View Full Version : Went To The Denver Gun Show Today....

09-23-2012, 08:11 PM
I think something's wrong with me. Went to the Denver gun show today. Been interested in the SIG P938 since they were announced. Finally got to handle one. Didn't like it at all. Saw an NAA Wasp I liked. Would have made a nice add-on to my NAA collection but it was overpriced. A lot of nice older firearms but those aren't on my agenda right now. So, got bored and left early...was there less than an hour. Did buy some primers.

09-23-2012, 09:28 PM
Some shows are like that, I'm hopeful that the Ft. Worth show next weekend is a good one...
We will see.

09-24-2012, 03:14 AM
I have 2 p238's and have handled the p938 and like you was not really impressed with it for me that overall gun (real close in size and design to p238) makes a better 380. For the price $750 I'll keep my mk9.

MW surveyor
09-24-2012, 05:35 AM
Yeah, a lot of them are like this.

09-24-2012, 06:14 AM
Some shows are like that, I'm hopeful that the Ft. Worth show next weekend is a good one...
We will see.

I was in town for the winter show there it was crazy. Folks buying like a bs
An e
Was coming the next day. I felt folks weren't getting any deals, though mostly lgs selling at regular retail. I did score a nice gallo gun belt for $40 and ate some local goodies:o

09-24-2012, 06:28 AM
Wish we had GOOD gun shows here. We never have anything good and very over-priced.

09-24-2012, 07:18 AM
last 3 area gun shows I went to , I did make a few buys. I think I had a hot dog with relish and a large diet pepsi. Oh yea, theguns were therre and they were there when I walked out the door. I think I beat ITXI's time by about 30 minutes, course it was a small show to. They ain't what they used to be, for me that is four sure...

Dman it is 32 degree here in Indiana today and now I have to breakout some warmer riding gear for my daily trek for coffee of 24 miles one way. I would n'thave it any other way though... Live is still good.

09-24-2012, 07:21 AM
Haven't been to a gun show in a few weeks.
Next one is late October I think?

My new HK P2K 357 LEM is unbelievable.
I'm so enamored I've inquired about getting her twin sister.

Yup, I've go it bad - LOL!

09-24-2012, 09:10 AM
last gunshow i went to was two years ago in Montgomery...paid $8.00 to get in and look at woodworking crafts, beef jerky by the gallon, grandpa's attick was cleaned out and on display by most venders, a few biker and n a z i paraphernalia, lots of stun guns, over priced "cheap" guns, and not a whole lot of good guns. ammo was no better than wal-mart prices.....

09-24-2012, 10:21 AM
We're blessed each month with a fairly large gunshow right here in town and one about an hour away that is 3 or 4 times larger. I rarely go to that one and try to only go when I have lots of loot which is why I rarely go.

I find that the prices on the tags pretty much are for the casual passer by and folks that don't do their homework or for those that really don't deserve to own the gun in the first place.

Many sellers especially old collectable type stuff want money but they also want a good home for their guns.

I find being a regular and going consistently every month the sellers are quick to come out with a much lower realistic price, especially if it's something pretty old or different. Knowing most of the regular table holders I can also say well Chuck has the same thing on his table for a 100 less. Kind of create a bidding or selling war so to speak. Of course that all relies on funds in the wallet which is a rare thing lately too.

I still love to look and come away with ideas of stuff to do to what I already got..

09-24-2012, 10:33 AM
I went to our "lesser" one here this past Saturday... the start of Fall!

Temps in the mid 60's this morning... even at 9am!

It seems like the vendors buy their ammo at Wal-Mart and then jack the prices up!

I'm sure they pay less for their ammo, but charging more than Wal-Mart or some RETAIL stores is crazy... and why I buy my ammo online at the lowest prices, low or free shipping and NO Tax... so far... on out of state purchases.

It's the same for guns... guys with prices $100 higher than Shooters... local store... for the "C" models... usually $349.99 for ANY "C" Kahr! I see prices at $499.99 to $550 for the CM9... at the same show!! That's an insane amount of built in "haggle" price.


09-24-2012, 06:07 PM
I have 2 p238's and have handled the p938 and like you was not really impressed with it for me that overall gun (real close in size and design to p238) makes a better 380. For the price $750 I'll keep my mk9.

Having been raised on 1911 pattern semi autos, my P238 is what got me interested in, excited about the potential of a 9mm version. Unfortunately, the 938 felt clumsy and unbalanced and the right side of the ambi safety was digging at my hand just handling it. So, for cc 9mm guns I will remain blissfully content with my PM9 and 940 J-frame...and a fatter wallet.

The Tanner gun show in Denver has been around a long, long time and has an always full 700 tables. There are a couple/three dealers with quite decent prices and others will negotiate. Also a goodly amount of regular private sale folks trading in used, oldies but goodies. It's also a good place for parts, mags, and reloading components.

My problem at the moment is apathy. Other than a Wasp at an acceptable price I just can't think of any more guns I want. Ok, a short barrel M34 Smith would be really nice, but other than that....

09-24-2012, 06:10 PM
Your a lucky guy, myself other than a Kel Tec or a Jimenez I can't think of a gun I don't want.

09-24-2012, 06:46 PM
I'd say HiPoint, but they actually make functionally useful handgun caliber carbines.

Maybe I do need one of those in 9mm.

09-24-2012, 08:23 PM
Naw, add them to my list. I've held them. Didn't like em.

09-24-2012, 08:38 PM
Good to know. Now even less need for another gun.

I think I've discovered the proper apathy number for someone my age is >50 firearms

09-24-2012, 10:09 PM
Seems like the last three or four gun shows I've been to, it's the same sellers, same high prices, and I go home empty handed again. I understand everybody wants to make a couple of bucks, but when they are asking damn near retail prices on everything, why bother ? Why not just go to lgs,and get a new one, with a warranty.

09-25-2012, 10:10 AM
Agreed that too many sellers at todays Gunshows are selling at retail prices.
I will be looking for some parts for a project 1911 and for a good deal on S&W 36 Airweight as my follow on project. I would love a round butt-ed 36 but all I'm finding Is square butt-ed. My other problem has been all the old airweights I'm finding fall into two catagories, Beautiful 98% collectables ($$$) and overpriced, shot out and rusty junk. Need one in the middle, tight but holster worn for a fair price...
At this point the search is the all the fun. Get to meet the nicest folks on the quest, so I'm in no hurry.;)

09-25-2012, 10:49 AM
Seems like the last three or four gun shows I've been to, it's the same sellers, same high prices, and I go home empty handed again. I understand everybody wants to make a couple of bucks, but when they are asking damn near retail prices on everything, why bother ? Why not just go to lgs,and get a new one, with a warranty.

Exactly! :mad: And you don't have to pay $8 to get into the LGS. Plus, you know where to find him if something is wrong when you get it home.

09-25-2012, 10:54 AM
That's one nice thing about our two monthly shows, both run by the same group. Parking is free, admission is free, all it cost is gas and pogy bait for Spyer Tattoo my chief head of security, plus any damage incurred at the tables.

Oh and medical bills if I buy anything.