hold the gun too close to her left forearm.

Next session she's going to actually shoot from inside an old purse just to know what that experience is like.

CW9 w/CT laser (she trains with the sights, but the laser does help show any trigger jerk or movement)
Good trigger discipline and keeping the muzzle at an angle away from her feet!

Two vids

One-handed, raise and shoot (she wanted to try headshots after getting bored with CM)

One-hand, close to body


Yogi 117
09-23-2012, 08:13 PM
Excellent for the Mrs, looks like she's picking up SD Shooting real well. Keep up the good work! :D

09-23-2012, 09:37 PM
Thats awesome! Love to see her training, learning, and becoming more confident with the gun! Don't mess with that woman!
(just cause I noticed.... whats with the little head flip after every shot in the one hand raise and shoot vid?)

09-23-2012, 09:52 PM
Thats awesome! Love to see her training, learning, and becoming more confident with the gun! Don't mess with that woman!
(just cause I noticed.... whats with the little head flip after every shot in the one hand raise and shoot vid?)

Thanks, and I'm sure glad she's getting better at being able to defend herself.

She loves her Kahr now and doesn't even notice the recoil or muzzle blast!

"ponytail shake":madgrin:

She's learning to only focus on one shot at a time, and that's her way of moving from the last one to the next one.

When she saw the vid she was embarrassed since she didn't know she was doing it. :D

09-23-2012, 10:40 PM
oops, I didnt mean to call her out about it. Thats actually a great idea though. tell her not to feel embarrassed... I think Im actually going to steal the idea it seems like a good way to "reset" between shots.

09-23-2012, 11:02 PM
I love the pony tail shake, I incorporate that all the time myself.

I suggest planting a seed in her head that the target did something she really would not be happy about. Slam her cats tail in the door, do something to basically get her mad dog mad.

A little more aggressiveness. She's got the style, now make it aggressive.

Be sure and tell her we're all real proud of her and she's doing awesome.

09-24-2012, 09:35 AM

I'll pass on the encouragement.

And just so you know, my wife is VERY intentional.

She will not be a lamb and will not submit to an aggressor.

This is only her second session with the CW9, and shooting with aggressive/defensive attitude is on the lesson plan.

Right now she's building gun handling skills, confidence, and accuracy.

Yesterday I didn't need to tell her a single thing about operating the Kahr.

Well, she did have one instance of the slide not going into full battery (I think her slingshot of the slide was somehow inadequate).

I showed her how to quickly tap the back of the slide.

It happened one more time, and she tapped it again like a champ.

She's already learned to clear a FTL which was a part of her first range experience.

What a gal!

09-24-2012, 10:07 AM
Indeed what a gal. It's great that she wants to learn and get proficient. She's already further along than most men or woman.

I'm gonna take her lead (hope she doesn't mind) and shoot out of one of my old purses:rolleyes:, that could be right handy. We all think of it but few actually try it. Or a coat pocket for that matter.

09-30-2012, 02:38 PM
THATS GREAT! btw way, inside the purse she should expect a single shot then remove from purse and rack the slide for a fresh round.....

while the gun wont always fail to cycle properly, its a good mind set to train that way.

09-30-2012, 03:33 PM
I love the pony tail shake, I incorporate that all the time myself.

I suggest planting a seed in her head that the target did something she really would not be happy about. Slam her cats tail in the door, do something to basically get her mad dog mad.

A little more aggressiveness. She's got the style, now make it aggressive.

Be sure and tell her we're all real proud of her and she's doing awesome.

salammng some innocent cats tail in the door,how about just tellin her ur gonna vote for obummer. That outta piss her off big time and might just get ur asskicked out the door. Just sayin:smash: