View Full Version : Is it me or my P380???

09-28-2012, 11:44 PM
Has anyone else expereanced issues with their P380 shooting tighter groups that their full sized handguns? At first I thought it was a fluke but I'm having trouble dismissing it any longer.

I was out shooting today, all by my self, and thought I could put this to rest but no, the darn P380 shot tighter than the rest of my guns. A few months ago at a buddy's shooting party it kind of struck me. We were shooting bowling pins at 8-9 yards. They were set on a sharp hill with 3 about a yard higher than the lower 3. We wait in line and take our turn to shoot them, after reseting them each time.

Plenty of hi-cap (normal 10-20 round) guns (shooters) wouldn't even hit all 6, and twice in a row I went up and knocked down 6 for 6 with the P380. One of my friends that only shoots rifle asked "what in the he__ are you shooting"?

Now of course that day I changed guns and couldn't repeat that prefomance. Best not to try.

Now to the question, is any other P380 plaged with this "issue"?

09-29-2012, 06:13 AM
Nice problem to have....
But I can't say I have the disease. I shoot the T40 best by far of my handguns, followed close by the T9 and MK9. P380 is good, but not THAT good. You must have found the magic grip hold! Nice

09-29-2012, 06:37 AM
My P380 shoots better than I am capable of shooting it, especially with my SD ammo.
It's accuracy is one of the reasons I feel safe and fine carrying a "lowly" 380. I do my part and my P380 will do it's part.;)

09-29-2012, 06:43 AM
Same with mine, it seems its just very easy to shoot and keep on target.

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09-29-2012, 06:46 AM
Has anyone else expereanced issues with their P380 shooting tighter groups that their full sized handguns? At first I thought it was a fluke but I'm having trouble dismissing it any longer.

I was out shooting today, all by my self, and thought I could put this to rest but no, the darn P380 shot tighter than the rest of my guns. A few months ago at a buddy's shooting party it kind of struck me. We were shooting bowling pins at 8-9 yards. They were set on a sharp hill with 3 about a yard higher than the lower 3. We wait in line and take our turn to shoot them, after reseting them each time.

Plenty of hi-cap (normal 10-20 round) guns (shooters) wouldn't even hit all 6, and twice in a row I went up and knocked down 6 for 6 with the P380. One of my friends that only shoots rifle asked "what in the he__ are you shooting"?

Now of course that day I changed guns and couldn't repeat that prefomance. Best not to try.

Now to the question, is any other P380 plaged with this "issue"?

Ihave passed that commenton many times on this fourm. I shoot my P380 alot better than my PM9. I have since the git go. Strange, have no idea whybut I do. It is the most accurate 380 I have ever owned. As u know whn th P380 is running like it should, there is none out there evenclose to it..:crazy:

09-29-2012, 10:55 AM
I don't call mine the "lil bastard" for nothing. My buddy commented the last time we went to shoot together and I was shooting my p380. He said "man you shoot that lil bastard pretty darn good. I just smiled. I too have no issues carrying the "lowly" 380.

09-29-2012, 10:58 AM
it is easy to shoot and stay on target..like Jocko said..when it runs right..there is no better 380 :).....mine had some day one issues...but rumor has it that i should have it back next week...kahrs 3 week turn around...I am hopeful that when it comes back it wants to be my best friend
sounds like you got a good one..keep it and shoot the heck out of it..and carry it every day

09-29-2012, 11:10 AM
I find that when my p380 is usable it shots much more accurate than my pm9. Now with my g23 they are about equal in tight groups. At least when I shoot it. I think the p380 is remarkably accurate.

09-29-2012, 11:55 PM
I shot a bunch of bottles today and was pretty happy with its accuracy.

09-30-2012, 08:38 AM
Less noise + less recoil ='s better better shooting. Granted that this equation doesn't match E=MC2, but it ain't bad for a guy with only a high school edumacation. :)