View Full Version : K9 trigger swap

09-27-2012, 01:39 PM
I was looking at my CW9 trigger, and comparing it to my K9 trigger. Although slight, they are shaped slightly differently. Does anyone know if the trigger itself (not all the linkage) in a CW9 can be swapped into a K9?

08-10-2013, 09:44 PM
I recently renewed my interest in my K9, and quite some water has passed under since I last asked this question. Does anyone know if this will work?

08-11-2013, 07:25 AM
never heardof it being done or actually anyone stating there was a real difference. I would run that by Jay at kahr for the correct advice. I don't know if ur k9 has the elite trigger in it or the nypd trigger . I know the cw has th elite triggerin it, there could be a difference in that area where the hold is located that the trigger b ar snaps into.

Looks like sumpin that if it was my gun I would leave it alone. Your also goin from a all steel gun to a polymer frame gun, this could bring major differences inside that frame. Just sayin

08-11-2013, 11:57 AM
I've no definitive input for you ruchik as I don't have a current K9 trigger (installed the one I had in a buddy's older K9), but here's an early K9 trigger next to a current poly frame trigger (from a PM40):
As this is the trigger from the early K9 that I did the swap on, it would seem that the trigger axis pin holes are the same size between all three triggers