View Full Version : Cheap and Easy IWB?

09-27-2012, 08:43 AM
Reminds me of my old g/f's. :o

CM9 w/CT

Looking for something comfortable against bare skin (too hot for undershirts 9 months out of the year here in SETX).

EASY to remove and reinstall.

No snaps, loops, fumble around parts, etc.

Who makes a good "stick and go" IWB?

09-27-2012, 09:20 AM
Pjholsters.com. not sure if he makes one for the ct, but he makes great products that a lot of the guys here use, so wouldn't hurt to see if he can make one for the ct. Pauls a good guy to work with. Just my .02 YMMV

09-27-2012, 09:38 AM
Remora Holsters!

He makes a regular and one with a "sweat shield". Have one for my PM40 w/CT and like the clip-less design. https://www.remoraholsterstore.com

I also use a DeSantis Super Fly pocket holster for pocket and have been known to use for an IWB holster in a similar fashion to the Remora concept.

The tackier side on both holsters exterior grip the waistband with a slicker interior work very well for my purposes.

09-27-2012, 09:42 AM
Thanks. I have the desantis, but I don't think I can live with the sticky against bare pudge roll. Might have to settle for the soft Uncle Mike's with the clip.

09-27-2012, 10:45 AM
Pjholsters.com. not sure if he makes one for the ct, but he makes great products that a lot of the guys here use, so wouldn't hurt to see if he can make one for the ct. Pauls a good guy to work with. Just my .02 YMMV

+1. Guys have said that the kydex is comfortable against bare skin, but if you want to make it even more comfortable stick some moleskin to the back of it.

Yogi 117
09-27-2012, 11:38 AM
+1. Guys have said that the kydex is comfortable against bare skin, but if you want to make it even more comfortable stick some moleskin to the back of it.
Yesterday afternoon, I wore the CM9 IWB clip on PJHolster against my skin @ 4 o'clock for about 4-5 hours. No problems whatsoever. Man, what a light & easy to use IWB holster. Glad I finally got one. :D

09-27-2012, 12:58 PM
Just snagged the easy, cheap Uncle Mikes (Size 0) until I can get a Mitch Rosen
Workman Express made to fit the CT laser.

Rosen - tuckable

09-27-2012, 04:13 PM
I was gonna say a uncle mikes or a blackhawk. they are cheap and work fairly good. But I would invest in a top of the line holster. I here tucker gun leather is good.

09-27-2012, 05:31 PM
My Silent Thunder is very cool against the summer skin. I thought it might cause sticky sweat but it felt cooler than the areas around it. Very quick to place and remove.

09-27-2012, 05:53 PM
I too have high praise for the Silent Thunder. I have one for my Cbob and one for my PM45. I've been using them almost exclusively since they started making me leave the belt gun in the car. Easy on, easy off, I love the leather on the gun and the bomb proofness of the kydex shell.

That being said I have a PJ for the Cbob that works pretty nice also. I use it for full size 1911's but have thought of cutting it down as it would be even more comfy at commander length.

10-11-2012, 10:16 PM
Just snagged the easy, cheap Uncle Mikes (Size 0) until I can get a Mitch Rosen
Workman Express made to fit the CT laser.

Ditto on the Uncle Mikes holster...I have one that I use as an appendix carry. Cheap and works great!

les strat
10-12-2012, 08:42 AM
Also look into Bearcreek holsters (http://www.bearcreekholsters.com/). Doug makes some nice comfy holsters at great prices.

sas PM9
10-12-2012, 08:49 AM
Reminds me of my old g/f's. :o

CM9 w/CT

Looking for something comfortable against bare skin (too hot for undershirts 9 months out of the year here in SETX).

EASY to remove and reinstall.

No snaps, loops, fumble around parts, etc.

Who makes a good "stick and go" IWB?


I'm using this for my PM9/CT.



10-12-2012, 11:09 AM
I use a pj holster with my pm 9. I can wear it up to 16 hours a day. Never notice it against my skin. Feels better than leather and does not cause me to sweat at all.

10-12-2012, 11:39 AM
I have the PJ and the Silent Thunder. Both are great. The PJ's win hands down in the comfort category. I now own of them for each of my carry guns.

10-12-2012, 08:31 PM
I'm just going to try using my old, worn Smartcarry like the ActiveProGear unit.
It's not for everyone, but I've carried with it for over 10 years.
Here with a D frame Colt

ActiveProGear rig

(sending mine back...it's just not working for me)

Wore the SmartCarry out to dinner tonight, and so far so good.

Just pulled it up across my chest. Not too tight, but tight enough.

For cooler, "undershirt" weather this just might work.

Bought a couple long sleeve, cool weather shirts by Woolrich with the fake button magnets. Easy access to a shoulder holster.

Carrying the Colt CCO IWB now, too.

CM9's a BUG

10-28-2012, 01:17 PM
Can't go wrong with Remora. I use mine against skin a lot...especially during two months of yr in Florida. Try one.

10-28-2012, 02:29 PM
I wore my Remora here in Vegas most of the summer. With a G26 12+1 or a K9 7+1. Shorts, jeans, dress pants, the magic sticky holster stayed put the whole day. Very impressed.

Worked great and I was a skeptic, but for the price, I figure what the hey!

10-28-2012, 07:08 PM
Galco makes a leather IWB holster that is very simple and non-bulky...

One model comes with a thumbbreak... if you don't like it, just trim it off. The other model comes with a reinforced opening so you can reholster.

On the left is the 'waistband IWB' as delivered w/my CW9, the right one was the 'waistband IWB' I modded to fit my Colt Gov't .380 by cutting off the thumbbreak. It stretched enough that I was able to use it for the CW9 when it replaced the Colt. My daughter's puppy further modified it as shown... and is the reason it was replaced.


10-28-2012, 07:16 PM
My Ace Case does the job.

11-10-2012, 11:15 PM
These have always been inexpensive, quality IWB holsters:
http://www.cheaperthandirt.com/product/2-PS035B, and no I don't own stock in cheaper than dirt!

11-11-2012, 06:40 PM
found out about this one yesterday during my CCDW class:


11-11-2012, 07:38 PM
IMO, that is a ripoff. You can buy a fully assembled holster just like that for that price.

11-11-2012, 07:54 PM
Sticky Holster, super comfortable.....and Imma picky.

11-19-2012, 05:49 PM
I have one of these: DeSantis Pro Stealth Ambidextrous Style N87....fits the CW9 pretty well...not sure on comfort because I don't carry yet....waiting on the permit.

11-19-2012, 06:37 PM
Thanks. I have the desantis, but I don't think I can live with the sticky against bare pudge roll. Might have to settle for the soft Uncle Mike's with the clip.

I have started using an Uncle Mikes holster too as of late. It's easy on, easy off! Just keep your belt snug to keep retention.

11-20-2012, 09:25 AM
Uncle Mike's. I think I paid like $12 bucks for one for my Glock 19.